Really Huge Shit I Just Dropped

Choke on this Jow Forums. I bet none of you basedboy numale PC fucks could produce a shit half as thick and long as mine. Looks so thick and juicy it makes me wanna munch on it a little, like a dog chewing on a bone.

Attached: myshit.jpg (1200x900, 87K)

Eh, I get these shits after I come back from music festivals during summer. Three-four days of no-shit does that. My autism makes my butthole pucker up, can't shit in portapotties.

op thats fucking nasty go eat ur shit faglord

that's one mesmerizing shit op

nah sorry, my butthole isn't so stretched that it allows me to take a shit like that

t.basedboy cuck originally!!

You want a bite too pussy?

Can you flush that?

I dunno, get your mom over and we'll try

how tall and how fat are you?

I'm 5'8" 274 pounds of proud American

you fat fuck. I'm a 5'11 185 pound american and i can't imagine taking a shit that big.

you fucking chode, you bloat, like the boomer from left for dead if i shot you you'd blow up with shit instead of vomit.

>two americans trying to act superior over each other

the irony.

Attached: American Shopper.gif (411x488, 1.46M)

did your asshole bleed?

how can you have autism but go to loud and crowded noise festivals?

do fatter people take bigger shits? does being fat make your asshole bigger?

>el 56% goblinos arguing

Do you need to go to the hospital.

I'm not a smart man. I imagine how great it's going to be to see that one band live, and then by the time they're supposed to play my feet are cold, everything is too loud and I wish I were home. I don't know why I keep doing it.

I'm pretty sure that shit is one of the best accomplishment of your life.
You really shouldn't be proud of being a fat cuck who takes pictures of his own shit and might even enjoy eating it, I hope for you to chock on it if you do

This is a utter fake.

Attached: image.jpg (960x479, 93K)

Nice try, but photo leads to a Plebbit post back in November 2016 and is originally from a Japanese Shit fetish site

>185 pound
thats 83 kilos you fat fuck ahhahaha, I thought I was fat at 70ish kilos hahahhahahahah