>tfw uncut >tfw want to watch porn and rub one out >tfw most porn is cut guys >tfw can't get off watching cut dicks >tfw have to watch uncut porn videos to get off
Any other uncutbros feel this way? Or any cutfags who feel the same way that can't watch uncut porn and have to watch cut?
I have a normal penis (or "uncut" as you call it) and while I don't have to see a specific type of penis to get off, I do much prefer to see a normal penis as I do have a foreskin fetish and I view circumcised dicks as being gross and inferior because of the ugly scar, discolouration, and the cracked, calloused, damaged head that looks like someone just grabbed their dicks a scraped it across the pavement for a minute. Plus, I'm entirely against the procedure of circumcision, as I view it as sick, disgusting, barbaric, unethical, immoral, and child abuse that needs to be outlawed. But again, neither one is necessary, but normal is preferred.
I feel that is why I can't get off watching cut dick porn. The dick looks ugly as fuck being two toned. I can't relate that to my dick at all.
Jace Richardson
Oh, plus I think that only penises that AREN'T mutilated look sexy, manly, attractive, beautiful, and are just superior in every single way. >"But muh wimminz preference." >"But muh cleanliness." >"But muh too young to remember." Get over it cutfags. Just throw away your worthless male pride and admit that you're damaged. While I do have sympathy for circumcised guys and wish that their parents weren't sick, disgusting monsters who are fucked in the head, I simply can't feel sorry the ones who push circumcision like as if it's somehow a good thing.
Jeremiah Flores
Nolan Sanchez
gay as shit go back
Alexander Thomas
yeah I'm the same
just stick to lesbians or solo it's better anyway
Hunter Sanders
>Any other uncutbros feel this way? No, not in that regard. Although I can kind of relate in a different way - I'm a little bi, so I like trap/trans porn. I don't give a shit at all what the top's dick looks like, I have no problem self-inserting either way. But girls with cut dicks are just so much less arousing. It's just so much less aesthetic and would be way less fun to play with. Scarred and callused is not a feminine aesthetic
Kayden Gonzalez
Jesus fucking Christ, why are you so triggered over circumcised penises? Did you get your crush stolen by a jew? Holy shit.
Not him, but routine infant genital mutilation is kind of a big deal
Levi Scott
I'm not triggered, I just have a better sense of morality than a lot of people. Sorry for not wanting children to be abused by their own parents... I'll stop doing that now...
Landon Clark
Do you call your full limbs unamputated too?
Jaxon Gomez
I agree, but he spent more half of his comment shaming people who had a part of their dick cut off unwillingly.
If you guys think it's such a horrible thing, why would you shame the victim like that? Come on, be honest.
Nicholas Ross
>>tfw have to watch uncut porn videos to get off kinda sounds like you be gay OP all you talk about is other mens dick and masturbation
William Kelly
It's called self insert you faggots
Connor Perry
Okay, look, yes, maybe I should have been MORE sympathetic towards them. In fact, I even said that I DO have sympathy for them, however, I do find it hard to have sympathy for people who are okay with the procedure and don't see any problem with it. And look, if a guy who's circumcised is against circumcision and hates the fact that he was circumcised and would never do it to their own child, then I'm okay with him. But if a guy who's circumcised thinks that it's okay to mutilate a baby's genitals and would willingly have it done to his own child and thinks that it's something to brag about, then I despise him for being, in my eyes, a sick, evil piece of shit.
James Ward
Wew I think this is the first time someone on 4chins admitted they were wrong
Well done, dude
Levi Ward
Yeah, it's a little something called being a reasonable human being. What's truly surprising is that a lot of human beings AREN'T reasonable. Weird...
Eli Flores
Uncut dicks are just more aesthetically pleasing. I don't blame you.
Leo Morales
Thats why I stopped watching porn, along with the influx of nigger dicks.
Dominic Baker
>He watches porn for the dicks No surprise, OP proves to be a faggot once again.
Mason Wood
This all the way. That's why I find these threads get tiresome very quickly since it often just becomes dick shaming from either side. Really we should be talking about how fucked circumcision really is and showing sympathy to those who got this done when they were a baby and unwilling. Shit sucks. The guys who try to shill being cut as a positive or something to be proud of can fuck off though. They're just choosing to remain ignorant and this is coming from a cutfag here
Aaron Taylor
Yeah, there's nothing gay about wanting to insert yourself into another man...
