One day your parents will be dead

One day your parents will be dead

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stop lying you silly frog

Already are
>21 yo

You must have had to grow up quick.
I'm terrified of being left with the guilt of not being the best for them, does that affect you?

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Yeah lost my mom when i was 16 and my dad died when i was 6 .
I thank for my elder brother who was always by my side

can't wait.

if i could kill them now without getting caught, i would.

god i fucking hope so. wouldn't wish being completely immortal upon anyone.

By the way my life's going I'm gonna be the one to kill them.
Fbi-chan this is a joke pls don't arrest me.

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This man knows his shit.
>immortality literally forces you to be in the unnatural. Life without death is imbalanced.
What, you wanna force your parents to live until the earth is no longer the earth they knew?

that sounds great. You can just upload yourself into a new body every 100 years.

Honestly Id love to just live in a digital world filled with big tits and great asses.
No disease, No aids, No child support, nobody to tell me I cant fuck my cousin.

sound good for a few thousand years, but after a while you'll get bored. and if you don't you'll still live when humanity will be unrecognizable from how it is now, and when the earth explodes in a few billion years, you will be the last human, floating through space, unable to die.

Good. I want to comit a hero after

If my parents die, what would I do with all of the expectations I never fulfilled?

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>14. If you wish your children, and your wife, and your friends to live for ever, you are stupid; for you wish to be in control of things which you cannot, you wish for things that belong to others to be your own. So likewise, if you wish your servant to be without fault, you are a fool; for you wish vice not to be vice," but something else. But, if you wish to have your desires undisappointed, this is in your own control. Exercise, therefore, what is in your control. He is the master of every other person who is able to confer or remove whatever that person wishes either to have or to avoid. Whoever, then, would be free, let him wish nothing, let him decline nothing, which depends on others else he must necessarily be a slave.

>3. With regard to whatever objects give you delight, are useful, or are deeply loved, remember to tell yourself of what general nature they are, beginning from the most insignificant things. If, for example, you are fond of a specific ceramic cup, remind yourself that it is only ceramic cups in general of which you are fond. Then, if it breaks, you will not be disturbed. If you kiss your child, or your wife, say that you only kiss things which are human, and thus you will not be disturbed if either of them dies.


My parents are the selfish boomer meme personified
>Inherited millions of dollars and spent it on constant vacations and traveling around the world
>Father was a "stay at home dad" despite never speaking to me or trying to be a father in any way whatsoever
>Didn't work until he was 50, still called me a lazy piece of shit at every possible opportunity
>Stole my inheritance that my grandfather left me somehow, claimed it went toward my "general education" and I found out later they just pocketed the fucking money
>Stole my pell grants in college and took out loans in my name to make up the difference so that I wouldn't realize what they were doing

In short, I'm looking forward to dancing on both of their graves when the time comes.

Your parents seem like total narcissist psychopaths.

My dad died in December 1999. My mum died in September 2011.

If there was any justice in the world they would be alive and I would be dead.

Only after me

My dad died in May and now I'm living in his house. It's weird

Did you mother die in 9/11

>but after a while you'll get bored
Why would you get bored?

>and if you don't you'll still live when humanity will be unrecognizable from how it is now
thats a good thing

>and when the earth explodes in a few billion years
It won't explode, it will get absorbed by the expanding sun.
However with technology it's possible to adjust the earth's position or even prevent the sun frome expanding in the first place.

>you will be the last human, floating through space, unable to die.
That's not how it works, just because you're digital now doesn't mean you're invincible.

No they won't originolioriginoo

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>That's not how it works, just because you're digital now doesn't mean you're invincible.

Think he meant the full package of immortal chief. The whole literally undying/invincible body

I never spent time with my parents before I moved out. Now I spend every weekend with them and cant imagine not having them around

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That's not realistic and the user he responded to meant bodyhopping not literal eternal immortality. maybe it could be possible if you're a boltzmann brain though

>Did you mother die in 9/11

Good, then I can get my inheritance and not have to wageslave anymore

I feel like fear of immortality is a huge cope. Never dying is a curse sure, but what about living as long as you want?

I kinda can't wait because that's the reason I haven't killed myself.

like jeez maybe ill be able to cut myself without having to hide it for once. This thread so so fucking anti robot it hurts. Normal fags all over this board i swear.

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Please go back to normieville or wherever it that generates your kind

>implying its normal to cut yourself
>using the term normie
How about you go ahead and fuck off new fag

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>both parents 60
>one already had a heart attack
>the other is at risk to have one
Yeah, they're already on the way out. Only thing I'll hate is all the mess afterwards. Otherwise I'll finally have pure freedom and can do whatever.


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One day your parents will be dead---and that will be okay, because there will be a quiet space where your parents once interacted in daily life.

One day you will be dead---but that will be okay, because there will be a quiet space where you interacted in your daily life, and there will be a quiet space where you consciousness once was.

One day, all humans will be dead---and that will be okay, because there will be a quiet space where they once all existed.

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good. they are both selfish, unironically narcissistic, psychotic cunts and i wish theyd never met.

Why do you say this? Then you'd never be born

fuck breeders, I wish I had never been born


I'm surprised chads and stacies aren't bred selectively
omegas have no reason to exist

>Then you'd never be born
Yeah that is the point. Theyve severely fucked up any chances ive had at having a normal life; and i would rather just never of been born at all.

I wish my sister did

This will be the day when I will commit suicide.

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>One day I will be dead

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I love my parents, but once they (particularly my father) die I will finally experience true freedom. If they're old and lived a good life, I would not be that upset over their deaths.

This terrifies the living fuck out of me.
Like, it instills fear in me like nothing else.

>my father died shortly before i turned 18
>i didnt even know he had cancer until 2 days before he was hospitalized
>my mother told me my father was gonna die soon and asked if i want to visit him
>i casually said no
>then he died
>i didnt cry
>i didnt feel sad
>then his funeral came
>i didnt go
>my mother said people asked why
>i didnt want to, i didnt care
>my father wasnt a bad father
>sure theres a few things in retrospect i wish he would have done different
>but he wasnt bad
>i just didnt care
>i dont think id care if my mother died either
i dont know why i am so emotionally cold towards family members.. i am capable of feeling empathy and affection for people, though i also have callous and cruel fantasies towards people who annoy me sometimes

desu i think it's reduced affect display due to schizoid personality disorder

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i wish my dad was

same for me, dude.
my father started working when he was 14, but he expects me to get a PhD.
My parents also go on cruises all the time and they even said to me "The best way to stop disputes about inheritance between you and your sister is that we just spend all the money so you dont have anything to dispute."
My mother always just served us canned food, meanwhile she is voluntarily working in a refugee camp cooking for somali invaders
The day they are gone I am finally free

My mom died six years ago, you know what that means? I'M IMMUNE!

Still, not an enjoyable experience, would not recommend, 1 star.

I am 30, it doesnt bother that much anymore

Fuck, I know someone like that irl, do you have a qt sister by any chance and your name is john or jonathan?

Better even, a quite hot girl I knew decided to make a move on me the very same week (and she fucking knew my mom died like five days ago and I was just a pile of pure misery). WTF is wrong with you, girl??

WAIT, ok, she may have actually thought she was doing a good thing, ok, I'm not that mad about it anymore I guess.

>Be adopted
>Dont really care about all this shit