Would you any of you date a literal loser?
Would you any of you date a literal loser?
Sure, but you have to be prepared to not be a loser after you start dating me
Would you date a literal loser is the real question
As long as they are able to bring up shit so I can keep the conversation going.
its ok user, we're all losers
how do women become losers they live on easy mode lmao fuck them
How big of a loser are you?
Literally who the fuck cares if girls are losers.
Only Chad perhaps because being with a loser might hurt his status. Unless he plays it off that he's doing it to virtue-signal.
no ones cares
No because being the loser she is she would fuck it up somehow
this, but also pretty text book.
If she liked cuddling
but they always want Chad anyway
As long as she'd let me do depraved and degrading things to her.
>literal loser
What was the competition?
Maybe. How big are your tits?
I am a literal loser.
Just look at the word, loser, someone who has lost, presumably at life.
That's me.
Babe, you're in fuckin loser central. Ain't nobody here give a fuck if you're a loser.
what did she mean by this?
This but unironically and originally and unoriginally and originally and also ironically
As long as they have some sort of consistent income OR studying, idc I'm a tight motherfucker and i ain't paying for your share of everything
otherwise idc
>Would you any of you date a literal loser?
Will you keep the house clean?
Will you play Dark Souls and watch Godzilla with me?
yeah i would
looks are the only thing that matter. If I'm attracted to you physically, I couldn't care less what your life or personality are like. I spent the past year hung up on a girl I dated for six months with actual autism who would scream when I touched her and was also borderline schizophrenic because I thought she was cute. And I would still date her now if she was still talking to me.
yeah as long as they were some what intelligent, nice and eccentric in similar ways that I am
Probably, I'm a narcissist who loves anyone who is affectionate towards me. Because of this I tend to develop codependent relationships with pyschopathic women.