I still don't understand the incel thing. How is it womens fault you can't get laid? That is like blaming Trump because I'm broke
I still don't understand the incel thing. How is it womens fault you can't get laid...
Other urls found in this thread:
>women choose who to fuck
>men only fuck who they can
>men who are ugly are never chosen
Wow OP, that was so hard, it took me 3 whole lines of though. Kill yourself you low IQ monkey.
But ugly men ARE chosen all the time?
>That is like blaming Trump because I'm broke
lmao what, no. it's more like blaming the jews because you're broke (which is true)
Lower your fucking standards you piece of shit.
We live in a world were plastic survey exist. If your ugly you can fix it. It's not just for asians. Are You fat? loose weight. Unlovable personality you can working as well. So really you have no excuse.
I already tried that you fucking retard. Not even literal fucking landwhales want anything to do with me.
Pete Davis isn't really good looking and ge banged Ariana Grande.
>females having to do absolutely nothing to find a guy to love them while ugly males have to spend thousands of dollars on plastic surgery to even have a chick look at them is ok
And no, I'm not fat either. Shoot yourself you god damn retard. People like you, orbiters, feminists, white knighters, and women defenders in general should all be lined up and shot.
>Gimme pussy.
>Nope, go away creep.
It's kinda like that while looking like shit too and having an awkward personality from the social isolation.
If nobody wants to fuck you. It be like that. Tf?
>wah I can't get a women
>all women should be shot.
Maybe the reason you can't a women is because of your lovely personality.
That only applies to men who are the 0.1% ugliest beings on the inside. Incels could choose to stop being so ugly on the inside.
>all women should be shot
Did you actually read what I posted or do you just have shit comprehension? Go back to school nigger.
Let me reiterate. Every women that doesn't magically bow down to you and suck your cock on demand should be shot. God forbid a women have free will to like who she wants to like.
Still not even close to what I posted. Wanna give it another go bud?
It really is. You should reread what you wrote.
>People like you, orbiters, feminists, white knighters, and women defenders in genera
Since you're clearly mentally disabled, I'll give you a hint: All of these groups are men.
>you really ought to lurk at least 2 days before posting
The way I see it is I'm not attracted to ugly girls so why would I expect a woman to be attracted to me, an ugly man? So for that reason I don't blame anyone, it's just bad luck
It's a multifaceted problem.
On one hand modern women are the most protected class in history and have unprecedented access to more cock than any women that have ever lived, this unlimited choice (even for a swamp donkey looking buck tooth cunt with two left tits) means that they can be picky about who plunders their tuna cave and creates an artificially inflated market value for pussy.
However an overwhelming majority of guys who can't get their dick wet will identify this as the ONLY problem they face and completely ignore the fact that they are perhaps weird, too shy, out of shape, uneducated, have a shit job or simply look like hillary clintons taint with more pimples; and rather than attack and fix their flaws they become like the women they complain about and bitch instead of doing something.
>men only fuck who they can
user, there are over 3 billion women in this world. If you can't get laid, it's your own fucking fault.
>user, there are over 3 billion women in this world
You're point? If you're born ugly there's no guarantee anyone of them will find you attractive.
You don't need to be attractive to have sex.If you haven't noticed, ugly people reproduce too.
This it's become harder for the average guy to get laid. The reason I blame women is because they are attracted to the same shallow shit. Theyd rather date some asshole who treats them like shit then a person like me who would treat them good.
Why are you lying? It's the easiest time in history for an average guy to get laid.
[citation needed]
very original text
Sure it's also the easiest time in history to get rejected or cheated on.
>they are perhaps weird, too shy, out of shape, uneducated, have a shit job or simply look like hillary clintons taint
This is how you can describe most women. it's just ducked how women can be shitty and ugly people, but men are the ones who are requires to change to fit their needs
incel = involuntary celibate
There anything else you need help with OP?
But that's not possible, you choose to be celibate.
why do you think the word "involuntary" is in front of it?
Because incels lie?
And women(and society as a whole) denies this and acts like it's nothing.
The term is stupid anyway, which doesn't surprise me since a women came up with it. We don't choose to be alone.
