Women when they bitch about being lonely

Women when they bitch about being lonely

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When they say lonely they mean relative to other women. The feeling is still there.

OP you stink of reddit

Only a ledditor would actually believe women can be lonely
No women aren't lonely they just haven't found someone good enough yet

>people say they're hungry when they refuse to eat out of trashcans

>non-Chad men are comparable to trash
holy shit

at what point does it become egotistical to think that every single male that wants your attention is beneath you, or trash?

You realise no one except complete 2/10 creeps *actively* pursue sub 6/10 girls

sub 6/10 girls actually do get pursued by ugly men because ugly men know their fucking place, only to get rejected by a landwhale who then makes plans for sex with 7-8/10 men
Lol if the 2/10 men weren't ugly they wouldn't be creepy, even being nice is creepy

I dont get a single drop of attention from men.
they dont even know I exist

So true, women have no excuses for being lonely. Unless you're severely disfigured or disabled you will ALWAYS find a man.

>2/10 men who try to go for their league are creepy
You are heartless

Im just saying this is a reddit tier meme

i disagree user. in fact if men didnt worship every 5/10 bland looking woman that walked by the dating market would be much more balanced

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>thinking women can't be lonely is reddit tier

Stay with your looksmatch dumbass

My looksmatch doesn't want me, dumbass. She only wants Chad.

are you saying thats not the case?

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>i'm so hungry
"there's tons of cat poop in the litter box!"

yeah...you could eat that technically...i guess...but that doesn't really apply

>non-Chad men are comparable to shit in a litter box
And I bet you wonder why incels feel the way they do about women

Gotta be at least this tall if you don't wanna be like garbage or cat shit to women

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>incels are human
What's next? Niggers are upstanding law abiding citizens and kikes are happy fair deal making merchants?

And you think Stacys going to give you a chance? In what world?

lol I guess only Chad is human and any average or below average man who even dares to be interested in a woman is trash to women. Even if the guy isn't being mean or creepy whatsoever.

Pls be my boyfriend so you dont shoot up my school tomorrow


>most of the worlds population of men who have a loved one are 6'5 strong jawed Chads
>the few percentage are incels

How is this different from incels wanting Stacy? Its not at all

>the guy isn't mean or creepy whatsoever
That's not an incel user.

>implying these men aren't either betabux for some post wall slut or mostly ignored
The men who aren't 6'5 strong jawed chads are garbage and cat shit to women

>How is wanting fucking anyone to love you in spite of your flaws comparable to incels wanting stacy
>implying incels want nothing but stacy
Please don't have kids

>tfw some user like the one who posted a thread yesterday will believe this and he will sperg out on a girl and break up with her again

>That's not an incel user.
And he's not getting any girls despite being a kind dude. Can't be because he's ugly, shy and socially awkward after years of isolation and bullying

I bet extravirgin pizza tastes better and isn't a jerk like the dumb pizza at chad's

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>tfw you're a 5 or 4/10
>tfw you ahve to compete with 6 and 7/10 for a 5/10 girl

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He's someone who spergs out over a post and goes on an hyperbole. I can only imagine how far he goes irl when trying to socialize. That's something that he does, that's something that I do and the rest of the incels do who are self aware. I know i'm an extremely nice and gentle guy as well, but at the same time I can't help myself. But once you reach early and mid 30s, you start to realize this shit.
There's a flaw in how we talk and react to things and that's a fundamental flaw why we are alone. Uglyness usually has little to do with it, but how parents fucked us up, our living environment or addictions is.

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You'll have to compete with them for a 2-4/10, too. Because being lonely but getting messaged or swiped on or asked out by sub 8 men is like being hungry but the only thing to eat is an old hot dog lying on the ground.

