Those of you who have gf's, where the fuck did you find them/meet them and how did you end up dating?

Those of you who have gf's, where the fuck did you find them/meet them and how did you end up dating?

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I met the housemate at a party and took her out because she was new in town.

Then some weeks later, the housemate invited me to some group event that sounded really boring. But I went anyway, and she was at this event. We started talking.

Then chatted over email and text, and hung out at a third group event the following week.

I was a volcel at the time, so I had low interest and didn't really notice her advances/interest, although I thought she was cute.

After the fourth group event, we ended up kissing, and the rest is history.

I met my current bf on Language learning society event (I am a native speaker, ended up there veeery randomly)
I offered help whenever he needs it; Next day he invited me for drink/language and cultural talks , and honestly , that's one of the best things happened to me; I kissed him that day in the park , while trying to feed squirells

At work.

Thought she was a cool girl. She was in a different department so I'd only see her semi regularly, would always chat with her. Asked her out and didn't realise she had a boyfriend. Sucks but that's life.

Always spoke to her like before when I saw her, carried on with my life.

Fast forward a couple of years and her and her boyfriend end up breaking up. I exchange numbers with her, telling her if she ever wants to chat I'm there.

Left it about a month, slowly begun to message her more and more regularly, eventually asked her out on a date.

The rest is history, we live together now, buying a place together and I'm planning to ask her to marry me within the next year.

Yes, this story may be a bit too normie for some, but literally anyone on this board can find love in the right circumstances with a bit of self improvement.

look at her feet in socks uwu

Are you a femanon?

Since when do females initiate the kissing? Are you from some alternate universe?

Sheeeeeeeee's cheating on you with her ex.

On Jow Forums by pure coincidence, it was not a hookup thread or even a hookup board.

No , but I just liked him really much; Needed courage to do that , user ! Because you're not expecting that from a female,
But I have to admit it wasn't the first time I initiated the kiss - time ago , when I was younger, there was another one ;It's very very very hard to determine the right time for it, and whether the guy is up for it.
For now , he seems happy - and that's the most important for me

coworker introduced us to each other. thought we would get along well and we did. been going out for nearly 3 yeasrs now

I met a few people from one friend of mine. You will meet people from work or it will usually be a friend of a friend situation

on /soc/ of course

Can you even find gf material people there?

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Wrote my cell number on the check at the restraunt she worked at. She thought it was cute and liked the story.

Damnn what a chad

Believe it or not but not all women are like that. I've had what I thought were "good" girlfriends in the past who had cheated on me, you end up figuring out who's willing to put your relationship on the line and who isn't.

I used to play drums in a band.
Every girl I have ever been with, approached me after a show and started talking/flirting
>you put cute faces while playing
>you play hard for a shy guy
My robot levels are visible from afar but for some reason women ignored them after shows.
I stopped playing 3 years ago.
I haven't touched hands with a female since then.

Why did you stop playing, user?

Unironically on tinder. We've been together for four years.

>Met my bosses daughter at a work team event
>She's only a few years younger than me (I'm 24, she's 20)
>Find out she's into similar vidya and whatnot
>Ask for her number at the end and she say's yes.
>End up going out and what have you

Admittedly, I'm starting to think this isn't going to last. She's got a 9/10 body, but she's just not that interesting.

>She doesn't really like music
>Doesn't play any classic games
>Doesn't really have any other interests

I think I'm gonna have to break up with the only gf I've ever had.

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You had the courage to ask her out, and the charm for her to accept. Whatever happens, you should be proud of yourself, user.

I met a girl on a game a few years ago. We had an LDR, played games every day, sent nudes and talked each other to orgasm many times. It turned her on to get as much cum out of me as possible.
It lasted 4 months and LDR so it probably doesn't count. Never been happier as in those months though.

Got kicked out for fighting with the guitar player.
I've had other bands since but it's quite a different situation

>playing in poppy band at venues packed with dancing qts
>playing in post-hardcore band at smelly houses for 10 crusty beings

>having a facebook

Guy I played DnD with was engaged
Her car broke down and her friend gave her a ride
She and I hit it off while I taught her to play
18 months later we married

the only times i've ever had a gf was when she was introduced to my through a mutual friend.

