How do we stop the invasion?
How do we stop the invasion?
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By going back to fucking Jow Forums and then taking your own life you dunce
I think I see my cuz in that pic
Napalm strike
Then hang this tranny
inbred fucking buffoon don't @ me
reactionary scum sucking brainless mongoloids
America has been invading Latin America for over 60 years. It's too late.
I will play soccer with your dome, you little bitch. How dare you post on my board?
This guys got the correct idea
>People want a better life for themselves and due to circumstances beyond their control they will most likely have 0 chance to get into the United States legally at any time within the next 10 to 20 years, if at all
>Their response is to try to come anyway and take their chances, risking their lives in order to secure a better future for themselves and their families
>You, a most likely white male in the United States, decry this as an invasion and your response is to have them go fuck themselves because they're different
What's it like being so weak? Letting those above you define what you can and can't accept?
These people reject borders and just want a comfortable life. You will most likely never meet any of them.
Why are you so fucking stupid?
Truck of peace the horde
why don't you go welcome them you fat autist?
Let a few of them live with you in your own home.
because I'm not rich you moron
why doesn't drumpf let them have a few rooms at his shitty hotels? it's the least he can do.
If those were white South Africans I'd welcome them
Accept them in your own home, and pay for their food, and pay for their healthcare.
Oh what's that? You wont? of course you wont, you want other people to pay for while you feel virtuous on their behalf.
Because he doesn't want them in, unlike you.
Don't have any money? Then you don't get to decide what other people who made something out of their life have to do with theirs.
cuz you're human dogshit. trump would welcome them too, as would most GOP reps.
every single one of you needs to die. you are the open wound on the face of the planet. closing it means getting rid of you.
Why are you so mad all the time you impotent little man
No shit, they're actually useful and they wont have massive dysgenic effects.
do you really not get how badly this will affect our already shit job market
because you're the scum of the fucking earth? I am talking to literal ghouls and comic book villains. why shouldn't I be angry?
t. 14 year old
Some of us actually pay taxes kid.
Sounds like what you need in your life is to move to one of those brown shitholes. But no, you still want to live in those nice places these evil white supremacists built with their sweat and blood.
the job market is shit because the people who really want you to blame mexicans are the same people who shipped away all the jobs
I too support the kalergi plan! Mix races brothers and lose all racial distinction! Let us become one single race, the human race, mixed breeds are far superior to those inbred single breeds! Mixed supremacy now!
>sweat and blood
you mean slavery, cheap labor and colonialism?
BRRRRRRRT all along that road
No you're just talking to people just like you, you're imaging this fantasy scenario because you've been brainwashed by the media to think anyone who thinks right of you is the ultimate evil, yet you're overemotional, impotent and can literally do nothing against any of them except post on Jow Forums about it roflmao.
The idiots who have been breeding in an unsafe environment are to blame. Why are they so many? Because they keep on breeding.
Abort 80% of their children, prevent them from breeding and then you won't have an immigration problem in the next generation.
>But no, you still want to live in those nice places these evil white supremacists built with their sweat and blood.
lol. Most of america is a shithole though. They make tons of money exploiting Latin America though. So why shouldn't you let them in? It's only fair.
the problem isnt just letting them into our state lmao
its not that simple
Yeah exactly and I don't want those taxes wasted on little niggers or spics.
Nice reddit screencap from r/thedonald, if you want to have a discussion with one of those individuals maybe you should consider posting there instead.
And do consider letting all 50 000 of those little spics into your home.
>Instead of solving our incredible debt, we use our money to pay for people that will only make living conditions worse and who will outbreed productive people
you are most definitely not people
you are human shells at the very best. absolute primordial evil, condensed in the most smug and unapologetic form imaginable. not hating you would be a sign there's something wrong with my brain.
>human shell
That's you my man. That's literally you. At least a human can act in the face of evil. All you can do is just sit there. Whining and throwing a tantrum.
I actually think you're an undercover poltard trying to make liberals look as bad as possible lmao. No one can be this underage and edgy on purpose. Then again...
Oh jeez wizz a bunch of niggers had to pick cotton? Oh god I guess they're responsible for all those automobiles that were built, and the locomotives, the skyscrapers, the scientific research centers.
I guess whitey would never have built the atom bomb without the comfort food made possible with the coffee beans and sugar that was harvested by slaves a few hundreds years ago.
>They make tons of money exploiting Latin America though
OH YES, by, well. Hmmm, I am sure somehow they're doing that.
Well, you can't talk about anything that may be harvested or manufactured that as an argument, because Trump wants to bring most of that back to the US, and most of that manufacturing is done in asia.
motherfucker there's no coming back from this path you've gone on. the majority of people are against you and when the will of the people catches up to you no amount of military is gonna be able to protect you or that subhuman in the white house. there is only one way this thing ends.