>uglyness has little to do with it
Non-ugly men rarely make it to older ages as kissless virgins

pretty much
in terms of primal urges, pregnancy is a long and sometimes dangerous process so biology wired women to only want alpha sperm to secure the best possible baby
beta bucks alpha fucks

Painfully average do. The average line is a very thick line between impossibly ugly and Chadhood. Unless you were actually rated by a group of people that have no previous opinions about you based on how you interact, your opinions on how good or bad you look mean little. It's like people who self diagnose the most ridiculous shit.
But keep in mind, i'm not saying that you can just "lmao go out and get someone". I'm just saying that there's something far worse wrong with incels than looks and that most do not look bad. Looks are not the reason for the failure, but it can add to it.

I've been rated 2/10 on reddit after posting pics

>Looks are not the reason for the failure
Imagine being this stupid

What else. /soc/? Hiveminds where people base their opinions on the first few opinions posted do not count.
But yes it's still true that uglyness can play a huge role, but it's not the core. The thing is incels also tend to not have many or any friends at all. And generally friends do not care about someones looks and there have been studies that suggest groups of people might even prefer "worse off" individuals to join their group to boost their own status. In that notion incels should have a whole gang of them. But there's something repulsive and obnoxious about us that prevents us from finding friends, unless it's the other incel or very strong bonded childhood friends. So if I can't even find friends, how the hell do I find love?
Just imagine your normal life and you get what it feels like to be a retard.

>Just imagine your normal life and you get what it feels like to be a retard.
Good counter argument
Classic leddit oxymoron

r/amiugly (where people are actually routinely overrated), r/dating_advice. All bluepilled subs. Only thing I can do is lose weight, get ripped, and hope there's a Chad under there, but 5'8 height is not good, I have stretch marks all over my body, I have skin, literally the only things good about me are my blue eyes and the fact that I'm not balding

this. if youre unable to get friends for years, you wont find a gf. not being able to connect with someone as friends at least shows that youre so far gone and autistic that nobody will want any kind of relationship with you. and friends almost never care about looks unless you look for partying frat groups.

If you look like Chad but have no friends females will think you're some sexy mysterious loner

>Chad is the only thing on anons mind no matter the subject
You sure you're not a dirty homo fag,user? It's starting to sound like you're craving for Chad at this point.

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I fucking hate Chads and how females only want him. I wanna fucking curb stomp them for being the reason why I'm a lonely and hopeless subhuman

Sounds like there's another reason why nobody wants to be with you.

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Yeah. because I'm ugly and a loser.

If he wasn't ugly he wouldn't be like that, it all comes back to him being ugly

I have tried to explain male loneliness to women and it shocks them every time. Every single "lonely" woman I have known has still had a line of friends, family, and romantically interested males lining up to talk to her and give her praise and attention. Even disabled girls, even malformed girls. All of them. A woman simply cannot understand true loneliness or detachment unless they are severely malformed and mentally ill at the same time.

Even the most plain, ugly, or boring girls I know still wake up to messages from 10+ people every single morning when they log onto Instagram or Facebook or something. They simply cannot understand anything but having access to instant and constant validation.

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Have you tried lowering your standards or going for girls in your own league? The only women who are able to pursue chads are women that look just as good as them, if not more.

Even incels should be able to make a friend. Male loneliness is voluntary

You say this, but there are HEAPS of totally desocialised men who lack any money or method to gain social contacts outside of the internet. If you're a woman, you can literally have people pay to have you around and coast by on that.

It's true most of them are horribly judgemental toward other people so why shouldn't people judge them. Half the people here don't even think women should have an education or vote. They're trash. If they didn't want to be associated with trash, they wouldn't have made that image for themselves. When I know someone is a virgin, I assume they think poorly of women and are potentially racist. That's what I associate with virgin men.

>lower your standards
>fat girls, trannies, single moms reject you, too
Ugly girls pursue Chad all the time you moron
A lot of incels are very shy and have bad social skills. They won't make friends easily. Also friends get harder to make the older you get because people don't want to add more to their social circles. And yes, you can still have male friends and be lonely because no gf, especially when all your friends have girlfriends and you don't

>The only women who are able to pursue chads are women that look just as good as them, if not more.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You fucking retard. You absolute fucking moron. EVERY woman chases after the 6'4" gorgeous, ripped guy with a jaw like a statue. He fucks all of them, then even the ugliest ones feel like they are now entitled to something as good as him. Women find 80% of men unattractive. Shit, on Tinder, the market is basically 20% of the top, most attractive men pursuing/sorting through 80% of all women at their leisure, while the bottom 80% of men compete over the bottom 20% of women.