At school. I lived on campus for my Junior year and I told myself if I couldent find a girlfriend at school I'd just give up. I lucked out. Weve been together for 3 years now. I love her, but the only problem is that I'm so emotionally damaged from past relationships I dont think I can ever be 'in love' with her'. I think I do this just on the off chance that it doesn't work out I won't kms.

Here. We met here.

Met her at my university's anime club, ended up talking to her a bunch during a party, been with her for 2 years since

Ideal bf thread. Talked online and convinced her to visit me. She stayed and we just got married.

>Fast forward a couple of years
fuck women lmfao

I found my bf here if that counts lmao

>be 15, sophomore in high school
>procrastinating on studying for a final exam, make an account in Interpals
>end up chatting with a girl in the state I'm going to move to by the end of the summer, figure she'll live right around the corner
>she ends up living 4.5 hours drive
>move down there, never go see her since I didn't have a car, just find a job and continue going to school
>flashforward to graduation
>just broke things off with my longterm girlfriend, wanted to go around and explore the state while I waited for college to kickoff
>drive out to go see her, had never even heard her voice/seen more than one photo in all 3 years (she has extreme social anxiety)
>she ends up being literally perfect
>After the long distance shuffle for about 3.5 years now we're married and bought a house together

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In my Master's

I met a fat dude who played Magic at school.
He arranged for us to meet and we started seeing each other.
She was a depressive, self-harming and manipulative bitch though.

Unbelievable. What kind of girl is she?

Met my gf in uni. Literally was in my course and we just now started talking via facebook and figure out we both fancied each other for some time. Well, 2 months now basically but everything seems to be going well. Hopefylly this one works out.

were you the guy or the girl?

I am a random guy in Germany. Do any femanons need a boyfriend?

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Not him but i found mine there as well

got her in highschool. We both were young, i asked her if she would take a dance course with me (was kinda thing kids did at my school around that age, 15 i think). Said yes, did the course with her, got to know each other, made out etc. became boy and girlfriend. Been that way since 5 years

What do you have to offer? You could just get a gf irl like other anons have done

Not much actually. I only ask for faithfulness, so I'm not asking for much, but not offering a lot either.

Not every line needs to be its own goddamn paragraph. Give the enter key a break. It deserves it

>being surprised about redit formatting in the normiest of threads


Is there another way?

why the fuck are you laughing. You think this is a joke?

>having a facebook
Don't need facebook for tinder

I know I could easily get a gf, but dont
women are irredeemable

Its not a reddit thing. Its a mobilefag thing

>You think this is a joke?
It's all artistic works of fiction and falsehood I believe.

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This is not Reddit

/soc/ is honestly fucking disgusting to me. I don't know how any respectable person can find another respectable person on there. How did you do it?

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My current gf I met on r9k, nearly 3 years ago.

I met my first gf on /soc/. Although this was back when the board came out, 2011ish? There was actual social shit back then before they killed names/trips and everything social about the board and left it to camwhore/dick threads.

always by pure randomness.
1st one : from the internet when playing a game
2nd one : from the internet when playing a game
3rd one : from the internet when playing a game
4th one : at university, a girl from my class
they always made the move on me, but only the 2nd relationship was something i really liked.

except (you)weirdo

Believe it or not user the love of your life may have actually had a life before meeting you! Those years certainly weren't a bad thing, we both had our own life experiences to learn in that time. I saw a couple of girls and made the mistakes with them that I really wouldn't have wanted to make with this one.

i got really drunk at a Halloween party and had a depressive crisis so i started crying real hard. and there was this local internet qt that o had been talking with that was mutual friends with one of my friends that were there that night.

so i was crying laying on the ground and she pitied me and started trying to confort me, i don't know how it happened but she just gave me a kiss and after a whole bunch of revelations that night she took me home and waited for her dad to leave the house in a park near her house looking at the night sky and stuff and we fugged we didn't sleep

she didn't expect me to keep wanting to see her but we kept hanging out and fugging so we just started a relationship

i was a constant lurker here and i still feel like this board understands me pls no bully i mean i thought i was hopeless yet here we are

1st: Met her in my first uni's bar, had a one-night stand, ended up transitioning to dating.
2nd: She was my manager at the put I worked at, we went on a date after she drunk texted me and asked to go on a date.
3rd: Met on Tinder.
4th: Met on Tinder. Best relationship I had, albeit a rather short one.
5th: Met on Tinder.
6th: Friend of a friend from the start of uni. Basically after my 4th relationship ended, I was available and she was as well, so we became friends with benefits, and then transitioned into a relationship about a year after, once I had finally gotten over my ex. Still dating.

