I would literally never be depressed as a woman...

I would literally never be depressed as a woman. I'd easily find a loving boyfriend in a week if I woke up tomorrow as a woman (no not some tranny). I could have sex with men way out of my league. I'd never feel lonely about tfw no gf ever again. I'd never be scared of dying alone and unloved ever again. I could be myself and men won't care. People will want to be friends with me because I have a vagina. And I don't even have to be anything near a Stacy to experience this. Women live on fucking tutorial mode, and I am fucking jealous of them. And I hate them for not acknowledging or even being aware of how much better it is. Every time I hear a "fembot" bitch and moan about being lonely or not having a boyfriend, I just wish I could choke, slap, and yell at her through my monitor. I hate them for complaining about being lonely despite rejecting non-Chad men despite her being a 4 or 5/10 at best or weighing over 200 pounds. Fuck being a sub 8 man who's not tall and is depressed, anxious and isolated.


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I would just buy a camera and a hitachi and live my life on chaturbate drowning in an eternity of money and orgasms.

You can do that right now if you're a dude. Chaturbate takes solo dudes, gay dudes and trannies

kill yourself my man.
it's not a fucking stacy life for everyone.

lol all women are stacy and they refuse anything other than tall and hot dudes

No one would want to tip a scrawny hairy ugly dude.

shut up, dad

You'd be surprised what gay dudes like

i don't believe in the bootstraps myth.

okay source?

Women themselves, and Chads
Go out with a scrawny or chubby dude who's shy and lonely

I am. You're fucking retarded if you think this is true, fella. go outside.

I do go outside. What do I see? Chads with girls, even fat girls, everywhere. Go online? Girls only want guys who are 6'3 and jacked. Doesn't matter if they weigh 350 pounds.

really? because this is what I see when I go outside.
>leagues of dusty cockroach men with girls way too good for them in every way

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where do you live lol?? i am in canada and we have this.

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They're so rare you remember them more than Chads with average girlfriends.

this. its easier for an ugly girl to have sex with a hot guy, but its easier for an ugly guy to have a relationship with a hot girl which is what actually matters

>but its easier for an ugly guy to have a relationship with a hot girl which is what actually matters
This is so false it's funny

1) You wouldn't get Chad.

2) You'd be pump and dump material.

AKA you'd be like 70% of the women on the planet OP. It's just a different type of suffering.

what user above me said, its just a different type of suffering. however, ugly guys at least aren't only valued for their looks, that's the main thing women are valued for

Ugly guys aren't valued for fucking anything.
Being able to have sex with attractive members of the opposite sex no matter how you look is way better than being ignored by the entire opposite sex.

Guaranteed you'd be a 1/10 whale on tumblr, posting about how men are the root cause of every single major problem in your life

You're absolutely correct, however normies and women will never admit this.

A 1/10 whale on tumblr has men out of her league pursuing her

lmao no she doesn't

yes, they're valued for their soul

You pathetic. fucking. crybaby

You should try out the real world sometime. It's far more common to see women dating within their "league" than you brainletcels imply. It's easier for ugly women than it is for ugly men, true, but not significantly so

Yes, she does. No, the only thing an ugly man would be valued for is his goddamn wallet.
Ah the real world, where the majority of girls my age are either dating way out of their league or are dating her looksmatch but only if she's Stacy and he's gigachad

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