Post your routine
>brush twice/day for 2min with electronic toothbrush
>scrape my tongue
>floss every other day
>go to dental hygienist every 6 months *scrape scrape*
Post your routine
>brush twice/day for 2min with electronic toothbrush
>scrape my tongue
>floss every other day
>go to dental hygienist every 6 months *scrape scrape*
Other urls found in this thread:
>brush my teeth in the morning when I shower
>floss once a week when I randomly remember to do it
I brush when everything starts tasting like shit so after a week or two
I dont think I hav e brushed my teeth since i was 7 when my mom forced me to do it,and thats about 20 years ago.
I usually brush my teeth whenever I'm planning on talking to someone, like a doctor, so like once a month at best.
>brush my teeth, scrape my tongue, and use mouth wash in the morning
>sometimes do the same at night but only if I feel like my mouth is particularly dirty
Brush twice, floss once a day (i dont have time in the morning), I also use mouth wash.
Sometimes I am extremely tired but I always brush because dental problems is the worst thing that can happen
I've brushed my teeth less than 10 times in the entirety of 2018. My breath smells of death desu.
I haven't brushed my teeth in 3 days
>brush twice a day and use mouthwash
>checkup every 6 months
dentist guy never complains so I guess im doing ok
I brush twice a day but I haven't visited a dentist in over 10 years. I fucking fear them
I'm in my mid twenties with braces. FUCK ALL OF YOU
>brush teeth once every two weeks
>floss and mouthwash every morning and evening
I floss and brush whenever my teeth feel gross, hurt, or if I remember to.
If I'm going to be talking to someone (uncommon) I'll use toothpaste and mouth wash to fix my breath.
Braces are cute, I'll let you suck my cock if you want.
Im wearing braces so brush 1 or 2 times a day
You aren't a robot unless you have crooked yellow teeth
I have spacer bars. I'd peel it like a potato, you probably wouldn't even have a dick left after about two thrust.
>brush twice a day
>floss once a day
never had any problems with my teeth and my dentist keeps saying I should keep this up. if you don't do this you're going to regret it later when you see the bills the dentist's gonna send ya to fix your teeth
if i wont brush my teeth or clean my room i get really really anxious, touching the toilet bowl can make me tremble because im so microphobic, i was out drinking with a friend and this girl who is my friend started threwing up, she threw up so much that the toilet got clogged, i had to unclog it by using the brush thingy, but it was so deep my hand also went in i got so anxious but didnt show it i went to the bathroom and washed my hands atleast 30 times and even the day after, fuck me
and if that wasnt clear enough i always FUCKING ALWAYS wash my teeth and you should too you disgusting fags
i hope i never have to sit next to u
>brush my teeth once when i wake up.
Thats it, im proud of myself for even doing that. I just had dental surgery twice totaling like 6k $$$$ just to fix my fucked up teeth from not brushing for almost 3-5 years.
I brush once before bed and once after I get up.
My teeth are still kind of bad and I've had about 6 crowns/fillings put in. I kind of suspect I have diabetes which is causing it, but I'd rather not find out that I'm diabetic so I just ignore it.
>tfw hardly ever brush or mouthwash ever
Help how do I start caring for my teeth again
Is it even possible/worth the effort?
>Haven't brushed my teeth in a couple of months.
>Dental check up on the 26th.
Oh boy.
I brush my teeth after every single meal, snack, or non-water drink.
I've had a 30-minutes long, no-anesthesia, painful tooth drilling when I was 15. I promised to myself I'll never have another tooth drilled in my life.
>brush twice/day for 2min with electronic toothbrush
>scrape my tongue
>floss every evening
>use mouth wash every evening
>never go to the ((((dentist))))
My routine is to just not brush my teeth ever
I need a root canal. I'm planning on going to Mexico to do it. The fag pajeet dentist I got wanted to charge 4k. Fuck him and his buddy eyebrows. Fairy looking fag was acting pissy and impatient when I asked him questions about my teeth.
How the fuck do you expect me to trust you with my mouth when you won't take a minute to answer my questions. Fuck dentistry in the US. We're truly lesser than third world in this regard
You should always avoid asian and pajeet dentists. There's a norwegian dentist in my area that I plan on going to.
Yeah definitely keeping this as a law from now on. I have 1 yr old son. Definitely not going to let him make my mistakes
I brush whenever I feel like I need to
Like once or twice a week maybe
Dude, more than 3 times a day is too much. It has bad effects on teeth and gums.
Please read about this if you aren't already aware.
Always wait about 15 to 30 minutes after you finish eating to brush - there'll still be traces of acids present before then and you can strip your enamel.
In bongland you're about 40-90 bongbucks depending on the tooth
You guys are lucky and the memes go that the brits have bad teeth
I have never brushed my teeth regularly in my life. Every few months at best. As I see it, if I already have disgusting, yellow, crooked teeth, why should I bother brushing it? It won't help a thing. And against bad smell there's listerine.
