I am a neet with no friends. i am very lonely and in the dumps right now...

i am a neet with no friends. i am very lonely and in the dumps right now. feel free to post in this thread and maybe drop a hello.

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How are you user ? Your thread is a bit lonely user so I thought Id drop by

yea quite ironic isnt it. thanks for stopping by. im in bed but i couldnt manage to go to sleep. now just aimlessly browsing around.

how are you?

I am also a NEET with no friends. Try watching some anime like AnoHana or some Shinkai Makoto films.

Hey user, don't try to dwell on it too much, just watch a good anime like hunter x hunter and get immersed into the world

that reminds me i havent watched the newest jojo

What's the weirdest thing you've jerked it to

Every jojo past part 3 is garbage,

im pretty vanilla. probably this one vid where some woman is at a car repair shop and starts milking her tits into a little beaker thing and drinking it with her baby crying in the background.

check me gettin dubs tho

Attached: dubsguy.jpg (600x447, 15K)

Do that, user. I really like the new OP

Hey user, is there a particular reason for the dump dive? Whenever I feel down or when my thoughts start to attack me I like bring all my focus to breathing in nice and slow with my nose, and out with my mouth in a O shape. It really helps to take the mind off things.

So you're not going to link the vid then

>Whenever I feel down or when my thoughts start to attack me I like bring all my focus to breathing in nice and slow with my nose, and out with my mouth in a O shape
this just made me laugh to myself because of how silly it felt. I guess that means it works. basically I just have nothing going for myself and its hard to go through day by day with no communication.

sure I found it for ya

Hello user, please have a nice day despite the hardships.

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what do you think of dark souls 3?

better than 2 but I prefer the first one overall

thanks user. hope youre doing well

I've worked as an IT engineer for years now, saving up. I also got some inheritance, so I decided to become a neet. My wife is somewhat against it, but I only shrugged her off and become even more hikikomori to spite her. I had such an awful day yesterday, so I think I'm severely depressed now.

i'm a neet too.

Attached: MAOrj.png (640x480, 233K)

>better than 2

Hello user, fine taste in image. Dark Souls 1 is my favorite game. All of my friends (internet only) are offline right now so I'm kind of lonely as well

Icarly threesome fanfiction

Are sad because you are a neet or because you're lonely?

hows it going?

moreso lonely

I have a loving family but I am still lonely. I try to communicate with them but we just do not connect on a lot of things. I feel like I would be better off if I was actually alone somewhere in solitude. At least I would not bring anyone down with me. How are you?

k ..... your........

best regards ~FagMaister

Hey nigga you got anymore dark souls pics like the one you posted

henlo fren. i am neet too. today i am watching the flash.

i can't bear to think about what life would be like without TV shows to watch

hey, fren, I decided to become a neet today too
have to go to work tomorrow tho

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still cant sleeep

Hello, user.
Would you like to talk a little?

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Ohayouuu desu!
Hmph, failed to be original, not surprising really.

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I've been a friendless neet since 2013 and I never get lonely. If you want to talk to someone why not just talk to random people on the internet? Does shitposting on Jow Forums not fulfill your desire to socialize?