Would you sleep with your cousin if she really wanted to and looked like pic related(for the whitebots)?

Would you sleep with your cousin if she really wanted to and looked like pic related(for the whitebots)?

Even if there was a chance that your family members would find out?

For a blackbot like me, I'd definitely try to sleep with my cousin if she looked like Qimmah Russo.

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if my cousin looked like that i wouldn't give a fuck if my family knew, they would probably find out anyway with the sound of me breaking my pelvis on that thicc ass

Smart move. Incest is slightly underrated. Sure, Brother-sister is too far, but cousin fucking? Eh, nothing too wrong with that.

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Bumporiginal posting.

If my cousin and I were in love, yes. I have no desire for casual sex, but a committed relationship and marriage.

>Brother-sister is too far
Ha, gay.

The westermarck effect makes it less-realistic anyway. Cousins are much more plausible and still have the taboo factor.

My cousin does look just like that and I do want to sleep with her. We've been estranged since we were kiddos and only just got back in touch so I might have a chance. I'm in my late teens she's in her mid twenties and recently went thru a painful breakup and is feeling quite lonely in life. Any advice anons?

You'd do this even while knowing that your families would heavily disapprove of it?

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Give her the dick.
Take her out on dates or some shit.

I have a cousin who kinda looks like this bodywise, she did pretty sexual stuff with me when i was younger so growing up i masturbated a lot to her, now i rarely see her but she still has that good body, her older sister also has a similar body but shes fatter, honestly id cum inside both of them , theres something i wounder tho, their father is my dads cousin and their mother my moms sister so its more then regular cousin incest right

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Yh but how do we get to that point? No offence but we're white British, I have no idea if it's even crossed her mind

Just ask if she wants to go at it like your ancestors did.

I have 3 cousins that look like that.

Not her but if she was tall, tan and athletic then fuck yes

>potentially ruining familial relationships for some awkward sex

don't think so

a lot of my female cousins are way older than me, but I have a few stepcousins but they've been molested, but I have a "cousin" who is really just the daughter of my mom's best friend but we don't seem compatible.

If my cousin looked like that I'd be confused because I am not white.

definition of a butterface goddamn

not black but yeah I would sleep with qimmah russo

damn she's cute af

i dont think you know what that means, sir

Having sex with obese girls like pic related is really bad. There's so much padding between you and her pussy that you can't go as deep.

Gonna need a NAME on this lady

t. small peepee

So, let's fuck each other's cousins then.

if my cousin was like lilli i'd definitely try and fuck her


My cousin is already hot, in her own way, I wouldn't. Incest is really morally fucked to me.

Ninja femanon.

>we're white British
>I have no idea if it's even crossed her mind

No not really. I'm quite a bit bigger than average and having sex with girls like that is really not at all as enjoyable.