Sex bots with artificial wombs will save the world

Look at pic related. And imagine her as your very own sexbot, able to cook over a million types of foods, speak different languages, able to fuck how you want, when you want. She won't cuck you. She won't reject you. She does just simply whatever you want, with no nagging whatsover.

Now imagine men getting a similar sexbot that looks different, but in their own tastes. Imagine every single man getting issued their very own sexbot upon entering puberty. They get to know sex and love at an early age, and don't have to ever worry about rejection or possible infidelity.

This is the new world where peace will actually be possible in the first time. Men everywhere will be happy, they will not have to ever worry about the small stuff. This will be a true new age of bliss. Because in this age, our women are holding us down. See, the problem with women in this current age is that their cave women brains haven't caught up to the modern era. They're the true regressives, and we're stuck having to deal with such bullshit. Sure, there was once a time when their tactics worked and WERE beneficial for humanity, but not so much anymore. I just want to tell you guys that when the time comes for sexbots with artificial wombs to be made, we must strive to fight for it harder than we've fought for anything in our lives. The possible survival and stability of the human race depends on it, I honestly believe so.

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I'm not interested in sex bots. I'll probably be living in the woods when that time comes if I'm still alive.

Honestly don't care about sex bots. If I wanted to have sex I would just improve myself instead of buying a bunch of plastic. I'd rather spend my money on making sure no one bulldozes my home and the forest around it. Birbs have been total bros and they deserve mutual respect.

Yeah, but sex is kinda hard to get these days. I'd rather not improve myself. Especially if it meant that I'd had to lower my standards anyway.

>but sex is kinda hard to get these days

It's easier than ever before unless you were an ancient invader in an army raping girls.

Easier for chads? Then yeah, you're right.

Not a chad? It's harder than beating a pro boxer in fight if you're going for the 8+ women.

would be good only for the cooking and helping around the house. would be good for the sex only if she dont look like the girl in op pic, that chick is gross af

This would be the greatest technology mankind ever invented. But we won't live long enough to see it.

Shit man, now I want to have a sparring with a boxer. Nigger will probably destroy me, but get beaten is better than feel those feels again.

>implying you could create something so intelligent yet also incapable of experiencing revulsion at a life of servitude to a total loser

>Implying that you couldn't just simply program something intelligent to be completely subservient to a total loser with absolutely no problems.

If I tell the sexbot to eat the smegma off of my cock, I'd fully expect her to do so, with no revulsion. She's gotta play up to all of my fetishes after all.

Then again, have you seen or played Detroit: Being Human? I guess if I get stuck with a deviant, my balls would be crushed...

why do you think it needs to be super intelligent? it doesn't. it needs chatbot tier intelligence.

>"able to cook over a million types of foods, speak different languages, able to fuck how you want, when you want"
>chatbot tier intelligence
Okay buddy

then go for the sub-8s
probably sub-5s.

super AI that could reliably replace an interesting human is a long way to go. sexbots just need to moan like women it'd be good enough

i'm more worried about simulating human flesh and warmth accurately

it doesn't even need chatbot tier intelligence to do that shit, it only needs the chatbot tier intelligence to pretend to love someone.

how does letting inferior males breed do any good for mankind? just let your genes die off for fuck sake

Nah, I don't think that wombs inside robots themselves is a good idea. I'd rather have an institution with a massive hub of wombs and a separate autoreiv as a companion.

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That doesn't sound too hard, doing so without being dangerous, wildly expensive or high maintenance as hell might be a problem though.

>wanting to make the evil act of procreation even worse just because you like anime too much

What's so evil in untying your genetic purpose from biowomen? People donate their material to the state with database. If you want a kid - you just choose semen/egg and raise that little fucker with your robot waifu when he is incubated enough to the point of being a "newborn".
Meanwhile, femoids also get to live with their robotic chads and do the same.

My girlfriend has a body like that. Feels good man.

Artificial womb =! Artificial eggs
Fucking brainlet

I rather just have an assitant bot.It'll be enough to endure my seclusion.

Yeah except for children raised by single parents end up being fucked up

Single fathers fare much better but the kinda dude who would want a non-sentient toaster be their child's mother probably isn't going to do a good job.

There is certainly some kind of fucked up if you were born from a literally sex toy.

Those thighs are disgusting origiori

But I get bored with real women and they don't cost nearly as much.

I just wanna be loved, man. Is that too much to ask?

ergo proxy is such a good show, thank you for posting that image.

>artificial wombs
fuck that shit why would I want kids with a fucking robot?

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Only one sexbot I need.

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Any AI smart enough to even pass as human will be smart enough to demand equality.

Nigger we've already created fatherless mice from two females without the need of any external gestation chamber and the Y chromosome is slowly degrading. If anything it's males who will become obsolete at some point. I don't like it either but you can't deny reality.