Friendly reminder if you're not 6'2 and can't 5x5 225 bench 315 squat you're subhuman
ITT we laugh at manlets
>if you're not 6'2
Spotted a 6'2 manlet.
t. 6'3 manlet?
Tfw 5’9
5'11" emperor of manlets here, we'll have the last laugh lankets, the day of the rope will come for all of you
6ft0 is the best height. If your taller than this you are a freak and everyone looks at you like you are a freak. If you are shorter than this you are fine and normal.
Lanklets are always coping because they are such freaks
Based 5’11 poster
I wish I was 6'0. I'd even take 5'11. I'm 5'9 and I can tell it hurts me. To be 6'2 I'd shit my pants at how easy my life just became.
Its fine. Everything are fine. I accept myself as a manlet. You need to realize your own weakness and just live with it. Its fine
Does anyone honestly see 6'2" as tall anymore?
im five foot six
I’ll take being 5’9 and handsome than being a disgusting 6+ feeter. This whole 6’ and above shit is only important for Amerifags and Britbongs. Here in Scandinavia women litterally don’t give a fuck
tfw 5'5"
5'8 reporting in.
Grow grow grow
Can you buy kids clothes? You can probably save a lot of money here
No but I wish. I'm on the brink of kids pant sizes with 28/30-30/30. I wear medium t-shirts and size small long sleeves.
why is it always countries with a low average in which the extremes are very arrogant?
here in the netherlands literally noone thinks of height like an elite thing
5'9 and doing fine
That was a little rhyme just for u frens :)
>only 225 and 315
I'd argue that if you have a sub 1300lb total at sub 6' you'd be the subhuman.
I'm good looking but even then I can tell they're always still wishing i was tall. It's so lame. Two inches and I would be fine, and the surgery is so not worth it. 100,000 USD and 1 year of recovery, come on...
The Korean is about 5' 4".
He wears giant heeled boots.
5'4 here and on antidepressants and drinking whiskey alone for christmas, anyone here know these feels of never going to get a gf with her spending her christmas time with u