Things NPCs believe in

"All men have the potential to be attractive to women if they work hard enough".

Attached: npc.jpg (408x431, 11K)

>Israel needs our support

Black people are human too!

"Islam is the religion of peace. White people and Israel are the problem. Trump needs to be impeached. Religion is stupid."

Attached: nu males2.jpg (1280x960, 178K)

anything r9k says

"Abortion is a woman's choice."

Attached: nu males3.jpg (639x472, 104K)

"We watch women's MMA".

Attached: numales.jpg (960x886, 134K)

"We drink coffee, alcohol, and smoke weed. All other drugs are evil though."

Attached: nu males.jpg (610x406, 62K)

"I fight for minorities and women's rights".

Attached: nu male4.jpg (750x488, 84K)

"If you don't have a girlfriend, you're a failure."

Attached: 1429788964506.jpg (1994x1496, 499K)

Life is a gift

"If you don't have a girlfriend, it's your fault not society's. Women never make the wrong decision. Excuse me while I play my Nintendo Switch with my wife's son while Tyrone has sex with my wife."

Attached: nu male.jpg (532x614, 93K)

"Suicide is the coward's way out".

*two minutes later*

"You don't have the guts to kill yourself".

Normies can't make up their minds.

Attached: pizza girl.png (647x805, 1.01M)

user that is a boy btw

If that's a boy why does it look like a girl? Checkmate atheist.

hah holy shit it's the same thing as always but with different words, you guys don't see the irony? I guess NPCs can't detect irony.

>There's someone out there for everyone
>Incels don't exist
>Girls like confidence

"niggers are human"


>If you buy a car, get better clothes, get a haircut, go to the gym, take a shower, and get confidence women will find you attractive.

God I hate that one.

Attached: America 2018.jpg (579x767, 74K)

>every person has limitless potential and their life doesn't have to suck
*works a dead-end retail job*

>read as "All men have the potential to be attractive women if they work hard enough"


this isn't grounded in any statistical reality, but biologically speaking it's pretty healthy for a population to "mongrelize"

>Jews look just like us. Race is a social construct.

Attached: Germans and Jews.jpg (960x660, 169K)

things capitalists believe in
>all men have the potential to be rich if they work hard enough

it's the bootstraps myth.

i actually enjoy being a mongrel. i like having two cultures.

This guy can literally get out of bed with his hair sticking up, smelling like crap, probably works out once a month, smokes weed, plays Xbox all day, and women line up to suck his dick.

Attached: scruffy-sunday.jpg (640x427, 59K)

>you can't handle a strong white woman like me
>asian women are for betas

Attached: npc roast2.png (989x521, 307K)

>little white boy looks like a thug
>little jew boy looks cute and smart
>little white girl looks matronly already at age 10
>little jew girl looks cute and smart

>Jews look different to Europeans
Oy vey, das raciss.

>Men who have girlfriends earned them through hard work and personality

Attached: chads.jpg (750x750, 131K)

the jews in the books are germans. that's why i didn't say
>the german kids

>Jews can be German too


Attached: 14 words.png (949x949, 1.5M)

>the jews in the books are germans
But Jews are the original inhabitants of Jeruselum! Oy vey, you're denying their rightful heritage of Israel!

You don't get that body eating like crap and barely working out

face it, puppet, hitler killed his own citizens, his own brothers and sisters in god.

>germans from germany who follow the jewish faith are no longer germans

>If you work out girls will be attracted to you

Attached: buffvirgins2.jpg (2589x3551, 856K)

>I love skinny boys
Not in the western world my dude

the glasses guy isn't ugly, he just needs to wear contacts or better glasses. his are autism-tier.

>"Anime girls aren't cute."

Attached: Yay.jpg (210x240, 6K)

>ashkenazi jews
just because a piece of paper states that you're german doesn't mean that you are part of the ethnicity.
guess all those sandniggers getting citizenships are germans as well?

german citizens are german. there's nothing to dispute.
having multiple generations of your family being german citizens makes your heritage german.

>said Jews look different to Whites
>says they are both the same

Attached: 1456051868271.png (400x400, 128K)

jews aren't whites, but both the whites and jews pictures are ethnically german.

Just be yourself bro!!! Seriously man just hit the gym and get swole!!!

Attached: 7330D194-A552-4486-B38E-0E1B9454F2B0.png (636x773, 8K)

This is the biggest NPC meme of them all.

Just force yourself out of your comfort zone and everything will sort itself out!

Attached: 1528332561600.png (465x312, 55K)

You sure are ignorant of Jewish history; Jews haven't been in Germany that long.
Why else would they have their own language (Yiddish) and still practice the Jewish religion even though the Teutonic Knights (Catholic) originate from Germany?

Though, I can predict your response and won't let you waste my time further.

Attached: 1470289977535.jpg (600x640, 174K)

"a language used by Jews in central and eastern Europe before the Holocaust. It was originally a German dialect with words from Hebrew and several modern languages and is today spoken mainly in the US, Israel, and Russia."

seriously can you not use a google? Yiddish is a german dialect.

that woman in the background is the most musculine in the group. hows that even possible?

>Yiddish is a german dialect.
>can you not use a google?

'Yiddish is the historical language of the Ashkenazi Jews. It originated during the 9th century[4] in Central Europe, providing the nascent Ashkenazi community with a High German-based vernacular fused with elements taken from Hebrew and Aramaic as well as from Slavic languages and traces of Romance languages.[5][6][7] Yiddish is written with a fully vocalized version of the Hebrew alphabet. '

'Ashkenazi Jews, also known as Ashkenazic Jews or simply Ashkenazim, are a Jewish diaspora population who coalesced in the Holy Roman Empire around the end of the first millennium.[20] '

I predicted your response perfectly and I can predict it again.
This time though, I won't bother to witness it.

Attached: 1536865864224.jpg (1000x1000, 185K)

>Half your age +7 is the standard parameter for choosing a female to breed with
>Choosing to breed with your sister or cousin is an invalid mating strategy

Attached: flat,1000x1000,075,f[1].jpg (1000x1000, 46K)

>It originated during the 9th century[4] in Central Europe, providing the nascent Ashkenazi community with a High German-based vernacular fused with elements taken from Hebrew and Aramaic as well as from Slavic languages and traces of Romance languages.
> It originated during the 9th century[4] in Central Europe
>providing the nascent Ashkenazi community with a High German-based vernacular

are you retarded lol