Has anyone here ever been punched in the face? Does it hurt? I really want to experience it

Has anyone here ever been punched in the face? Does it hurt? I really want to experience it

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Youre not living in an anime you retard. Even one punch can break your teeth or knock you out.

I was bullying a kid once and he punched me in the face.. it didn't hurt but I left the guy alone after.

That's what I'm scared of. Where's the best place to be punched that wouldn't cause significant damage, just bruising, the eye maybe?

In the arm user, everyone above 10 knows this

I was bullied by a kid once and I punched him in the face after he pushed me. He got a nose bleed and ran away like a little faggot. He never bothered me again. So I guess it hurts don't do it op.

The adrenaline kicks in and it's almost fun, if you hit back of course. The pain comes later.

I've been a ton of fights when I was younger. Have landed and been handed punches. You're usually full of adrenaline and don't feel anything till the next day depending on where you were hit and how bad it was.

Yeah, once. It hurt for a few days but lucky for me, there was no lasting physical damage. Not sure if it's done anything to my brain, but it can't be very significant if it's anything at all.

I've been punched in the face a few times, I would say objectively the best place to get hit would be below the eyes. Getting hit directly in the eye is a bitch because you go blind for a few minutes and your eye looks like shit for weeks. Getting hit in the chin sounds like it would be fine, but you'll end up on the ground unless the guy that hit you is a pussy. Getting hit in the back of the head like if you were being jumped is dangerous too because of the potential of a brain hemorrhage. Oh and if you're a drinker or you use drugs you really really want to avoid getting hit in the liver or the kidneys because that will fuck your shit right up

I've been punched twice. Once in the forehead, and once in the left side of the jaw. I think forehead hurt more in the moment, but the jaw hurt more the next day. The punch to the jaw was hard enough to chip one of my molars, but the one to the forehead broke the guys hand. Tbh neither of those hurt very badly, more like a dull pain that's barely registered at the back of your mind. Adrenaline maybe.
Hovever I imagine getting punched in the eye or nose would hurt a lot.

I got hit in the face by a gypsy when I was 13 for answering "no I don't" to "do you have a cigarette". I couldn't fight back because he had 4 other gypsy friends with him.
I only had a small bruise because his punches were pussy punches, but it still made my head spin at the moment and left me pissed off.

This is a reminder that the only thing that's keeping gypsies from being even worse than the niggest of niggers are the gun control laws in the countries they live in.

How much of a limp dick do you have to be to even think that? People dont go down easily.

being sucker punched is the worst and feels like a cannon ball, if you see it coming and can roll with it its not so bad

Yea they do unless they're used to being punched in the face, or the guy throwing it has no idea what he's doing. the best fighters on the planet get knocked down by one good punch all the time

Adrenaline is a powerful painkiller, if punched in a fight you will feel it but it won't really hurt until later. DESU though from my experience, getting a strong punch/kick in the stomach or chest is far more painful.

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how bout cheek? (right hook)

Of course they do. Because they have gatheredyears of experience and power to be able to generate a blow that strong. You specifically mentioned anime as if getting punched in the face is some sort of fantastical exception. Hence why I called you a limp dick. You havent taken a punch before.

c'mon you already know it depends where they hit and how hard it was.

That wasn't me posting but still. You are really the limp dick here, if you can't knock someone down when they are letting you punch them. those professinals are also trained in taking punches bit they still get knocked out dummy

I got punched in the face once or twice. I start laughing uncontrollably when it happens, fuck know why.

Sign of beta male????

Got headbutted in the mouth once. It hurt, but it wasn't that bad. Would have been fucked if he had hit my nose thou

Why does he get to fuck you if he hits your nose? Was that the deal or something?


Yes. The adrenaline numbed the pain while I punched him and broke his jaw. I felt the pain afterwards though.

Death. A palm strike to the nose is even more lethal.

Ever been woken up by loud as fuck noise? That's the same kind of shock you feel when you realize that you've been punched. Other than that you just feel throbbing pain of varying intensity. Excluding broken teeth and nose since I haven't experienced those firsthand.