Ryder Campbell
>cut my ears off so i now never have to clean them again Suck it ears fags
Exactly. I don't see how shaming a person for something they didn't have control over helps the situation at all. It's a moral/political/religious problem, not an aesthetic one.
Shilling any characteristic you have is purely projecting your insecurities in my opinion. As a woman I don't give a fuck if you are cut or "uncut", I think all dicks look equally ugly because they are not meant to be pretty to begin with.
It's the same as those Fat Acceptance women who try to bring others down to try to feel better about themselves. Just reeks of low self-esteem.
Lucas Edwards
>I think all dicks look equally ugly because they are not meant to be pretty to begin with. Even most heterosexual men find the penis to be aesthetically pleasing. What the hell is wrong with you roasties?
Carson Moore
>But if a guy who's circumcised thinks that it's okay to mutilate a baby's genitals and would willingly have it done to his own child and thinks that it's something to brag about, then I despise him for being, in my eyes, a sick, evil piece of shit. All non-Jewish men in the US who were cut as babies are victims who were mutilated and brainwashed by the Jews. Only the Jews are the true evildoers in this regard.
Exactly this. I personally find uncut penises to be absolutely gorgeous. >"As a woman I don't give a fuck if you are cut or "uncut"" You kinda should care at least a little bit, dude. Or at the very least you should be against circumcision being performed on infants.
Christopher Perry
Yes, Jews are the evil ones for inventing it and propagating it, but it still never should be practised and never should have come into existence in the first place.
Zachary Sanchez
>I personally find uncut penises to be absolutely gorgeous.
I think it's you guys who have a problem.
>You kinda should care at least a little bit, dude. Or at the very least you should be against circumcision being performed on infants.
I said it multiple times in this thread, dude. I think it's horrible and am against it too, but what I meant is that the aesthetic aspect of it doesn't matter to me. Is it clear enough for you now or are you a fucking brainlet?
Isaac Brooks
...and it will never be banned so long as the Jews continue to inhabit this country.
No, no, I understand now. Thanks for clearing that up. You're all good in my books, dude.
Angel Wood
are you implying catholics aren't sucking kids off as we speak?
Alexander Lewis
I know, right? You would think that people would just automatically know not to fucking do it, that the mere idea of it would be absolutely fucking sickening, but apparently not. Apparently people need to be told not to do something that should be so easily and automatically understood.
Jaxon Murphy
Then so are you in mine. Let's just stop focusing on the aesthetic aspect since it's not relevant at all.
I've had sjws bitch to me about how in some countries in Africa women get genital mutilation and when I mentioned jews circumcising their kids they went "oh, but that's their religion".
I can't believe these people are not NPCs. It's impossible to contradict yourself so badly and not realise it.
Cameron Brown
Please point out where I implied that.
Michael Adams
Nice try, Jew. A Catholic priest raping a child is illegal and everyone knows that it is morally wrong, including the perpetrator.
A Jew mutilating a child's penis and then using his mouth to suck the blood out? Well, that is perfectly legal and morally righteous, in the eyes of the Jews.
Oh yeah, the double standards that people like that apply are fucking disgusting. The worst is when you bring up FGM and MGM and then they say "b-but i-it's not comparable." Not realising that there's different kinds of genital mutilation for both males and females and that they are comparable, and that even if they weren't comparable neither one is still okay. I mean, just because one isn't AS SEVERE it doesn't make the other one okay. Like, how do they not understand this? I will just never understand how these people can hear the words "circumcision" or "infant genital mutilation" and not just be automatically disgusted by it. I just really wish it was within our genes to find the mere idea of mutilating genitals to be unthinkable. I have no idea why it isn't like that, but it really should be.
Jacob Roberts
I have this same problem with black people in porn. I'm white so I can't self insert as a nigger.
Bentley Gray
circumcision is tradition for orthodox jews but the sucking the blood out thing is a fringe practice.
Anthony Butler
>oi very goyim! whadaya sayin?! only SOME of us suck infant penis blood! LMAO fuck off Rabbi