>tell mom life is just meaningless suffering and that I'll eventually kill myself because I have nothing to look forward to
>she starts crying
I don't get it. Did I do something wrong?
>tell mom life is just meaningless suffering and that I'll eventually kill myself because I have nothing to look forward to
>she starts crying
I don't get it. Did I do something wrong?
She's crying cause she failed as a parent, it's not your fault
Whose at fault? The sperm quality or the egg quality?
Lets face it most of us here are low quality humans, and the sperm cell that was us some how beat all the Chad sperm to the egg.
Or did the Egg just refuse the Chad sperm and took us instead?
Its hard to know how to really put the blame on
Sure if your parents aren't Chad&Stacey, there's a low chance you will be..
But the way I see it, there's say 1000 (easy number to remember) and 500 are normal cells, 250 are incel cells, and 250 are chad cells. The higher quality parents the more chad cells, so the more likely you will be a chad, but a chad can be born from normal cells, its just a lot less likely, some goes for incel cells if they ever managed to become functional beings and procreate.
You just told your mother what kind of an eunuch pansy you are, of course she is angry
She cried because you reminded her that life is meaningless. You can't just tell that to people, bro.
Aw give her hug man did you even try to comfort her.
If you think its bad now wait til you lose her
>>she starts crying
This is why I don't talk to my Mom about how I feel
OP, listen to this user here.
Go and hug her. Apologise. Tell your mother that you have failed but that you will work on getting your shit together from now on.
Because she likely only wants you to be happy. Contemplating suicide because you've realized that your life is meaningless and empty is as far from what she would've wanted from you as you can go.
>Or did the Egg just refuse the Chad sperm and took us instead?
Don't kid yourself
''not your fault'' ffs i hate this shitty mentality of pushing your shitty life to the fault of others
t. user's mom
Yep pretty much. My gene combo was just bad. My younger brother is an actual chad though.
See; in my family its a mix of Chad and super beta/sperg genes. Basically my father's side is complete Chad and she found some what basiaclly amounts to a boomer "fembot" gf and conquered her. My mom's family is full of nerds and weird people, smart but bad genes otherwise. I got the shit end, most of us did.
>tell mom life is just meaningless suffering and that I'll eventually kill myself because I have nothing to look forward to
>she say's "that's nice dear"
Well hope that she'll get you xanax for that and you sell it to "woke" teens
It's because she loves you user and the thought of you killing yourself hurts her.
That's why I'm not honest about my actual feelings with my parents, it'll just cause them more pain. Best not to be completely honest with them user.
How the fuck do you expect her to react? That's a terrible thing to hear from your son. She raised you to be a good man who's content about his life and now she see's she's failed and that you are suffering.
It's the empathy and taboo of suicide normies have.
She felt your feelings through the words and got really sad basically. Same as why happy people make other people happy too.
No your parents did user, like every breading human they risked having a child who wouldn't enjoy reality as much as resent it.
Your mother is probably just low iq and sees you as a personal trophy of hers instead of a human, and is upset that her trophy isn't acting how it should.
That's how mine is anyway.
Once my mom told me that I never leave the house and I quickly replied "Society is dead." and she just said that's sad and walked away.
I know the feeling user.
Going through this atm.
>mom makes you born
>tell mom she commited a mistake and that you'll fix it
>she doesn't like it
>I don't understand
You're fucking retarded pal.