There will be a shootout at a school in the Lenoir County school district in North Carolina at around 11:30 AM today...

There will be a shootout at a school in the Lenoir County school district in North Carolina at around 11:30 AM today. I wish the best for you guys and suggest that you skip school for a day as I'll take as many niggers with me as possible in the name of God emperor Trump. If someone ITT gets trips, I'll livestream the whole thing through my phone.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why 1130?

Ha. Yeah sure.

Hi cnn, just gonna take this moment to shill gfd to mass media. Have a nice day. OP, care to write a little manifesto in this thread?

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Gimme stream plz

hope you're on public internet, because this thread is going to be smited by the mods and traced so fast

You know there are legitimate fbi informants on this board right? They will get your ip address from site admins and you'll get a little visit. I would've thought people would've learned the first few times faggots got caught by fbi, but no, you faggots never fucking learn.

This is not my waifu. Hope she is not mentioned in the news.

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>OP, care to write a little manifesto

There you go.

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OP is probably too dumb to use a laptop at an internet cafe with tails or something

not that i want a shootout, but it really rustles my jimmies when people don't know proper opsec

get me in the screencap Jow Forums4chan

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>Trying to get an exam cancelled


Why are you doing the shooting, are you being bullied? Is there anything anyone can say to make you consider not doing this?

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Orgigigiginally rollin trips^^

42069 checked
aaaand check my trips

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>thinking he's actually doing this
He is gonna get found out, because he is a faggot underage b&, he never knew that the fbi has monitored this board ever since that one incident a while back, so he is gonna get fucked.

Rollio rollio

Remember to contact CNN and wear a gopro so you can sell you story to the mass media and fulfill American never ceasing need for bloodlust.

I doubt they'll be able to take action fast enough, which is kind of bad news for us.

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What happened a while back? Did someone actually do what they said?


rest of you are morons, FBI won't give a shit about this

The FBI might stop him, they might not. All the shooters were FBI suspects buy the FBI did nothing to stop them. Government agencies don't actually care about stopping crime on the whole, they want to justify more funding.

Hello CNN!
This is an oringal comment

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The news are going to have to censor this post if they want to show a full screencap of the thread.

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I hate niggers and the Democratic party, which the majority of them vote for in effort to turn the Christian South into a godless shithole in revenge for being (rightfully) enslaved by the superior white man.

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Oh look, perhaps the news will do a bit of advertising.

Press X to Doubt. Sperg

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>Politically motivated

Bro even your motivations are trash, gtfo of here with that shit, seek mental help.

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kek, you know that website has an embedded bitcoin miner than uses your computer's processing power to mine bitcoins, right?

aka why I use nocoin (on my phone especially)

Umpqua Community College in Oregon, 2015. Media attributed that shooting to our board even though it probably wasn't us. A month later some faggot posted same thing on here again, and he got his ass nailed by fbi.

This man is truly off the goop, chief.


I had the FBI visit me for posting the exact same shit. Its not fun.

even better, waste CNN's pc
there aren't any, have a look with ublock

*knock knock*
Who's there?
FBI whomst?
*FBI gonna pound your anus so hard you can't shit*

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Is there a single PC there? Pretty sure they all use Macs.

Hello if this actually makes it into the news please include my waifu (pic related) thank you and have a good day

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Oh and if this is a kid trying to get out of exams, fuck you faggot. Anyone who wants to contact police, tell them to contact site admin to get ip, and to then contact service providers in that area. The last thing I want is media attention with normal faggots flooding in again.

Kinston PD, NC: (252) 939-3220
Lenoir County Sheriff Civil Division: (252) 559-6100

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lol fucking npcs using basedboy apple shit lul

>Democratic party
LARPing libtard spotted

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NC represent and roll



Trip get but he wont do it because nothing ever happens

trips might be now, but it wont matter will it

obviously a larping faggot but gonna roll anyways

Fucking niggers, they are the reason why we can't have nice things.

Apparently, I had to go through five (5) captchas so (((they))) know.

Trip its a trip to be me


Aaaaaaaaaaa. So close

So close but yet so lame

The new Spider-Man for PS4 is actually super satisfying to play. Fuck the Taskmaster though, what a fetid cunt.

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CNN debut my smol but legal wife

She is a good gal.

Allah give me trips.

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Hey fbi faggot tell the glowers to die thanks

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Dont worry boys ive got nothing but time to roll for something that wont happen

Please try and kill some jewish students as well. and if you can make sure you do a fortnite dance in front of some CCTV cameras. also wear a rick and morty t shirt while you shoot up the school.

Aaaaa let me get trips you niggerhater

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Spaghetti is pasta turn up the rasta

Have fun cencoring this out CNN

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This is lame on so many levels.
Granted, OP is a faggot and not going to do it, but trips are still trops.

The sandal scandal you mean?

Rolling for trips
Come at me CIA niggers.
bro wtf

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who stole the trips?

No, the one that rhymes with fun

You better get the new high score you useless cunt.

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The Landmark Keystone Arts Cinema in Indianapolis.

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Include me in the screencap niggers

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hi im new to this website

OH gun thats the one


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Keep going desu, livestream or not go for trips!

This comic should get me trips!

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I shun the pun that is fun with gun

The notorious hacker Jow Forums is at it again

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Gonna keep going until trips
Twitter is @clorotch if anyone likes my shit

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999 now boys the holy shooting

Its all a part of the black plans
Dont fall for it user, they want you to shoot them.

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Barack Obama Nostradamus taco lasagna not your mama stop the drama

I wanna fug the bitch in that Brazzers ad mobile users get. Trips?

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John McCain all the same bombing Spain pawns his brain

dear God I hope OP gets fucked so hard by somebody

I'm holding you to it Sam.

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if this gets trips your mom is gay

Kobe Bryant Oh shes trying scope these tyrants hope hes flying

boipoucci to be quite honest

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fucking idiot. they will close down Jow Forums to investigate and we won't be able to browse because of you.

also you're just helping your president get impeached faster you fucking tool.

if this doesn't get trips your mom is gay

The last rhyme of this time

Es ist zeit fur rache!
no u

reroll pls dear God I need this please

Here goes shooting its like nothing lol

make it really plebbit and wear a kekistan flag around your neck and a fedora. wear an oversized suit. make sure your last words are something about how great trump is.

Rolling originally
You know you can just stay home sick to miss an exam op

Call in to Kinston police, so his ass doesn't get our board plastered in the media, getting our board flooded with normals.

I sent in an anonymous tip, do you think that'll actually do anything?

hey OP, you don't have to do this! rolling for trips.


if you do it in the name of Trump, we are going to lose the midterms because the media will push gun control which will energize democratic votes and fuck us over

I pray mein furher will bless me with these trips

Also look at this gun, now you want to fuck it. Fuck the gun, you know you CIA fags want to.

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