I brush and floss once everyday before I go to sleep.
>tfw have diabetes so eat almost no sugar
>perfect teeth despite only brushing 5-6 times per week
look for the positives in life, anons.
Yeah, they may not look great but at least we can get something done for a fraction of what you yanks pay
Dentist shit posting between patients here. Sup teethlets?
That's it son, the best digits you're ever going to get and you wasted them.
Brush twice daily. Use oscillating rotating toothbrush.
Never floss, never use mouthwash and scrape tongue occasionally. Be blessed with good saliva, chew gum, dont snack on cariogenic food 24/7 and drink only water (especially after eating). Never had any trouble, not even
incipient caries.
Flossing is more important than brushing. I floss and brush 1 per day 99% of the time and have zero cavities.
>Brush once a day in the morning, including my tongue and the back of my throat for about a minute
>dentist every 6 months
done. I also wear a retainer at night if that counts. I've only ever had one cavity, when I was like 6. Never had one since then. with habits as shitty as mine, I believe the only reason anybody ever gets cavities is literally never brushing your teeth at all and eating shitty food 24/7.
this. also when i feel a calcification buildup on the teeth near the gums. it still works out to once every week or two.
dont use toothpaste twice a day you fucking idiot, that's a toothpaste marketing meme. it's an abrasive. just brush with tootpaste in the morning and just the brush at night.
>brush teeth once before going to sleep
can someone answer me this
i brush my teeth twice a day 2 mins
barley eat any sweets or cordial
never drink anything like cola mainley teas
healthy diet
being doing this for years straight
maybe missing a day here or there pretty rare though
now all of a sudden
holes everywhere
have had 3 fillings done in the past 6ish months 2 of them were done a week ago and im going in soon for another one done also getting a pain from where another one might pop up
i just dont get it have those little days where ive brushed once really done this? like this will only be maybe 6 missed brushes a year i just dont get it dentists say i have nice teeth tho so thats a plus
Perhaps you could try not rinsing after you brush, and not using mouthwash unless it's fluoride mouthwash.
The flouride only works for as long as it stays on your teeth (which is why water fluoridation is likely useless; it barely contacts your teeth before you swallow it).
my country has flouride water
i wash my mouth with water then mouthwash then brush and dont rinse
this is a more recent thing ive being doing though
Some people just have bad saliva user. My sister brushes her teeth like every two or three days and I brush and floss everyday. She has pearly white teeth and I have yellow shitters. Screwed over by genetics once again.
Fun fact: Fluoride does nothing for dental health and is put in the water and oral heath products to subdue and control the population easier
If you're gonna brush your teeth, go fluoride free. And for fuck's sake stop drinking tap water.
>to subdue and control the population easier
the absolute state of tinfoil hat conspiracies has made its way from Jow Forums all the way to Jow Forums. what a surprise. fuck off ya antivax piece of shit
I brush at least three times a day and always after i eat. I floss like once a week. Never had a cavity.
Best thing you can do for your teeth is to always brush right before you go to sleep. Never go to sleep after eating or drinking anything acidic or with sugar
Enjoy your calcified pineal gland my friend
>There was no statistically significant correlation between age and the extent of the calcification
assuming a person of older age has consumed more fluoride than a younger person, they should have a higher rate of calcificaion, no? this study says otherwise.
hello? can you link me any studies that prove ingesting the absolute miniscale amounts of fluoride in tooth paste or tap water correlates to more calcification in the pineal gland? Doesn't have to be causation. Or are you BTFO?
Before going to bed and everytime I leave the house (unless it's a quick trip to the store)
this, i brush every few days? dont really pay attention
I got braces when I was 28. Its worth it. You should have gone invisible plastic ones
flossing is as important if not more important than brushing, you can brush twice a day but if something gets stuck between teeth and doesnt get removed by brushing thats where the cavity will appear and no amount of brushing will prevent it. You can either take my advice or learn the hard way.
Forgot to floss retard. Majority of cavities occur in between teeth. Also a conventionally healthy diet is not necessarily non-cariogenic. The frequency with whcih you eat is also much more important than the amount you eat. Only eating a small amount of sweets, but eating them continually is much worse than just smashing a larger amount in a short amount of time.
And you could just have a dentist who treats cavities very aggressively, or one who thinks you have bad oral hygiene and doesnt trust you to keep your teeth clean, so to prevent you rotting your teeth out further they are just smashing any sign of cavities.
>floss every day, sometimes multiple times a day
>brush every morning with high quality dental toothpaste
>avoid eating many sugary foods or high carb foods
>haven't gone to dentist in months
I went a solid three years without brushing regularly and I've been doing it for about a year and a half now
Am I fucked