/uni/ - Long hour day edition

>tfw 7.5 hour of classes without enough time in between to get lunch
How's your day, fellow robots?

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Just going to bring over what I wrote in our wageslave thread since it applies here too.
>started working when I was fifteen
>currently twenty
>still working full-time hours at part time jobs (currently staffed as a deli clerk, $11.50 per hour, vacation pay, sick pay, health insurance)
>work 40 hours per week
>additionally attend/complete around 35/40 hours per week of courses, go to school full-time on scholarships, have 0 debt
>additionally get in 10 hours of volunteer work per week at 2 volunteer positions
>Manage to maintain a GPA around 3.6/3.7
Currently wrapping up my fifth semester with plans to graduate Spring 2021.
P-Please send encouragement and prayers

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>was saving up and was finally going to drop out
>job fired a bunch of people
I feel like I'm going to puke every time I think about having to go back into class but if I don't go and I don't have a way to support myself my parents will cut me off and I'll be fucked again, I just want out, will probably kill myself soon honestly I can't keep going

I failed out and have 9 days to appeal my suspension if I want to return next semester

>>work 40 hours per week
>>additionally attend/complete around 35/40 hours per week of courses, go to school full-time
God I wish I had the willpower to do this.

something about being utterly alone on campus and walking around abject and full of despair is quite comfy. I'll miss it when I graduate

I hope you have a job offer lining up, user.

>7.5 hours doing mathematical physics assignment, not enough time to go to class

i meant that > as a greater than sign. Brain is broken into math world can't even remember how to Jow Forums

Hope youre having fun wasting your life away like this user

>hate college
>hate being alive
>procrastinate everything to the last minute
>still get good grades
>don't even have an excuse to drop out

Anyone else know this feel?

That's impressive, at least for me. I couldn't cope with going to classes when I just had a part-time job, surely not able to do it now, I just started full-time. I'm going to start online university in January, I'll be doing history, it may be meme and useless, but down the line I suppose it's better to have than not have it.

why the fuck would you even be on on campus in less you had class? I would never step foot on campus in less i had something to do the place makes me depressed as fuck knowing all the normies and roasties on campus are having the times of their lifes. I lived off campus so i never had to be around those fags.

In the UK at least, most people live on campus in their first year.

>get good grades
>Anyone else know this feel?
I don't know this feel

Same except I always finished my work early so I could browse Jow Forums all day guilt-free.

>Working full time and pursuing masters degree full time
>Still getting good grades despite spending most weekends drunk
I don't know how people find uni hard desu

What is your master's degree in?

>tfw getting behind on a shitton of work but the work isn't graded anyways

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Same for me pretty much
At this point I just BS all my work yet still maintain at least an B+ in all my classes

>Working full time and pursuing masters degree full time
Are you just memeing? Unless you don't go to any classes, that's not possible.

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>take easy bullshit degrees
>hurr why you think uni is hard??

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I'm doing my masters in statistics - focusing mostly on econometric modelling

nah. i dont go to class, I just watch lectures online, and do the req. readings/homework on weekends

Good man, keep killing it

>required reading
>for a master's degree
hahaha wtf

Please state your point.

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>tfw online uni courses master race
when will the campuscucks learn about and accept the ability of being able to bullshit 100 percent of your work from the comfort of your own bedroom?

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Aren't master's degrees all research?

I can't get work done at home, ever, I just can't stop procrastinating. If I'm on campus all I do is work.

So you don't have classes, required readings or homework to help you understand what you wanted to research?
We don't just go in day 1 and start researching stuff.

>exam in 2.5 hours
>2 hour bus ride
Doing some last minute studying right now, making sure I went over everything.

Wish me luck boys.
I'm getting ready.

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>after years of bullshit, I've finally got most of my shit together, have a real, single digits chance at getting a 4.0 after barely hanging on for a while
I think I might make it guys!

Do you not get carsick from reading in the bus? Just don't go into exam feeling like shit.

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There's nothing better than not having to fight people for a spot in the library

You know we can do that as well? Anyone with a house can do that.

Maybe I'm just lucky cause I have my own place and have a separate office. Really helps me focus.

Only NPC go to library
Actual people just use online resources