w-we won't get in trouble for encouraging that school shooter OP, will we?
W-we won't get in trouble for encouraging that school shooter OP, will we?
Other urls found in this thread:
You fucked up, OP. The FBI will be knocking on your door by next Friday, guarantee it. They don't fuck around with that stuff here, especially after the "some of you are alright" guy.
now you fucked up
you have fucked up now
fucking up is what you just did
Scared to talk. What a pussy.
Why would they? It's hard to prove with just ip that it was you that posted. It would be a waste of their resources to go after a bunch of autists. I will be fine regardless because I submitted an user tip to the FBI
i told him he was stupid a lot of times and one time i tried for trips.
nah, also I took a photo of the entire thread You can read the text prefectly, it ain't like that really small shit.
No they dont give a fuck
what school shooter??? ive been behind did some actually for once go through with one of those "look at the news tomorrow at ____"??
Nah, mods purged a thread in which a guy said he was going to shoot up a school tomorrow like 10 minutes ago.
my message to fbi who might be reading this:
>last time an user told them to line them up
>the madman actually did it
I know that I watched a lot of youtube videos about school shooters but that in no way shows that I am a possible school shooter. I have no way to get a gun or have much reasons to do it. I still have good relations with my family and I would be unlikely to be committing any crime any time soon. Most of my google search records aren't serious -user
This board has another wannabe faggot? Hope he gets fucked.
You're fucked anyway. People have gotten visits from the police before over fake threats made here.
-to fbi man watching me with love
>trips were had
rip op, the absolute autist
lol see ya
I've already called Lenoir County, Kinston NC PD faggot, I hope you get fucked by fbi. Even had the operator on the site itself, the thread was already gone by the time I got him on the board, he's probably on here now.
>lol see ya
What do you mean? I'm not going anywhere
i posted this pic with the caption
Hey, I just want to say that the madman that posted the thread is a faggot and won't shoot up a school. He's a tryhard.
I swear to God if Thad went for round 2 with Tyrone I'll be dissappointed in him.
goddammit don't sabotage a perfectly good school shooting you flaming faggot. A new shooting would keep us and Jow Forums entertained for weeks. They are normie NPC's their lives mean nothing. Hell dying for our entertainment is the best thing they will ever do.
I hope the shooter goes through with it.
those kids are gonna get a day off school whether the op does it or not, so thats neat.
I literally said that I wouldn't later in the thread as it was bait. Called you guys s()yboys in the process.
I told them that too, but it's better to be safe, then get assblasted by the media, and flooded by normies afterwards.
>other people aren't real
Liar, they're different
you're more retarded than a kid who pulls the fire alarm because you're not gonna get a spanking for it, you're probably gonna go to jail.
Why the fuck would we want even more normal fags coming here? Are you a fucking retard.
I'm the Vsauce one user
You're still fucked user.
>t. an edgy 14 year old who wasn't loved
You're actually so fucking retarded it's funny. Enjoy explaining this disgrace to your parents lol.
Can someone post link to original thread?
can u stream it now so i can see u getting caught live
Don't you get a bill of a few hundred dollars for the fire truck dispatch when you pull the fire alarm?
they will come for like a week at best and then leave. Its funny watching them try to virtue signal their morals here. This is Jow Forums the site where the goddamn literature board who meme'd some girl to death and ruined her life. You need to appreciate a good happening.
it was removed by mods
The link has been taken down by site admin, if you are an investigator, please contact said site admin to restore or look at thread archive.
Shit I leave R9K for a few days of talking to Trannys on LGBT. I come back and you faggots convinced some sperg to shoot up a school. WTF.
Srs question. Why would anyone believe this shit? No time stamp with gun, basically the same as someone saying they are gonna hang themselves.
The faggotry at its source.
I just realized the so called shooter was probably banned from this site for a long fucking time. The interesting thing about that is it may actually push him over the edge and he will actually do it.
They need to take any threat seriously. They won't investigate anyone here except for the op who posted that thread, info that is easily attainable from the site admin and mods.
>one of my replies is gone
holy fuck guys i fucked up bad didn't i?
i posted the oprah 9000 penises pasta
School shooters are /r9kore/ but this is just some dumb faggot that thought anonymous was more than a word.
The shooter rolled 420 69, holy shit its actually going down.
With that specific a threat he just wanted school cancelled tomorrow
why couldn't he call in sick?
inb4 underage b&
Then the underage b& faggot still deserves it.
been offline for a few days and came back to this shooting stuff, link me to that thread
wait nvm found it
Good work detective, you're a real sleuth