>We don't choose to be alone
Uh yes you do
Anti-incels are NPC's. That's all you need to know.
no I just don't want to change myself to appeal to some whore. I am who I am, if a girl only likes me cause of my social status or job title then why would I want her
Imagine someone actually spending time to write all that.
You are choosing to be alone. Everyone else actually does something to get women.
>to get women
so women doesn't do anything in order to get men because it's just that easy for them.
don't* dammit
If a woman is a fat and smelly NEET then she will not get men easily.
well they sometimes do to, although it's less common. It's just how the world works, deal with it you pathetic faggot. If you didn't have such a shit personality maybe you would be a 30 y/o incel. Unironically kys, while I fuck another stacy
you have no idea about what you're talking about.
>If you didn't have such a shit personality
You people are NPC's and that means that it would be extremely difficult to change your beliefs because they make you feel comfortable.
You're a childish piece of shit with very low empathy who never actually think about what you actually believe and why you believe those things.
It also doesn't help that you're not very bright so there's no hope left for people like you.
Why do you incels have literally zero self-awareness? Your post is just overflowing with your shitty personality. It's more than obvious why girls don't like you.
> It's more than obvious why girls don't like you.
Are you trolling me because I called you an NPC?
There's no way you're for real.
Are you saying your shitty personality is not the reason girls don't like you?
You repeat the same phrases over and over whenever you're talking about incels. You have no free thought. You're an NPC.
You think the average bloke will even meet 100,000 women, let alone a billion?
I'm the guy who you called a NPC. Sure dude you can go ahead and call me a NPC, since I don't give a fuck. Maybe I am one, I don't care, Have fun freaking the fuck out over some meme and unironically beliving it's a thing.
People tell you to be yourself until, well, they want you to be someone different.
Your programming seems broken, you are not even able to process a simple question you get asked.
>Falling for the "women are wonderful" meme.
>no u
lmao you're the equivalent of one of those liberals who call conservatives ''snowflakes''
There is no arguing with you
I wont lower my standards to a whale or someone ugly if I am average looking
I dont wanna modify my face even there would be some things I might wanna change about how I look, it is risky and it can make me worse
>Lower your fucking standards you piece of shit.
can't wait for the pussy market to crash
it happened with every other artificially inflated bubble in the human history, its bound to happen with this one sooner or later
sell high, buy low
Dude what do you mean. Getting pussy is easier than ever.
strawman thread, feminist edition
fuck outta here npc norman scum
>Jow Forums, a place for original content with people outside the normal conventions of politics and women.
>all they do is talk about how they hate women because they can't get laid and then bring up politics.
>then they accuse others of being NPCs for having the same things they want, not realizing that by having the same innate functions they are essentially NPCs as well.
When will the day of niche interests be a thing here? I want clown roleplay.
Jow Forums has been the board for depressed male virgins for years, newfag. Original purpose of the board does not not matter
Robot standards aren't actually high, most of us are just social retards who can't talk the talk or walk the walk for shit in an informal setting to save the life of us. This sperginess stems from horrible ostracization and lack of socialization during childhood, which is an important time in the development of the brain.
Ostracism literally causes antisocial behaviours to develop.
The problem is that incels invaded this place recently. And they pretend they are robots. Robots are not incels, at least not most.
That is what depresses me. We could have so much more here. Yet instead we function as normies.
Where is the community of true escapism for people who are far too "weird" to ever belong in society? Where is the world for the aliens, the beings who don't belong anywhere else?
Incel = Virgin and most robots are virgins
People have been complaining about tfw no gf for years even before incels blew up. If anything this places got infested with normies after the 2015 school shooting in Oregon
Been about a year at this point. Fuck the leddit incels, they can go fuck themselves. Piece of shit faggots.
Wizardchan or Jow Forums on 8ch might be more your thing
>Robots are not incels
From what I have seen, robots are more the type to say "2d is the only good type" and hate any 3d woman. 3d woman desire threads are not the spirit of robot culture.
Hahahaha men who vent about being lonely and undesirable should be shot amirite why dont we make this a forum where we all talk about our gfs fuck all the sad ugly men they are all garbage
Robots used to emphasize their ostracization and bullying during their youth more then these leddit incels, that is what made us different, even though virginity are required in both instances.