>our incredible debt
Didn't seem to be a problem when Republicans needed to pay their donors with the tax bill.
>muh debt
>meanwhile America buys more billion dollar jets that don't work
Really makes you think.
I'll tell you exactly how it will end. 6 more years of Trump, and ass rage from the impotent little bugmen like you. Because none of you will ever do anything. Though I'd like to see it on the nightly news when one of you tries a mass shooting and ends up causing 13 injuries and 0 deaths.
What's the big deal? I thought you wanted whites to breed more, thus bringing more people into America. Now they don't have to and they are free to choose to have children or not.
Oh yes, did nate carbon tell you that the democrats are going to sweep the house and senate in November? Are all the pussyhaters going to clench their fist (with their thumb snuggly inside of it), raise it in the air and start a REVOLUTION? Without guns? Without the support of the military? Or the police?
You guys make me shake in fear.
where do you think the debt comes from lol?
>through no fault of their own
I gaurantee you every single one of these ogres voted for more free shit that socialists offered and then wondered why everything went to hell in handbasket
these mouthbreathers are not only their own problem, but they're too stupid to realize it
>want white people to breed more = want more 80IQ spiclets coming in the country illegally, a country already crippled by debt and that simply cannot sustain a ever growing number of dependents.
what kind of retarded pilpul you pulled off to make that idiotic connection?
>risking their lives
>You, a most likely white male in the United States
What's it like being knees deep into identity politics nigger?
>Didn't seem to be a problem when Republicans needed to pay their donors with the tax bill.
And why would that be exactly? Maybe trowing money in the burn pile is always a bad idea, no matter who is responsible. Just trowing that out there.
Overwhelmingly social security, so boomers and nonwhites. Military comes in second or third and that has to be cut as well.
Does anyone actually want Trump gone? He's the best thing that has happened to the world in a long time. The American order is crumbling as China ascends and Europe begins to decouple from amerifats due to Trump's demands. Also Trump is radicalizing zoomers which is pretty cool.
The both of you shall retreat to your respective political sandboxes where cohorts stand by the ready to validate your incompetence.
absolutely not
I thrive on going off on these scumfuckers, it's one of the greatest feelings there is. Jow Forumsshitters will get what's coming to them and when they do I will have contributed to that.
>Nobody opposes both the importation of the Third World through tolerance of illegal immigration and also the neocon cocksucker (((military industrial complex)))
I thought pride pride wasn't racist, I thought it had to do with making america have a higher population/
>Nobody opposes both the importation of the Third World through tolerance of illegal immigration and also the neocon cocksucker (((military industrial complex)))
>implying that somebody in Amerifat politics is like that
I can not imagine the asshurt when your little ego bubble burst.
Did you start training in some onions camps for the revolution? You have some DEEP DEEP connections to the brass throughout the military?
Did you think through some plan, or was your plan really just to masturbate your ego while impotently screaming at strangers on image boards?
Are you planning a coup? kek
Inbred retard you know damn well what historically happens to a society when a majority of its citizens have had it. People try to laugh Trump off but he is antogonizing people in a way no president has before.
>pride pride
Not making an attempt at a low blow, just genuinely no idea what the fuck you're saying
American pride? National pride?
>I thought it had to do with making america have a higher population
That's a pretty retarded goal. Lets just call the whole world "america" and have a population of 7 billion. What's so desirable in having a shittone of people? You're just increasing the competition for job opportunities.
Go LARP on pol
Imagine thinking politics are real and even matter voting is just an excuse for the government to track you even more and put you on a registry
>muh vote counts
How this shit still exists is amazing you fags will buy into anything kys idiots
i meant white pride
i thought they wanted more people which is why they encourage you to breed and i thought they said jews are pro-population control and thus bad.
>I am a keyboard warrior feel my rage!
Phoneposter detected
>I am a keyboard warrior feel my rage!
isn't that literally your entire political platform and goals?
memes, keyboard warriors, youtube dislikes, etc? isn't that the core essence of Jow Forums, 8ch, lolcow, whatever it is?
Oh so you'll bring out the guillotine then. Do you have them built already?
Oh... ok but SURELY you'll have them built by the time his second term is over right?
I still don't understand what the fuck is your plan.
And besides, he got into power because nearly half of people wanted change. Even the media says he wasn't not part of the establishment, they're just saying he's a bad thing anyways. And how does a super giga gulag for like 63 million trump voters?
So is your plan just to hope REALLY hard?
Well we will see how that works out ok?
Not mine- however, if you asked you should expect a yes.
>nearly half of people
actually only about 30% of people voted for him, and the amount of votes he received is consistent with any modern republican president.
