I really want to fuck a middle aged man. Preferably a wizard.
I really want to fuck a middle aged man. Preferably a wizard
Wizard here ama h
Im sure it cant be that hard to find one.
1% of males at that age.
Most are married and wouldnt want anything to do with an 18 year old girl.
>implying I'd ever fall for succubus tricks
Begone, hellspawn.
Hello my nam is Pajeet. Open bob & show vagene first plz.
t. zoomer cope
Yea but those who are wizards are desperate
I dont think you understand what a wizard is user.
Wizard= virgin man in his 30s
I know what im talking about desu
You just want to use your beef flaps to lay claim to our magic powers. Get the fuck out of my board, temptress, and don't you ever let me ever catch you posting here again.
Am 29. Almost wizard.
I'm 32
But in 2016 I fucked 22 women. I was fucking horny and had to creampie every girl.
But you said most were married which doesnt make sense because theyre virgins.
We are too far away from each other user....
You should get checked for a possible std
I was talking about middle aged men outside of r9k
It's sort of an exaggeration. I think I've only creamed maybe 5 or 6 girls, I just fucked an awful lot of one-offs with protection.
The last girl I fucked like 2000x and no complaints of STD from her so yolo
Why the fuck does he have to be a virgin then? most wizards that age are the ultimate losers and might as well be from Jow Forums
Why are you posting here man whore? Fuck off to other boards.
What do you have to offer the glorious 1%wizard?
Pls post on /soc/ age gap thread
I really like the idea of having sex with a 30-40y/o virgin. Seeing how clumsy they'd be, the awkwardness. How attached they'd be. Seems really cute.
i'm only 22 but due to drug and alcohol abuse (and genetics) i look at least 30
tfw I gave up wizardness because I fucked a few cheap whores in thailand. Some of them were traps.
Would a 36 year old do it for ya
Why? Can't believe no one's asked this question yet. The ones not busy tripping over their dicks to offer themselves up, I mean.