There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who still haven't gotten over their atheist phase

There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who still haven't gotten over their atheist phase.
How does that make you feel

Attached: Jesus-laughing-image.jpg (410x634, 35K)

Worshipping a kike on a stick is always a better choice

>be me
>on Jow Forums
>see a post against atheist
>agree,because the Lord is one and only,and everyone must pray him


Yes because Christianity is the only religion and the only form of belief. Good one, edgelord.

religion is a cope

saying religion is a cope is a cope

Yeah, believing in an eternal paradise after death and recieving strength from god or whatever isn't a cope.

Yeah, believing that existence is meaningless and you don't matter as an excuse to be a useless piece of shit isn't a cope either.

It's not funny. I try to force myself to believe in the divine, but I always deal with the constant terror that the universe is purely material.

How do ideas arise out of pure material? From what materials does the idea of objectivity and logic come from? If it's "just our electrochemical brain organ bro" then your thinking is not objective and shouldn't be trusted anyways. That's just a self-defeating mindset and is quite definitively illogical to believe.

Theists: You only don't believe in God to cope with your sinful life
Also Theists: Atheism leads to nihilism and depression; only belief in a higher power can fill the hole in your heart
So are we atheists because it feels good or not?

you can use both as a cope
>as long as god and heaven exist, im sure everything difficult i face is just a test of faith!! god actually love us!! e-evil people will go to hell for sure!!! so i wont do anything to e-evil people cause they go to hell!!!
>lol whatever haha earth is a TINY SPEC OF DUST so like whatever man my wife can suck other people's cuck man nothing matters morality is a spook

>god of the gaps
I can't help but feel apathetic about this topic when you people just keep pulling up the same bullshit.

You are an atheist because it's easier to disregard a higher-power.

>bro lets come up with lots of theories man yeah lets figure things out
>oh wait no not God God is not viable theory, not that I'm not biased or anything, even if it makes sense it's not okay to consider it at all

I'm not atheist or agnostic but I don't believe in any religions that are commonplace on fact I have my own beliefs that sound more like crazy talk but it's still valid cause I say so.

Attached: Hopping.gif (533x300, 838K)

i would honestly really like to believe in god, but what makes abrhamic religion any more right than others?

it isn't easy, it's much to explain everything you are ignorant about as
>God must've done it!
>It must've been God's will!

>"Is there such a thing as a divine being"
>"What happens after death"
>"What is the true nature of our conscience"
>"What is the origin of existence"

>believing in god
sorry user, this website is 18+ only

Right back at ya. Only 16 year olds are still unironically atheists

One should be open minded, but not so much that their brain falls out. God as a theory doesn't provide any quantifiable predictions and is pretty useless to scientific inquiry when compared to say, the big bang theory which predicted an array of things like cosmic microwave background radiation. The existence of a creator doesn't narrow us down onto how the creator created us, so how could it be a viable theory? It's not arbitrary to ask for falsifiability.

Following your own beliefs is the true blackpill

The bible is a good laugh if you can get past some of the genealogy-babble. God is an extremely petty asshole to the point that it is comical.
Considering the world is full of various faiths, beliefs and ideologies, my own belief is in the concept of faith itself since it is the one thing all humans, regardless of religious convictions, share to some extent. There is something beyond our perception that has yet to be concretely discovered and confirmed. That higher power is our known unknown, regardless of the form it takes.
Except for the muslims fuck those guys. I hope all of their 72 virgins are futas.