>Even the media says he wasn't not part of the establishment, they're just saying he's a bad thing anyways
Because they're incompetent buffoons and cryptoconservatives. Trump is the avatar of capitalist failure. He is the most establishment you can be. A grifter, a criminal, now a shitty politician.
>So is your plan just to hope REALLY hard?
My plan is to keep insulting you and trying to get people engaged(not on Jow Forums). What comes after that is irrelevant.
Well shit m8, white pride is obviously "racist" as in race specifics, I would have guess the name would just give it away.
It's just not supremacist in nature, it can take many forms.
Why the hell would jews want general population control? Any Jow Forums inforgraph if that's what you're taking your shit from is about jews wanting to lower the WHITE population. Post an example of whatever the fuck it is you're trying to talk about and then we can discuss.
>board culture is phoneposting
idk once i said people including jews should really stop having so many babies and someone responded:
>jew pic
>*rub rub rub*
You guys are doing your part with all this bickering, this doesnt matter at all theyre gonna migrate and realistically you cant stop them.
I advice you to not fight between yourselves as that is one of the goals of this movement. You guys are probably real underage LARPers so ill just throw this out to the overly concerned guy on this thread.
How do you want me to feel about this caravan when even after being given the green light they throw rocks at the autorities of the country that even offered them humanitarian visas?
Feeling skeptic desu
>upend your entire life over the fact that you think people should be allowed access to the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness you enjoy or else you don't stand by what you believe
Someone's been drinking too much of the Kool-aide. Tell me, if each of these people were granted citizenship in the United States and accepted the social benefits that would befit their economic status, in what was would it
A)Directly involve you
B)Indirectly involve you
C)Impact your day to day life
Services already exist through funds already established. Nobody is being directly pick-pocketed to benefit the lives of these individuals, the "theft" has already taken place. We are just allocating the funds accordingly.
I don't follow.
>I know more about these subhumans and they did this and they did that and they did this and they are this and they are that
That's going to be a yikes from me chief. Reread your post and go back to the drawing board.
>What's it like being knees deep into identity politics nigger?
The fact that I reject borders and the institutions that put them into place and rigidly enforce the fact that all human beings, who are equal, cannot have equal access to the same basic rights I enjoy by virtue of being born in a good geographical location?
I don't know these people. I'll do you one better, I don't even recall what country that the Caravan in the OP post is from, I just glanced at the headline.
Let them all in and give them citizenship. It's a hollow token on the road to the grave that vastly improves the quality of life over anyone who has it, just give it to anyone who asks.
Why are you so selfish?
Oh sorry princess I meant nearly half of people who can actually vote and that actually bothered to get off their fat ass to do it, my mistake.
>Because they're incompetent buffoons and cryptoconservatives.
Oh fuck now even the media are worthless to your cause. Not the military, not the corporations, not the police, not the "establishment", and not even the media.
ANd most leftist aren't even gun owners imagine that. And you're going to pull off a revolution? Have even picked up a fucking barbell, let alone a gun? You're sure you arm isn't going to break in half?
Look look I am just trying to help you out in your big boy project. When I see antifa getting absolutely floored by a couple proud fags it kinda makes me feel sympathy for you, because it's honestly pathetic.
Can you even point to one organization that's not "counter revolutionary"?
>board culture
I too like pretending to be retarded on the internet.
I like how you still think it's only the cartoon version of what you imagine the left to be that hates you. I literally said that a majority of people are sick of your shit. Including the people who don't vote. The majority of the country.
So some fag may have said that? Who cares?
A)Directly involve you
B)Indirectly involve you
C)Impact your day to day life
Oh man you got me good, I am a lot more about the long term a low time preference shit, and less about the egocentric, short sighted "but what will it do to ME and what will it do RIGHT NOW".
If you're going to insist on an IQ cap to the conversation, well then yeah I am shit out of luck. Gotta sleep anyways.
>using the poster's possible race as something that inherently weakens their argument
>being this balls-deep in the identity politics cult
>calling other people stupid despite letting an ideology do all his thinking for him
drop leftist cunts like
out of an helicopter on them.
First time they will prove useful
Jow Forums is a leftist board
stop posting here and go back your self space dunning kruger mongoloid retard
>boohoo people use textual expressions of laughter that I don't like
get a life, faggot.
No you don't even have a cartoonish revolutionary movement, you don't have shit. You just like to felate your ego, that's you're entire "plan", that everything will just fall into place as they should.
Because fundamentally your entire world view is hinged on the idea that you deserve this future and "the right side of history" will just grant it to you while you sit on your fat ass.
Dream on lil cuntboi
>a board for social failures, faggots, pedophiles and dolites is a board for democrat.
they aren't sending their best.
