Why havent I seen an MBTI / pseudoscience / horoscope / Bangladeshi toe fortune telling thread for ages? Might as well start one
Why havent I seen an MBTI / pseudoscience / horoscope / Bangladeshi toe fortune telling thread for ages...
Other urls found in this thread:
cancer (late june)
also autistic
life sucks being single
There's nothing really left to be talked about desu. What did you have in mind?
INTP #488499XX here
got hilariously drunk and sucked a cock out of boredom over the weekend
became a little jealous because he was bigger than me
just INTP things lmao
Where else is my ISTJ-T brothers?
I thought this avatar shit is prohibited on this site?
>What did you have in mind?
wanted people to suck my cock for being intj
Don't we all.
what avatar shit?
There are literally no fat INTJs
actually my good sir, i would argue that all INTJs are fat
nah, fake mistyped INTJs are fat
if you wanna find out if an INTJ is mistyped, measure his weight
What do I make of this, test is here- socionics.com
Is self doubt a common among INTP? Because it would explain the absolute state of my contradictions here
>no MBTI thread for ages
We just had one three days ago. We don't need one ALL. THE. FUCKING. TIME.
>The Case Against Type Dynamics
Self doubt is a huge part of being an INTP bro. It's the only thing that keeps us on our toes brother...
Note the official site makes no mention of type dynamics (Ti-Ne-Se-Fe) etc..
infp rluai gang here
this test is a shitty meme. i've gotten entp, intp and even istp over the 2 years since i've learned of it.
Because its retarded, those personality tests are stupid and give bullshit results
Doomed to a life of A.D.D
here yo
Who /ITPFNJSE/ master race here?
>infp and pisces
pls kill me
there's an intp only discord if anyone's interested in dying alone together
holy shit dude.
>be me, infj/capricorn archetypes
>be the loneliest, weakest, most nameless fucking faggot in the universe inside my head
>see your post
>feel better after
i fucking hate that people are mixing starsigns and mbti together
mbti= psudoscience
starsigns = superstition
you were supposed to kill me not to make me feel like utter shit
your welcome, user
Two loose classifications of personality are better and more accurate than one. Wait until people start talking about Enneagram types here.
>Taurus sun, Pisces moon, Taurus ascending
>ENFP with strong Ti
>was catfished by a INFJ Capricorn.
I win the terrible award.
>slowly crawling my way out of the weakling autist realm
>become into 18 year old BLOOMER
ISFJ Male Pisces woohoo! I get to be the biggest wussie of them all!
intj here and i used to be quite fat
Whats the difference between ESTP/ESFP?
>people posting about getting different results on the same MBTI tests
Either you don't know how to answer the questions or you don't know yourself very much.
ESTPs are Chads; ESFPs are Stacy's.
dude i'm sorry, genuinely. that infj must've been mistyped or absolutely delusional because doing that crap would make me lose sleep for years
>ESFPs are Stacy's.
Real stacies are ENFJ's
I don't see how; Intuitive Feelers are smarter than Sensory Feelers. Stacy's are whores, who will lay with the Chads.
>server full of intps
what a disaster that must be
I think I'd rather suffer on my own.
Me on the right
wow do INTPs do those things? Fucking scary