ITT: reasons to finally leave this board.
How the FUCK do all of you manage to find the places where I fit in and shit them up?

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Before people rage at you being a normie, it's probably a bait post guys.

FINE, chronologically
>going out, friend of friends
>chatting in a music specific chat, meet later at a party
>going to the same parties with another girl, she was her friend
>going to college "hey user, wanna come to my birthday party?" "Sure, why not, don't know where to sleep though" "Oh, you can sleep in my room!" kek
>another one in college
>using the fucking train on the way to work, knew her friends though
>a bunch of mostly going out and some from work
>actually one online on okcupid (turns out she's kinda nuts)
>straight back to going out some more
>we are here now, into one that a buddy hit on a couple weeks back, went much better for me, though accidentally had sex with another one on friday going out
OK, maybe I'm a man whore.

By being here in early 2008. :^)

Nah, it's a real post. I was a robot as a kid and I used to frequent Jow Forums when I was growing up and dealing with some shit. I only lost my virginity at 19, and it took me even longer to finally begin dating. Even now that I'm a full-blown normie, this place is a part of me and I can't simply leave, no matter how many extended breaks I take.

Japanese class in college. We sat next to each other and after a few weeks we became friends. We started hanging out all the time and got really close. After about a month of getting to know her I told her how i felt and then a week later we started dating which surprised me she wanted to date me too since she was from china and I am brown skinned latino.

bit rude and uncalled for
a footfriend yesterday made a thread how he got a qt gf and married her

So? There's tons of people here being virgins in their late 20's. Losing it at 19 is nothing and saying you had 6 relationships of which 3 were tinder just shows how much of a normie you are.
Now you just come here to show it off and make your robot bro's sad?

It's a thread about how people got their gfs, if you didn't want to read about this kind of stuff then maybe you're in the wrong place. Also, come on, the correct term isn't normie anymore, it's NPC.

does this work for old guys too, or is it just for kids?

Tinder is mainly for hookups and girls like older guys so I think u will be fine. Just show you have money.

>Just show you have money.
so i'm fucked. got it. or rather, not fucked.

I imagine it works for older guys as well, but obvs you need to go for a similar age, cause you're not gonna get with some 18-year-old. Using Tinder is a game of numbers though - you have to sift through a LOT of people to get some to match with you, of which even fewer will reply to you, and even less of those will go out on a date with you. Basically, it can make dating feel impersonal, since you're just wading through tons and tons of people, but ultimately you only need it to work with that one person, right?

I mean, it may well work, you'll attract some girls, but I feel like I can do better than the gold-digging angle (and I don't actually have a lot of money), so I tend not to go with that.

i don't care about hooking up with an 18 year old. i just want to hookup with someone, although i would really rather it not be just a hookup. i want it to have meaning or long term potential.

>Ideal bf thread
Greentext please


We've been together 5 years this november. We now live together and have two doggos. Prob gonna marry her.

If its just for a hook up you can fake it. If you are looking for a meaningful and serious relationship dont waste your time on tinder.

I mean, half of my relationships are from Tinder, so it can definitely be used for that. You'll be fine, just keep several things in mind:

1) It's a lot of people who will reject you, don't get discouraged, always remember that you've got everything to gain but nothing to lose if you keep going.

2) You will probably fuck up quite a few matches early on as you're just getting used to the app and what works/what doesn't with people. Again, don't beat yourself up over it, it's all a learning experience, and every attempt will make the next one easier and smoother.

Oh yeah, and the standard stuff of "have some nice photos and a funny bio", but I'm sure you already knew that much.

did tinder even exist 5 years ago?
problem with hookups for me is i honestly can't keep a hardon the first try. i have to be really comfortable with someone. i literally can't have a one night stand.

