What is this feel I feel when I see wholesome pure girls become corrupted by society?

What is this feel I feel when I see wholesome pure girls become corrupted by society?

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Oh god, that suspicious hostile stare is so common in women these days. There are a few girls I know who are so optimistic and loving, it would kill me to see THAT happen to them. But what can you do user?

Thankfully the moral leadership of Trump will fix that.

>moral leadership

I swear people have straight up been in a coma for 40 years.

is this what college does? I always thought college was some fucked up sex cult that society pushed on us to corrupt and ruin society. I heard Obama started crying when he dropped his daughter off for college

you HAVE to go to college to work above slave work. you HAVE to go get drunk and be a slut

oh and it literally happens right as you turn 18. I think the country is full of old creepy men grooming young girls into being sluts. satans agenda

Lol no. You don't need to drink or fuck everything that moves to pass exams user.

Nah. She's just emulating what all the famous girls with a lot of instagram followers do.

you send a bunch of 18 years olds to a place. and chads will do anything to force and coerce hot chicks into drinking with them and they will do it to be popular. an unpopular attractive girl can go to college and then suddenly get the popularity she never had in high school because she has a new identity where shes just a hot chick

it looks like she got raped and did a 180

Since when is being popular a requirement to get through college? Worked out for you without it surely, didn't it?

you send girls to college they're going to get drunk dumb ass. everyone does. not everyone just sits alone in their room. fuck off what do you even know about human behavior anyways. you have a mental illness that prevents you from being a normal person

That is called being based and redpilled

> mfw that quiet, shy qt you had crush on is now chad's sex toy in college
why even life

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That is the first step of becoming a hebephile

yeah college is definetely a sex cult made by the government to corrupt and ruin society.

>le nature is pure society is corrupt meme
women are more free to dictate their own path than ever before.
now we see what they have chosen.

Thats called a boner, assuming youre not a complete faggot

is that the girl from vampire diaries

>implying this is a bad thing

Fuckin betas I swear

Thats what happens to non christian girls

Yep, definitely something different about her physiognomy. Corrupted, destroyed. Sad!

Yup, that girl in choir is definitely saving herself

Whatever you need to sleep at night user

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I dont want a girlfriend thats indoctrined in a sex cult

college is satans agenda. on the seek to money you have to be indoctrinated in a sex cult and if you dont finish you're drowning in debt forever and if you do finish they have you on a short leash for the rest of your life paying off loans so you can never abandon society or give up on your shitty job. then pensions and gay shit like that trap you at the same job forever.

this world is ruled by satan. I really dont feel safe having trump in the office either

hey isn't this your cousin?

Fuck off soulless degenerate. I'd ask whether you'd want the same treatment of your daughter, but your vacuous mind is probably incapable of seeing any worth in creating a being who is loved and not exploited. Rope rope rope

what moral leadership user?

college isn't a sex cult.
t. virgin who went to college.

>implying love exists
>implying climate change won't create a post-apocalyptic world for the next generations
>implying people are dumb enough to tie a rock to my foot in the form of a child
>implying being exploited and exploit people is and was abnormal rather than ubiquitous
Wew, lad

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This. Any person thinking otherwise is a prudish incel who should go back to plebbit.

Should've made your move asshole, my highschool oneitis didn't become a huge whore in college even though she didn't ever want to be with me in HS. She had a steady boyfriend her entire time there and yeah, he was a Chad, and yeah, he probably fucked her 6 ways to Sunday, but it isn't so sad. I tried, and didn't get her, and if she had ended up being a whore then she wasn't worthwhile to start.