Do not let your circumcision be in vain. We have to fight. Never give up, NEVER GIVE UP

Do not let your circumcision be in vain. We have to fight. Never give up, NEVER GIVE UP

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I laugh every single time I see somebody with a mutilated dick try to say it's a positive thing.

>"b-b-but it's more sanitary!!!"
Weakest argument ever, do these people not shower daily? The brainwashing runs deep. We're almost universally against female mutilation but it's ok for guys apparently

>mfw normie thinks ruining his dick for eternity is worth it to have a slightly cleaner dick

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i was cut for the jew god, i think it's all funny and i think women live on easy mode.

>mfw I realise circumsicion is a scam but I can't change the fact my parents let the JEW DOCTOR MUTILATE MY DAMN COCK

When the jews are overthrown what reparations do you want to see for the crime that has been committed against you? Because we WILL get reparations, we will take it by force.

>normalfags proclaim abortion is a right because "my body my choice"
>normalfags acknowledge infant ear-piercing as an immoral body-mod
>the same normalfags are totally fine with cutting off infant foreskin
Where is the logic

It's pretty much a sign that Jews are in fact, evil. The only good jews are ones that want to abolish it.

It's not eternity, it's just a few decades while you're alive. And most robots will never have sex so really who is being harmed?

OP didn't even remotely imply that it's a good thing. He's telling the cutfags to rise up against american hospitals

We should be allowed to skin one Jew alive for each and every circumcision ever performed.

Why the fuck do pol tards get off on spreading their faggotry here

>good jews
nice try kike, into the oven with you

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Hey did you know it's possible to experience sexual pleasure by yourself? Being a virgin is not a reason to be okay with a nerfed dick. If you really want to get into it, it could be considered even worse. Literally the only single valid claim of cutfags is that many women in genital cutting societies prefer it because it's the norm. Virgins don't get that one slight benefit. They only get lower quality orgasms for life

>ITT: more people obsessed with the way other people's dicks look but totally aren't gay

Shoo sh00, jew

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>the way other people's dicks look
It's more than that user, by far. It's mutilation, taking a knife to bodily tissues. There is no other way to describe it honestly.

you'd probably run out of Jews because all Jewish men are circumsized

>This conversation doesn't matter, if you talk about it you're a gay person!
Pack it up lads, we've been had

>you'd probably run out of Jews
Then justice will be served

Iceland was set to ban it but you-know-who wouldn't have it of course. It makes me angry.

There is no justice for this

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>tries to justify genital mutilation
Genuinely go die

Uncut european guy here
Is circumsition really that bad?
Cut dicks look better and don't get infected as much

>leaves the tip exposed where it rubs around against underwear
>doesnt stay moist, dries out
>leads to dry, leathery skin
"Looking better" is not an argument to cut skin off my a body part. And why would they get infected any more than cut if you showered daily?

I'm sure this post is completely legitimate

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>Is circumsition really that bad?

how do we end circumcision once and for all? protesting doesn't work, and any attempts to ban it get stopped by (((((((((((((((((((((them)))))))))))))))))))))))). is it possible? normalfags (even ones who got mutilated themselves) just don't take you seriously if you talk about it. the rates are going down, but theyre still above 40% in the USA.

quit staring at my dick, nigger

They know that. They don't actually want circumcision to end, they just want to feel superior to the mutilated souls produced by the hospitals.

laughing at cutfags for being cut is pretty different from laughing at cutfags in denial about their mutilation thus perpetuating it

Every time I've confronted my father about this, it was among his stock go-to phrases. He's not even religious.

A few years ago, I came home and took possession of my (original, contemporaneously-issued-with-my-birth, certified-copy of) birth certificate. This entailed opening up the family safe, always an uncommon and fairly momentous procedure. It was just me and dad in the basement. Had a look at grandpa's medals, mom and dad's certificate documents, and a few other things. Then we found it. A small hospital billing item, also contemporaneous with my birth. Line-iteming the details of my birth, six or seven of them. Then I saw it.

Circumcision: $58.25.

I still love my parents very much. They've always been good to me, but this would not pass unremarked upon. I said something calmly, something like. "So, for no very good reason at all, you elected to have my dick mutilated, just as your dick was mutilated. And for fifty-eight dollars, and twenty-five cents. Now I know how much it cost."

Dad did not even attempt a retort. He just sighed, then we put the rest back in the safe.

It's very simple. We, um, kill the Abrahamic religion.

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But all are painted as being in denial every time this topic comes up. There is no empathy or even a hint of fucking sympathy. It's only the unmarred fortunates laughing at the misfortune of the ones who were mutilated by sick fucks as infants.

I'm glad someone is talking about this distinction. However, as a victim of male genital mutilation under no illusions (being a victim is uncool, despite contemporary leftist thought), I must also admit that I cannot well recall a time on Jow Forums that I saw posts from a person claiming both to be a victim of male genital mutilation (commonly designated by the euphemism "circumcised") and also that they /sincerely regretted/ same.

The first step is to get the language right. There is no such thing as "circumcision" at all, a clinical word which normalizes. There is only male genital mutilation. One should first of all not use the word "circumcision" itself in normal rhetorical discourse, always clarifying the point in the present paragraph.

>I must also admit that I cannot well recall a time on Jow Forums that I saw posts from a person claiming both to be a victim of male genital mutilation (commonly designated by the euphemism "circumcised") and also that they /sincerely regretted/ same.