What's your opinion on love?
What's your opinion on love?
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women need to have their rights taken away and given 2nd class citizen status before we can figure out what the hell is going on with sluts and infidelity
well for one, it's not illegal.
very baste and redpilled
It's an emotion can be good can be bad, effects your health to much in my opinion not worth the risk of being fucked over. I prefer brotherhood.
what's this image about, pedophilia?
Who is running on that platform?
It's rare these days and most people don't actually love their partner, instead they settle for someone they find acceptable, just not loveable.
>When npcs spout "Love is love" and then they have to backpeddle when you mention kids
Anyone love doing that to them?
>tfw turned into Francis at some point
i think op is a pedo
I know what you're referring to and that's not love. That's lust.
baste and redpilled frogposter
love is only love between consenting adults. kids and animals can't consent.
It's a beautiful concept that brings light to the world and hope to the hearts of men.
I pray it really exists outside of fiction, even if I never experience it.
You're already getting replies, you don't even have to try holy shit, fucking npcs
There can be parental love and such as long as it's not #gone sexual
#gone sexual = lust and that's where there are problems
it does exist user.
>inb4 attacked
i have been in a relationship for 5 years, which is long past the lust phase when you first start dating. after 5 years I still love him. our relationship is stronger together. we both have realized that its important to us to work through the hard times, even if they are extremely hard and terrible, because we want to be together that bad. i would cross oceans for him, i would do anything to make him happy.
I give up on romantic love. I fell pretty hard for a 3/10 and was dumped for having an emotional breakdown after losing a loved one. They would constantly berate me and throw fits for not dropping everything to see them. This went on for about three weeks until they dumped me a few hours after having a complete breakdown over the phone. All they cared about was the attention I could give, my feelings never mattered. The cunt never once tried to comfort me but constantly demanded I validate their decision to switch jobs and other dumb shit.
Great. 10/10. Would recommend.
Just don't give 100% and you won't jump of a building because of it
Interesting. How did it start?
>on dating site for a year
>some guy with a weird pic messages me
>it's a dark and grainy imagine of a silhouette holding a rutabaga
>this is his only picture
>he writes me a funny poem based off my profile
>we talk for a year
>he asks if i wanna see a movie
>i say yes
and we have been together since that date.
Good on you, user. I've also been with my partner for 7 years and feel exactly the same way as you. It really is wonderful.
And you were unusually young?
I don't know, I was 20. Is that unusually young?
go away fatman
Is he considerably older? I'm asking given the OP's implication.
no, irrelevant to op. he is 28 and i am 25.
I.. I'm not a fat man...
Don't fall for the ugly meme. Virtuous people take care of themselves.
Taking care of oneself has nothing to do with being ugly, user.
Well that's good. I hope it continues going well.
I bet he still gets on dating sites and talks to other women on occasion. I genuinely hope he's not and that the two of you make it. The 3 and 5 year mark is usually around the time long term relationships die.
oh good, i wish you luck and prosper in your relationship then, as long as you're not that fucking guy.
thank you user.
>disabled people can't be virtuous
interdasting take
It's fucking stupid and pointless, never give into your own internal evils.
He doesn't, we're probably too transparent.
>shower with the door open
>use each others computer including browsing history
>use each others phones
we don't use passwords or anything.
Haha, you're in for a hard feature. Granted if youre a vagina you don't actually love anyway.
Robots on here will never know it
Th-thanks, user. Good luck to you, too.
>a hard feature
What do you mean by this?
>guy who has never been in a relationship telling someone who has been in a relationship for 7 years that they can't love
>using a women as your mouth piece
This is how you know to not trust this and the soiboy jap who wrote this
>>disabled people can't be virtuous
No, they can't. The fact that they are disabled is proof that their soul is being punished for being non-virtuous.
Love is a feeling I wish to experience but know that nothing in this shitty universe will make me feel it even if I'm shown positive emotion for once. I am incapable of feeling bonds with other people. I can show care, but I do not feel bonded to specific people because I simply wish for them to fare better. Even in my fantasies the feeling of falling in love eludes me, even when it's purely focused on feelings and events that bond me and the fantasy-being through hardship or otherwise.
It is a complicated emotion that I cannot hope to ever emulate for myself.
extol your virtues to me
Read it's drugs in your brain and only lasts 2 years between people which is the time to make and have a baby then the love fades.
>tfw married for a decade with no baby and still adoring my spouse
Things that should be legal:
Straight marriage
Gay marriage
Things that shouldn't be legal:
Yeah can confirm just ask your mom when i fucked her last night
They were so below my looks match and constantly saying how much more attractive I was. The 3/10 was a very generous rating. I just really didn't matter unless I provided constant attention. The cunt would guilt me for not leaving my loved ones side, even though my loved one had nobody else to comfort them. Yet somehow this was the closest I've ever been to having romantic feelings for someone. They contacted me a few weeks ago and I genuinely think it was all just to fuck we my head. I was nothing but loving and kind, even when they fucked up my alphabetical organization of my magic cards. I would have flipped out on anyone else for bending my cards the way they did.
some people literally see no difference
also i think polygamy can be okay but i am not sure, as i don;t know much about it.
That's beautiful. I hope to experience this kind of love one day.
For society the big problem with polygamy is that it creates a large population of excess males which boost violence. For the polygamous family itself infant mortality goes up because the father is still seeking mates more than rearing children. Rich Mormons back in the day and Muslims in Malaysia deal with the second one big time.
I think encouraging or being permissive to multiple partner relationships would just have a negative effect on society.
Meanwhile gays are just going to be gay regardless, and even if you think someone can be turned bi, bis usually end up with women anyway.
why does polygamy have to be a man with 5 wives? why can't it be 3 men and 3 ladies? then there's no excess.
Don't mean to sound like Rick and Morty but love isn't fucking real.
We should bring back the crucifix to publicly crucify people who support pedophilia.
Love, is a burning thing
And it makes, a fiery ring
Bound, by wild desire
I fell into a ring of fire
>na na na >nanananananaaaanaaaaaaneeeee
>na na na na na
>na na neeeeeeeeeeee
I wouldn't want my wife to have sex with a guy with a bigger wee wee desu.
then don't do it
I don't wanna get fucked up the ass so I am not gonna get gay married.
Love always wins, edgy cringelord.
Yeah, but I was alluding to men probably being less willing to share than women. Combine that with women being more picky. It's going into the direction of women latching onto wealthy/powerful men if anything.
Cunnies are the currency of the elite. If "it" gets normalized, youre gonna hurt """their""" business. Chances of it getting legalized is nill.
Yeah, I love that one. If your conception of love doesn't include romantic love between a little girl and a grown man, then I'm sorry but you've placed a filter over your understanding, and blinded yourself to true love.
It is quite overrated and when you do feel it, it rarely lasts for more than a year.
>backpedalling NPC lefties
It's a great thing to distract you from all your problems, but always fucks you up eventually.
love and cunnypilled
yeah it kinda isnt, but it can make our human minds feel a little better, even tho the only reason for love is to make us breed
it's not right-wing to be a pedophile or an animal fucker.
I tend to think animal fuckers are more likely to be concentrated in the fly by states
true love only exists between a man and his 2d wife
cunny is love cunny is life
>What's your opinion on love?
Bullshit that NPCs confuse lust for.