I got sucker punched by a guy twice my weight. Lip burst open, blood everywhere, and I was too afraid to hit back (he was with a bunch of his buddies too if that makes it any better).

It looked like I was raising the side of my lips for weeks. People kept asking me what my problem was and why was I looking at them like that.

God that period in my life was fucking awful. If I had any balls I should have took a knife and massacred the cunts for how they treated me. The same bastards used to drag me around by the legs and tie me up too. Fuck I hate myself for not af least trying to stop them.

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It doesnt hurt in the moment I guess. But its crazy. It totally disrupts your senses maybe another user can explain better

I have, but I was absolutely wasted so I barely remember being hit or feeling pain. Its worth experiencing, but not really

You're an idiot. Go watch right videos on Jow Forumswatchpeopledie.

It's one thing to be ignorant, but to then turn around and give other people shit for being right is just downright moronic

Yes but I was fucked on ketamine at the time so I didn't feel a thing.
I didn't even know it happened.
Nose was pissing blood and didn't realise.
Ketamine is one hell of a drug.

>Youre not living in an anime you retard
>one punch can break your teeth or knock you out

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Its not too late user, if you ever decide you need to kill yourself don't do it. First track them down using social media or a private investigator. Find out where they live and stake out for a few weeks, try and find out their schedule. Plan your attack out in advance. On the night of the attack, bring a gas mask, a lot of duct tape, cable ties and a tank of bleach and ammonia. Tape up a window and smash it in to reduce noise as you go in. Release your gas on them when they are asleep. Bind and gag them with the cable ties and duct tape. Bring a gun just in case this fails and they find you. Butcher their entire family before their eyes before slowly torturing them to death with knives and screwdrivers.

This. It's a dull pain that comes on slow.

>get bullied for being a weak cunt
>torture to death a bunch of people who had absolutely nothing to do with your bullying
>haha i sure showed them huh
This type of thinking is literally why you got bullied. You deserved it.

If you're gonna die anyway you may as well.

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>does it hurt
no actually it feels like getting jacked off by a hot anime girl when you get hit with a speeding ball of meat and bone. 300 iq

We had an afterschool "fight club" in grade school around 2 decades ago. This was in an asian school in asia. So you know how weak the participants were.
To be punched in the face as a gradeschooler was not a big deal because you would be focused on just laying the hurt on the opponent yourself.
You only won if you saw that your opponent were as rekt as the antagonists in a shonen manga were.
Nobody ever got rekt to those levels but it was obvious when one participant got his ass handed to him and the crowd recognized that, and that's what mattered then

i was just once in my life. it was my sophomore year of high school i think and i was being a real dick to this one kid and some other scrawny kid came over and punched me in the face. looking back i was a huge jackass and he was pretty based for hitting me. it didnt hurt that much but it helped me realize i was being a dick. take it easy elliot

Getting punched in the nose the first time is the worst of it. Especially because it will make your sinuses pissed and put tears in your eyes even though you aren't crying. Other than that, it just feels like a sudden impact and a dull pain depending where else you get it.

I got kicked pretty hard in the sternum/ribs when I was 17 and that fucked me up more than any punch to the face I've had. I actually vomited from how much it hurt. Broke a rib and left me with permanent damage so I can't even do cardio or anything that makes my diaphragm expand rapidly without being in serious pain.

Here I thought all asians did was go home and study. If you don't become a doctor or a lawyer you are SHAME TO THE FAMIRY.

>Has never ever caught a punch in his life
This generation is so fucked.

It does hurt less then you think when it happens, adrenalin is a hell of a drug. For me, it mostly redded-out the sight on the side that got hit for half a second, and then turned numb for the rest of the fight.
Actual pain start afterward, when you calm down and get the post-Adrenalin shakes.