Life isn't fair. I know normalfags are delusional animals who think that their "just world" bullshit actually applies, but it doesn't. Reality is dark, cold, and brutal. Nothing good happens without agony being inflicted upon another living creature, or maybe millions of living creatures.

>Half the people here don't even think women should have an education or vote
I don't but women wouldn't care if it came out of a Chad's mouth
>If they didn't want to be associated with trash, they wouldn't have made that image for themselves.
They didn't fucking choose to end up fucked up
>When I know someone is a virgin, I assume they think poorly of women and are potentially racist. That's what I associate with virgin men.
NIce virgin virgin shaming.

>tfw live 30 seconds away from chad's pizza
it's not fair, bros. it's a constant reminder

There's only 2 explanations.

1) You're obese.
Simple, lose weight. Take care of yourself. Put SOME effort into your appearance.

2) You're a recluse/unapproachable.

>1) You're obese.
Fat women have loads of options too, they don't have to spend hours and years in the gym to get a desirable body
>2) You're a recluse/unapproachable.
But they're fine inviting Chads over to fuck them

>virgin shaming
You can't deny there's a good chance it is true.

I know a chubby girl scoliosis and a facial deformity who tells me about the men she has had to reject because they don't meet her standards. How the fuck can you not be getting constant male attention unless you are actively hiding?

There are plenty of places to make friends for free online, like MMOs

Getting basic social skills isnt difficult, incels just assume they need Chad-tier social skills to be successful. Friends can be made easily

You just find men with zero sexual experience repulsive. You find it disgusting if a man makes it to his 20s never having kissed a girl. You're no different than any other women.

3) im just ugly and men are repulsed by me

>Having online friends is the same as real life, tangible, physical friends
You're a brainlet, okay.

>Fat women have loads of options too
I'm talking about if they're a land whale. Like 250Lbs+ and get tired from walking up some stairs.

>But they're fine inviting Chads over to fuck them
They're not going to invite anyone over because they have low self-esteem and keep to themselves

If you post a picture here or on a dating site you will have literally hundreds (maybe thousands) of men begging for your attention, wanting to shower you with gifts, praise, and adoration simply for existing. This has been proven time and time again, I have no idea why you people insist on denying it.

>Getting basic social skills isnt difficult, incels just assume they need Chad-tier social skills to be successful. Friends can be made easily
>he's never been shy, or has never had socializing feel unnatural, or has had horrible social anxiety, nor has had been able to find anyone that's both accepting and not too normie/Chad that they can't keep up but not too autistic to where they feel like they're with kindergarteners

Incels are literally getting mad at women for having a smidgen of pride and dignity. It's not "non-chads", it's evolutionary dead end trash like you women are actively avoiding. You advertise yourselves like a sleazy car salesmen, trying to shame women into giving in and taking you for YOUR sake. Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic.

Nah. It's really they more then likely believe what's posted in places like Jow Forums and Jow Forumsincel. Return of Kings? At some point, realize people other then virgins or socially reclusive men are reading that stuff. It's a picture you're painting for yourselves.

Unless you're mutated, have missing teeth or bald head then it is impossible for you to be ugly enough to get 0 attention from guys.

You're obviously selective about what guys you want to pay attention to you.

>I'm talking about if they're a land whale. Like 250Lbs+ and get tired from walking up some stairs.
These women have a lot of options.
>They're not going to invite anyone over because they have low self-esteem and keep to themselves
And yet they're never virgins.

You didnt specify online or offline, so thats your fault. Dont be stupid next time.

Literally be yourself, even the most awkward nerds in high school can make friends with each other.

