You did it again. You ruined one of our memes. The NPC meme was beautiful. You just had to ruin it. NPC is a term used to define anyone that doesn't have the capacity for advanced inner dialogue. Making the term exclusive to liberals is just ludicrous. Supporters of ANY political party are NPCs by default. You have to an utter retard to be oblivious to the fact that the democratic system is a complete sham. Your "vote" counts for jack shit and gives you the illusion of having an impact on your country's politics. True PCs are blackpilled on politics and with right cause. There's no chance we can have our way, we're simply too outnumbered. Let me provide a hypothetical for you. NPCs make up 90 percent of the population, PCs make up 0.5-1 percent and the rest are the people in between. I'd like to call these people BPCs which stands for "BluePilled PCs". They have the capacities for advanced inner dialogue, but have not suffered enough to actually be able to see things from an "objective" standpoint. They're bluepilled by the illusion the government shills out to people.
>inb4 Jow Forums made the term NPC popular
No, you didn't. This concept existed for ages. One example is Nietzsche's "Last Men". Other generic definitions are "Sheep" "The Herd" "The Masses". This term caught fire simply because it's more dehumanizing and depicts a more vivid picture. Thanks for listening.
Dear Jow Forums
this but unironically.
pol is corrupting our good taste in memes and turning it to shit.
They shit on the meme and the turned it into a normie fuck festival.
the npc meme came from an artile from the NYT saying something along the lines that almost 50% of people dont have inner narratives. People on Jow Forums not just /pol, /r9k or /b basically read that article that was posted in like 100 threads and all the right wingers started re posting the npc meme that was started in that one NYT post.
I don't care who made the term, Jow Forums and reddit ruined it.
this. you can see the effects of this if you just fucking go outside once in a while, how much people fucking avoid anything that takes any amount of critical thinking skills. this is the reason why there are so many art students and not that many STEM students. math, science, programing, anything involving critical thinking skills, and not just habits you pick up on through Pavlovian conditioning. too much thought for brains incapable of thinking in such a way. but politically charged left and right wingers are too simple minded to see this, and just attached onto it like it was the next "cuck" without second thought.
i'm almost happy that twitter started banning these fucks because maybe we will get our meme back and these mindless sheep will realize something, but as it is they only see it as another alt right insult, which to be fair is basically what it has become.
the article* came out like last month and the fact you think this is a "/pol" meme jsut shows youre a reddit newfag. The meme is started by right winging people all over Jow Forums and yes there are right winging people all over Jow Forums and basically all of Jow Forums is right winging now all the cry baby leftists faggots left this place a long time ago.
Bull fucking shit. The npc meme was posted on Jow Forums way before it was on Jow Forums. Jow Forums is like reddit, stealing memes and posting them outside of Jow Forums
its not the fucking term you retard its the fucking picture of wojack as a fucking grey dude with straight nose and mouth and two little dot eyes. it was started on Jow Forums by the people that always reposted the NYT article. Youre probably two retarded to keep up with the news cycle but i read it everyday so the NYT article did come as a surprise and a big read for everyone here on Jow Forums thus the little wojack with grey skin.
>tfw ITT retards tries to prove thing without proofs
I'm glad this shit meme is dying, it was unfunny and anyone who has a inner dialogue is a schizoid
"NPCs" are just player characters afk
It has always been like that tbqh imho senpai
> yet another iteration of Wojak
> beautiful
> ruined
you know a meme is completely dead and misused if (((pewdiepie))) uses it in a thumbnail
No retard, NPC means anyone who doesn't think exactly like MEEEEE!
I am the only real human, everyone else exists to serve MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
I am the the most important person who will ever exist and the world revolves around MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
t. npc origami origabo
Oh my god dude. Im killing myself. This retard is using it now? Its basically tainted now.
Pewdiepie = JewDieYay
Normies turn anything into politics, the first articles I saw about the NPC meme called it "alt-right" or "pro-Trump" which is hilarious because arbitrarily attributing political identities to literally anything is typical NPC behaviour
Way to miss the fucking point of the meme
Jow Forums is internet Alzheimer's.
first of all the concept of NPCs as discussed here was first coined on /v/, then migrated to Jow Forums then stolen and ruined by Jow Forums before being shat out and regurgitated by clickbait NPC-pandering mainstream media
>that NPC user who thinks he's the protag because he has edgy contrarian politics
The NPC meme was a way for self-centered, egotistical children to have a false sense of superiority. You think the NPC meme was so "beautiful" because you've been electronically stimulated nonstop for your entire life and you've never sat down away from your phone and tv long enough to realize that all basic thought is nonverbal. The meme makes more sense as a political meme than as yet another vehicle for the same, tired "Everyone but me is so dumb, I'm the only person thinking real, important thoughts. What? No, I'm not a loser I'm really smart I'm just too lazy."
just shut up with this npc shit
Whats with this "I'm too lazy" bullshit? I'm not lazy. I read a fuck ton of books on metaphysics and existentialism. I never claimed I was lazy ever.
The article is about 3 years old. Someone just dug it up and it spread everywhere.
That's because Jow Forums literally is Reddit.
I can't tell if he is an Jow Forums or Jow Forums poster
>he needs inner dialogue to instantly recognize patterns and comprehend his own thoughts
Inner dialogue just slows the process of analysis and deep thinking down. Imagine having to juggle 4 seperate abstract concepts/ideas and their possible connections to a 5th within a possible underlying framework and basically explore a possible mental model you have in mind except you are limited to using defined words in a process of inner monologue only and have to make the connections and explore each possiblility yourself with each inner verbal thought, how slow and limited that kind of mental processing must be, you are limited by the speed you can think each and every relevant word in your head and say it to yourself
Compare that to the same scenario but not thinking with inner dialogue/monologue but rather thinking at the speed of thought itself, and being able to hold all these disparate ideas and concepts wordlessly in your head and refer to each one instantly, thinking with mental representations and not full words and sentences and dialogue yet still able to form a dialogue about each different conclusion and connection if required.
The way the inner dialogue thinkers clung so desperately to their way of thinking, claiming it as the only superior, right way of thinking was pathetic. Lets not forget the articles that started this whole meme and its misunderstanding of the articles conclusions in the first place-
I've been suspecting for some time that Trump might be an NPC tbqh.
Thats not what the meme means retard. It just means that we're aware of our thoughts and how we produce decisions while others aren't. Plus you have to be retarded to not be able to observe your thoughts and produce a coherent chain of words quickly.
It was a unoriginal shit-tier meme, and only delicious lefty butthurt gave it any traction.
>that we're aware of our thoughts and how we produce decisions while others aren't
Because as the meme originaly stated those who aren't lacked an "inner voice" as per OP
>"NPC is a term used to define anyone that doesn't have the capacity for advanced inner dialogue."
Yet they misunderstood the research conducted and even the very point of the article cited which was about convincing people there were other people who didn't utilize any "inner voice" or inner dialogue in thinking because the very idea was such an uncommon, and often dismissed proposition among the majority of people who constitute inner dialogue/inner monologue thinkers.
No one cares about the fucking study. The study is irrelevant, we just used it to bring the meme to light.
OP obviously cares and so do the others who initially promulgated this NPC meme on here and other boards, citing the article as a source and using it to justify their philosophical zombie like conclusions of others which they jumped to through misunderstanding the article, its premises and its conclusions about inner voice/differences in thinking methods in the first place.
More like an autistic /b/ poster judging by the highlighted video on his channel
Last time I checked, I was the OP and I say again that no one cares about the study. Like I said, this concept existed for ages and this is just reviving it.