>Becoming fixated on the notion that I said the person is statistically speaking a white male in the United States, rather than the fact that the people decrying this are largely white men in the United States because these individuals are different (missing the forest for the trees, the point is that the majority of privileged people in the U.S. what to keep "others" out because they're "others" and didn't file the arbitrary paperwork required to enjoy the same rights they do, when there shouldn't be paperwork in the first place to improve someone's quality of life)
>Assuming I'm into identity politics whatsoever when I simply stated I want people all over the world to have access to the best possible resources and the best possible standard of livings possible, and this somehow assigns me to an ideology I haven't heard of and you haven't posted
I just want people to have access to the best lives possible as quickly as possible, regardless of their identity, yet according to you I'm fixated on identity.
Tell me in your own words why those individuals should not have access to the rights and freedoms those in the United States are born into.
>Because fundamentally your entire world view is hinged on the idea that you deserve this future and "the right side of history" will just grant it to you while you sit on your fat ass.
My entire worldview is based on the fact you are a group of insane psychopaths who hold ideas diametrically opposed to existing in a civilized society. And that the charade cannot be kept up, sooner or later people will see that and simply remove you by force. The majority of people are opposed to you. Their views go against yours. Their beliefs go against yours. You can't keep muddying the waters forever. You are a group of animals incapable of rational thought.
>My entire worldview is based on disliking the other side.
Yep and that shows. You have nothing and are nothing.
How'd they get past the bridge?
It's so easy to rile you people, Christ.
>People shouldn't have access to MY country!
>>Well okay, why? Why are you entitled to land you didn't help establish and benefits you aren't wholesale paying for, for programs you didn't vote for, in areas of the country that don't impact you?
NPCs, folks.
I used to be on your side you subhuman moron. I know exactly what goes through your lizard brain. You are not people who can be reasoned with.
You didn't vote for it so you have no right to say anything.
Have you tried using logic in your life yet, or was spouting buzzwords always enough?
Didn't this exact same thing happen a year ago?
And all that happened was that the National Guard simply just sent them back
And now you lost even that, guess that makes you less then nothing, lol
>>Jow Forums is a leftist board
Ideally Jow Forums isn't anything
Because once they get IN they can go EVERYWHERE. There is no containment. If we could just make them all stay in the shit hole known as commiefornia it'd be a different issue. That's just one problem among a myriad of retarded things you just regurgitated from your indoctrinators.
Camp out in the desert and shoot at them
Gather some buddies and shoot at them
Place yourselves strategically and shoot at them
Not him, but I agree that they deserve to live a first-world lifestyle. But the cold reality of the situation is that as a country, we can't babysit the entire population of South and central America. We don't have the money, we don't have the infrastructure, we don't have the jobs. People need to work within their countries to raise the standard of living there so they won't want to leave. What you're suggesting would leave the US like Sweden but worse: you may have made their lives better, but only by making our lives worse.
This is an extremely kind and idealistic idea you have user, and I really wish that the US as a country had the ability to solve all of their problems. But they deserve the dignity of creating their own self-sufficient societies, and not having to suckle on Uncle Sam's teat. And even though it's unfair that people will have to suffer inequity before that happens, there really is no way around it.
In an ideal world yes. As long as we have these subhuman Jow Forumstards trying to take over this place or using it as their soapbox we can only hope to push these despicable hordes back.
>I agree that they deserve to live a first-world lifestyle.
deserve by what?
They can go and fix up their own fucking shithole
>My delusional wish are reality when I say
Better and better. Are those the result of your new pill or where you that retarded from birth?
If you'd read the rest of my post instead of sperging out you'd notice that I literally said that's what has to happen. Go to bed kid, it's a school night.
R9k is right wing. We let some of you Lefty fags post just to shit on you
>Jow Forumslacks are racist bigots, they're literally inhuman!
Can you not see how you've become the thing you hate most?
>why are you so selfish
again why do you constantly dig yourself into identity politics?
I'm not trying to look like the good guy im trying to support what i think is right.
A country without borders is like passing laws without law enforcement
I also do not care about what country they're from they could be 100% white Europeans and it still wouldn't matter
Instead of being a lazy fuckass and sit on the couch after a long hard day of voting, why not actually go to countries and help them there
Not only do you squander the culture of whatever country the migrant went to, you squander the culture of the country that the migrant left
This is a great video on the topic
Just because we disagree doesn't make me or you a selfish person
not really
Jow Forumstards are actual subhumans
all people of a certain race are not
That still does not answer the question is asked, by what right do you seethem deserving our lifestyle OR our babysitting? The lifestyle that the white people fags like you so love to bash worked for and sweated for, I might add.
Either we're all human, or none of us are. If you can't see the humanity in someone you hate, then you're no better than them.