Problem is the lack of activity. You don't have as much life there as you do here, meaning you go long expanses of time without posts, which is depressing when you lack any real hobbies due to finding most things terrible.
Robots have been posting tfw no gf since the beginning, also 2d is better than 3d is nothing more than a cope because fiction cannot say no
2D is the only good dimension
>bullying during their youth
it stops after your youth? sure, it gets more subtle, but there seems to still be an "air" of people getting bothered. i have had plenty of people scream at me about being the next Hitler because i could not forgive the actions of various anime girls. they hurt me in various ways and it is sort of why permanent company is bothersome, because they are always anime girls.
Also "Celibate" refers to current status, it implies a deliberate abstinence from sex (and often includes abstinence from all forms of sex, including masturbation.) It does not deal with past status, meaning you can be celibate while having already lost your virginity you dumb faggot.
99.9% of virgins are not incels.
You haven't met me. 2d girls tell me "no" all the time. It is why I stopped going that route and decided to put my effort into various other things.
I have to disagree. 2D hurts as much as 3D. They were made by 3D and thus it can be just as painful.
I still don't understand the redditer posting on Jow Forums thing. How is it our fault that you're a faggot and can't understand foreign concepts
user, that means there are 4 billion men to compete with
Incel means that you cannot get laid without a hooker because you are utterly repulsive, if you hooked up once before you are a fakcel because you can do it again
If you are a man who wants to get laid but cannot no matter how hard he tries, without resorting to an escort, then you are an incel
Imagine being an utter poorfag outside the West that you can't even afford a prostitute, and being so ugly that not even 0/10 female hobos would not want to fuck you.
Imagine living somewhere where prostitution is illegal. Imagine being so ugly that the hooker ends up rejecting you.
That too, user.
Luckily from where I am prostitution is illegal but is so easy to engage in.
I am so craving of love and intimacy that I just cannot get myself to get a hooker. I cannot deal with a girl who is only having sex with me because I paid her to, not because she likes me. I cannot take a girl finding me utterly repulsive as we have sex.
>imagine actually putting in a little bit ouf effort in posting something on the internet
Yes you are so superior, posting nothing but recycled memes and one sentence responses.
true, true. we could just rape people. I mean fuck it, if everyone is going to act like animals. when in rome you know? who needs civilization anyway.
Not him but I get it, its how the world works, I am dealing with it, I simply carry on with my life without engaging women. I have been single for a long time and I am quite used to being alone. Women are happy fucking chads and as long as they dont bother me I am happy too
I always like how npcs think you do and say the exact same things in real life that you do on the internet
How is it possible that women know i have a shit personality when they never talk to me?
What!?!?! Are you fucking serious? There are some within the leddit incel community, who've claimed to have had sex, but not with a hooker, who couldn't get sex later on for an long extended period of years to present, who claim they are incel. But by definition, celibacy being a current status thing, and incel simply meaning involuntary celibacy, they technically aren't breaking any rules, and are incels. Being a robot, virginity is hardcoded into our definition you must be a virgin, a person who hasn't had sexual relations, past or present.
That's a real struggle user. Even "normies" have to disregard any thought that their significant others are only in a relationship with them to lessen their economic burden.
DESU I finid it easy to get intimacy but I simply cannot swallow any relationship with a girl I find repulsive - and those are the only women I see to even want intimacy with me.
Would I need to be blinded to finally settle down with an ugly ass woman just to get the intimacy you might have in mind? I would not like to know.
Maybe you could try not lurking one single board you stupid faggot
Lol anyone who is a non-virgin in the reddit incel community gets shat on
Women assume that any man they dont know has a shit personality.
Maybe women are like horses and can read your thoughts, preventing you from riding them if they see you being afraid?
Actually, I lurk several boards. They all are the same. All are generic and... normal. All don't make me feel like I actually belong.
Yeah, no. The incel mindset is not something literally every single virgin has. Incels are something far different from virgins, at least those who self-identify.
Plenty of virgins are volcels as well. A lot of them are just waiting till marraige.