Lol you are basically calling all virgin men evil, violent potential killers. You probably think all the kind men who are virgins due to bad looks and zero confidence are evil, too. This is you rationalizing your disgust for older male virgins.

>Not online
Uh, I guess I am gonna go play World of Warcraft in real life? In the park, or something? Time to go level up! Christ, I don't know how you people breathe. Having a sub-100 IQ must be hellish.

>These women have a lot of options.
The only option they have is if they have big breasts or a nice big booty.

You do realize you can meet people from the internet offline too, right? Its not uncommon for people to do that.

I know there's a good chance they believe what's posted on this site, and your responses are only proving the point.

>Anti-social nerds you meet online
>Wanting to meet up
This is also assuming the following:
>You live close to each other
>You have the money to go visit them
>You are actually physically able to go see them in any capacity
Fucking retarded. Yeah man, gonna go meet with my mate from Germany at the local pub.

Location is everything.
Try living in an ultra normie upper-middle class suburbs filled with Stacies, Beckies and attractive people all around.
its a death sentence for ugly girls like me because I get mogged everywhere I go. I even see some ugly girls at the library sitting by themselves or at the back of the school campus, listening to music and eating their lunch all alone. Femcels do exist.

Youre just making excuses to be alone. Way to prove my point, shit for brains.

>Literally be yourself, even the most awkward nerds in high school can make friends with each other.
Nobody fucking likes myself. I don't fit in with the autistic nerds because they remind me of when I was at my worst too much and they make me cringe (trust me, I was in social skills group throughout elementary and middle school and I, while I had struggles, was obviously way ahead of them), and I don't fit in with the popular kids, obviously. I'd like something in the middle, where they have similar interests and humor but aren't horrifyingly cringefully socially inept (awkward is fine), but they hate me, too.
The fattest women I know all have men with them, and the men aren't always fat
Fuck yeah let's make it punishable by death to be an older male virgin because they're all school shooting rapists

>"Just making excuses."
You belong in a furnace. I hope there's a horrible war and both of us fucking die, at least then I'll be able to roll in the mud laughing and bleeding to death as you cough up your lungs wondering how such a good person as yourself could suffer such a horrible fate, cunt.

>I even see some ugly girls at the library sitting by themselves or at the back of the school campus, listening to music and eating their lunch all alone
That probably has more to do with a conflicting personality than appearance issue.

When I was in HS I never saw a girl eating lunch by herself.

The only "femcel" I know (and I use the word "femcel" super lightly) is only that way because she literally cannot have sex. As in, it could kill her due to a deformity/disease. Even she has a legion of beta male followers despite being chubby and hairy and having a 4/10 face. She could pick from any of them if she wanted, but she physically can't.

>I even see some ugly girls at the library sitting by themselves or at the back of the school campus, listening to music and eating their lunch all alone
This literally doesn't mean that they have zero friends and no one wants to fuck them, dumb ho

The only people talking about open virgin hunting season is Jow Forums.

Im not even a woman, my dude. You legitimately love wallowing in your misery and are making outrageous excuses to not put in even a small amount of effort to improve your own situation.

Says the one who is labeling male virgins as evil

I have friends, that's the thing. The other night I went out drinking with a mate, nearly died from drinking too much, and enjoyed the masculine, youthful experience. However, you're a dumb cunt because you seem to think that having online friends is the same as having real friends, and that it's always possible for you to meet someone from the internet in real life, even if they live on literally the other side of the fucking world. You're retarded and I hope you get hit by a mortar.

Every friend group I ever was in had me on the outside, where no one ever really invited me to shit nor really talked to me or listened to what I had to say.

Says the one talking about how the views here don't reflect male virgins while repeating adages from Jow Forums.

I can't believe men think being a woman is nice. Every guy thinks they know more than you, yo.

It is possible, but you are proving my point that people dont want to put in the effort and therefore it counts as voluntarily being alone.

>"Outside of the internet"
>You didn't specify online or offline!
God, you're retarded.

The truth is, instead of all that, it might be more conductive to address shit like this user, , right here is saying.