My dad and brother both socked me a few times when I was a kid, nobody's hit me since I was 13 though.
If you're punched in the nose, this weird thing happens to your sense of smell for like a half second so it feels like you've smelled a bunch of freshly ground pepper.
Your eyes water instantly, but it takes a while to start bleeding if you're gonna bleed.
Pain-wise, there's an initial split-second sting, then a numbness, and a warm kind of ache that fades in over the course of a minute.

got wrecked in the last fight, multiple punches and a kick to the face
No, it does not hurt THAT much, even later when the adrenaline is gone, the pain is bearable

MMA fighter here, been in a bunch of street fights before, never really hurts to me when it happens but it definitely hurts a few seconds later or even after the fight is over.

How it feels is also dependent on the punch, for example a lot of punches I might not even feel much, but I was hit not necessarily hard but precisely enough that my face went numb and my upper body went limp for about a second which felt like hours.

I grew up around nigers what you think!?

You're probably thinking East Asian.
I'm somewhere from the Southeast.

I got punched in a bar fight once and now I can't yawn properly. the right part of my jaw locks before fully open and then pops into place. it interrupts the yawn and it's really annoying desu

Just hang around nigers they will all hit you!

Yes a big angry black man punched me in the face which knocked me off my feet. Of course if fucking hurt, but I got up and took it. I had a welt for years after

The original limpdick poster here. Try taking a jab to the chin when you are stressed and confused in a barfight. From your reply i can see you are pick related

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Same here. One guy bullied me for months then one day he started pushing me. I had enough and punched him as hard as I could in the face. Started bleeding like hell from his nose (I have no fighting experience so probably landed a lucky hit) but still not comparable to how much the tears flowed. Of course every single fucking teacher came to his defense and I was portrayed as the bad guy. Got expelled for two weeks because I refused to apologize. Never got bullied again so in the end it was worth it.

Yeah I got in a fist fight. Got a black eye, needed stitches under it. Kinda annoying

>Has anyone here ever been punched in the face?
>Does it hurt?
The light ones hurt. The really bad ones turn everything purple for a few seconds and you don't feel or hear anything while you hope to God muscle memory is keeping you alive on the other side.
>I really want to experience it
No you don't.

Me and my one friend used to beat the everloving shit out of each other in his back yard before he went to the military. If you want to feel a rush, don't mind the pain, or looking like a dumbass with an inflated purple half of your face, then get in a fight

Who the fuck kicks someone in the ribs?

Used to box in bba amatures (also been in a few bareknuckle bouts) If you want to experience getting punched without having to worry about a conccusion I recommend you pull your chin to your neck right before impact, if you can catch punches on your temple or cranium you will feel almost nothing and your skull/neck will absorb most of the impact

>mfw more scared of being punched in the liver or inside leg kicked than haymakered in the face
>mfw broke my spleen in sparring and never boxed again

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If you get hit hard and plants your head on the streets then you can literally get into a coma.

>Does it hurt

No people punch others in a fight because it feels enjoyable

Post your address faggot I will stand up grab my car keys open my bedroom door walkin through the bedroom door close the bedroom door behind me walk towards my front door open my front door close my front door behind me walk towards my car press the unlock button on my keys open the drivers door have a seat inside of the vehicle close the drivers door put the keys in the ignition turn the keys clockwise put the car in reverse back out of my parking spot put the car in drive speed to the airport buy a plane ticket to your city sit down on the plane arrive at your city's airport many hours later buy a taxi ride directly to your address knock on your front door and wait for you to answer it then give you 1 punch to the face you cock gargling faggot

I got punched in the lower left jaw. It was completely unexpected so it knocked me back several feet. Didn't hurt at all, my face would've been relaxed so it wouldn't have hurt as much as if I tensed. I was really lucky, it didn't cause any damage, but I was very confused and disoriented for a few minutes afterwards. It mostly just pissed me off and isolated me from my friend group. Now I have mostly internet friends.

Depends of the context but it doesn't hurt that much with the adrenaline. Several punches can hurt however.

time to sit down and settle this guys

In the moment it doesn't because of the adrenaline. When you're punched it feels like pressure on the place of impact and you see a bright flash immediately afterwards, and then you're back at it

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i remember a guy that got punched in the face, got a seizure then dropped dead.