I really hope you are not counting calories in fucking christmas
I really hope you are not counting calories in fucking christmas
I really hope you fuck up your gainz with that pussy talk.
>using the holidays as an excuse
not gonna make it.
No days off faggot. Stuff your fat ass face and watch as I make it
I never do
>But it's Christmas!
I really fucking hate that shit. What even is Christmas anymore? Christmas is dead, it's nothing but a soulless corporate holiday to sell shit now, they tout it as being offensive and rebrand "Merry Christmas" to "Happy Holidays". You don't want Christmas anymore? Then stop fucking acting like it means anything.
>not fasting for 2 days so you can eat like a normal person on christmas
lmao, sad
But user, I have been fasting since Saturday night
Sippin' on some hard eggnog while browsing, user
>I can fast for awhile and that makes up for eating like a dumbass
I swear to god fastfags are the most hopeless faggots in this entire board
Just do some extra cardio workout. Its no biggie to eat more on christmas, thats what i did.
yes, but we're not here to be like "normal" people, are we? we're here to be better than the average fat pig. you are a sheep; you will never make it.
Realized xmas foods are healthy and low cal as fug.
You're still committing to CICO with extra cardio and extra food AKA still counting calories.
>Counting calories
Do people actually do this? lmao
Yes, people who aren’t fat pigs and aren’t retards measure their caloric intake
you're either not getting enough calories or look like pic related if you don't. not gonna make it.
More like doing an extra 30 mins on treadmill, eating a small lunch, and not giving a fuck what i eat tonight.
>counting calories at all
Lmao no way, bro! ALWAYS BULK
>tfw no columbian stacy gf
if you get fat or can't get enough calories without counting then I think you're the retard lmao
No one cares what you think since you’re a blatant retard
>hehe healthy habits are stupid hehe I’m sure I do great without it
She's from Algeria
Who cares where she's from? As long as I bust a couple loads in her a throw her off a bridge, I'm good.
>not being able to recoginise how many calories/macros are in his meal by looking at it is a "healthy habit"
Sure m8
Sauce on animu
Not at all
Feeling slight shame as have been coasting for a while
Getting pudgy bruh