Does ciara deserve to be raped once again?
Does ciara deserve to be raped once again?
Listen here buster you are starting to tick me off, I would request you cease this tomfoolery at once.
don't tell me what to do reee
only if she wants it
why is that whore and why I should care?
there is no such thing that she doesn't want it
How can you find that attractive? She acts like such a whore
she is pretty much a whore
I call dibs on her shithole
I like her instagram because she seems innocent but as soon as you look her up and see photos like this all attraction goes away. Orbiters must be a special kind of desperate
Multiple guys already have. sorry bro, shitters clogged
Nah Im pretty sure her dark rosebud is cherry
Who was she assaulted by? Was the assault the same thing as the rape?
>thinking that any if sierra's orifices are virgin
her asshole is one of the most beautiful things you can ever see
she was just groped by a nigger but she claimed that she was raped
why is almost every single one of her pics is sexual?
Eliza go on fucking Chaturbate ffs. You are 18+.
Yes, violently. Then she'll have to have another abortion, lel.
She unironically looks too young. I'm attracted to teens but they can't have a little girl body
She's anorexic from the fucking heroin genius.
Okay, whatever orbiter
based and redpilled, just imagine as her fragile body is getting destroyed by a 9 inch dick
Eliza only likes average 5.2 inch dicks
Oxy and methadone are opiates too Eliza. You get the same anorexia, lowered immune system, generally lowered libido, etc.
13cm? Maybe in the butt, I got like 17cm no woman ever complained of being too big despite the fact I have to order condoms online because the regular ones in the store brake with my penor.
because she has never had a real dick. She only fucked that mexican manlet and this obese boomer and both have micropenises
Imagine having an 8x6 inch dick and being Ciara's first real cock, opening your fly as it dwarf's her little face
Beautiful Angel Ciara deserves nothing but love and attention.
Isn't that one of those 8 inch cans? I think girls take pics like that to give a reference for hung guys
it's funny to me that if a girl is cute in this achievable/average way that betas will dismiss all of her terrible actions and flaws
i wonder what it would take for you faggots to finally fuck off other than her being a burn victim
pretty hot tbqfhwyfam
It's an ironic meme but she is pretty hot and above average
We just like that she was a teen slut
Anyone have the video where she's at McDonalds pretending to be on a date with the viewer? I didn't know who she was at the time I saw it but it seems kinda funny now
Okay you are literally as nuts as my ex who used to be an unironical hooker here in Eastern Europe (they have to be hot because of competition it's not a troll for you being a whore) and then she got pregnant with me without ever telling me she wasn't on the pill from the get-go in the past 5 months or so.
""we ain't no fuckbuddies we iz a marriage""
Okay you are hot inside and out too, especially for me, will eat a mile of your shit too but like I've been to the psych ward and courtroom a couple of times myself. So can't you just change your fucking pills pls? I can tell you are on them from the mydriasis in broad daylight, last time I got that I was on seroquel.
Also go on chaturbate for shekels ffs we're broke, the fucking Americans will pay good for your ass online their women are fat af. You are 18+ right? I remember you were. Nevermind you can feel validated now.
>if a girl is cute in this achievable/average way that betas will dismiss all of her terrible actions and flaws
That isnt even just betas, thats a majority of society. Attractive people can just do no wrong
are you legitimately retarded?
>Attractive people can just do no wrong
Ciara can do no wrong. I will be by her side until the end.
Why ask me about some whore I don't even care about?
>Why ask me about some whore I don't even care about?
Yet you cared enough to post in this thread?!
That would imply she was actually raped before so when did that happened? Also if she did got raped, was it before or after she became a slut?
she became a slut when she was born desu
That was 100% honest. I'm fucked in the head irl did even worse shit in my life that I regularly type out here but no one believes it since the site is a larp and thus all the trolls create me a wall of plausible deniability.
Idk if she'll make it to my age tbqh desu. Looks more suicidal than I was at that age sadly. The borderline disorder is a meme like narcissism but when you tried to an hero yourself you can tell from others if they are in the same bucket as you.
Define rape you faggot, in Eastern Europe it's not the same as in Sweden or Americanistan.
i don't know but the fags who keep creating threads about her or other r9kthots sure do deserve a raw anal raping
I'm into fucking guys too, genuinely am so let's make this work out for all of us. Who's over 18 without HIV and passable enough for a frenchmaid costume? Will suck your dick too but you can't fuck me.