>I'm planning to ask her to marry me within the next year.

the redpill prophecy is true men do marry sloppy seconds

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>this story may be a bit too normie for some
Hahaha you wish you pathetic cuck.
Enjoy your sloppy seconds.

>have some nice photos and a funny bio
i fucking hate that shit. i always have. i don't know how to "sell myself".

>decided to go some random big online meetup with the intent of making friends
>head of the event said to talk to people nearby and get to know each other
>mass of people and I'm just standing there
>she comes up to me and says "yes, you!"
>instantly she's talking, jumping from topic to topic and asking me questions constantly and I'm OK with it, feels comfortable
>she contacts me next day online from the guest list
>we go out twice that week, just to hang out, I'm expecting nothing, she's interesting and easy to be with, rare enough to find just a friend like that
>she asks me out on a date the second time we meet
>now i'm in a relationship with her and she's great

I wish I could say I earned this somehow, but after 29 years of being KHV, it was just pure luck. Someone came into my life and I didn't have to do a thing.

Met him at the citiy farmers market. We talked about apple cider then that evolved to anime and vidya and we went back to his placw to chill. I was 19 at the time and he was 27. Been together for 4 years now and we are planning to have kids soon lol but idk

It's like writing a CV, everyone hates it but you still have to do it.

>be me
>reply to fembot who posted ideal bf

i'm in my mid-twenties. these hoes don't have a few years.

>be me, 6 foot 1 tall aryan on exchange in Japan
>5/10 skelly in home country, maybe 6-7/10 to foreign girls
>bunch of new eurofags and amerimutts move into my student app 6 months in
>dumped 2 months before still a virgin cause autistic
>feel confident and don't give a shit, jokes and flirts with french and italian girls at a party
>flirt for a week or so after that, but end up pursuing eastern european qt
>nice catholic girl, loyal, but a bit bitchy
>sit next to her in class, walk home together, eat lunch etc
>plays some of the same games and good taste in memes
>write each other on discord and hang out with mutual friend almost every day
>after a month or so I ask for hugs every time we depart from each other
>one day just in my dorm room after school
>me on the bed, she on my office chair
>wants to show me memes on her phone
>she ends up snuggling in front of me while I embrace her
>basically my GF now
>no longer virgin

LDR now and both of us busy af, so dunno how long it'll last. Was okay though. 6/10

>did tinder even exist 5 years ago?

I feel bad for people who didnt know about tinder before it went mainstream. It was a playground. Its cancer now.

how did it change in any way then?

I got ballsy in the 10h grade and grabbed her butt. She laughed we started talking more then dating. Been together for 3years now and fuck almost everyday

EVERY female was legit 8/10, friendly, and eager to meet. It was like Ashley Madison for your smartphone. I cannot stress how positive the experience was. Girls were happy to meet up. And they looked good.

Now its full of fatties, trannys, bottom-feeders. The rare hot ones are ego inflated beyond madness. Like i said, i met my gf on there, im 31 now. I genuinely feel bad for youngsters, they have no idea how much feminism and PC has cheated them.

they didn't artificially throttle you to sell 'gold', and the girls weren't as jaded. plus there were fewer low-quality specimens with iphones.

We were from the same HS but we never met each other, i added her on fb and we started talking after that.

I met her through a mutual friend. We talked together as a group first, and then she and I started talking on our own. One day she invited me to a special gathering at her church and I realized she liked me. The rest is history.

At home, she's my younger sister.

I saw her in the halls at college. Hung around for a while working up the courage to talk to her and she ended up asking me something for a survey, so I had a reason to go back and talk to her again later. Kept talking to her and we eventually linked up and clicked. If you're looking for it, you're not gonna find it. Focus on yourself, so when the opportunity presents itself you'll have a good chance of attracting her back. My gf wouldn't be attracted to who I was 3 years ago.

so, tinder is now a dumpster fire and i'm better off approaching random girls in the street?

whatever you say my guy, it's not like you got lucky
*yeah brah just ignore em and they flock to ya like crazeh brah*
fucking worst advice ever

no but I do wanna die a bit on the inside when I see a couple act all giggly with each other on the train...

just transition and masturbate in front of a mirror

I wanna die

original indeed