>Have a secret crush on guy friend, keep my feelings about him to myself
>He shows signs of liking me, but doesn't make any attempt at asking me out
>So I move on
>Get a new boyfriend
>NOW he reveals he likes me
Why aren't guys upfront anymore??
>Have a secret crush on guy friend, keep my feelings about him to myself
>He shows signs of liking me, but doesn't make any attempt at asking me out
>So I move on
>Get a new boyfriend
>NOW he reveals he likes me
Why aren't guys upfront anymore??
Because they all use Jow Forums and turned into faggot neets
>guy shows any attention at all to girl
>girl becomes braindead and thinks it means something other than he wants the sex
let me make this easy for you. if i have voluntarily interacted with you outside of a business setting, i want a relationship with you.
wait what? does that mean that any dude I tell to read der einzige und sein eigentum won't read it? not op, btw.
remember the Kavanaugh hearings?
is this true??? if i tell a boy i like them and they dont like me back, will i offend them bc im ugly?
>rapist passes a job interview
not a big surprise. also, like rape isn't being upfront, dummy. it's just rape.
If you asked me, id be insanely flattered, even if i still reject. i think people tend to like it, well atleast guys.
quads never lie. abandon ship niggers, abandon fucking ship.
i'd read it if i thought it meant getting in your pants
Because we are all fucking equal in current year, this is what liberals and women wanted, equality, so now you have the exact same rights to ask a guy out if you like him.
>keep my feelings about him to myself
>traumatized that he did the exact same thing
this is bait, right? please tell me this is bait.
fuck meant for all two of the dudes I talk to ever have just said it's not a fun read or it's too hard to read..
if they put in the effort to try it, they were probably trying to bond with you, therefore they wanted in your pants. this isn't rocket science.
>Like guy
>He likes me too
>He asks me out
>Tell him i'm not interested (but I secretly am)
>Get a "boyfriend" to make him jealous
>He stops talking to me
Why are guys such jerks UGH!
it's not a hard text tho imo.
like, idk it's a good thing to read if you're an involuntary egoist serving someone or something else's ego.
also, like do I just say I have a bf anytime someone talks to me? I'd like to not have less friends than I already do..
>Why aren't guys upfront anymore?
Why weren't you upfront with him?
You know how they say if something seems to good to be true, it probably is? That's why he wasn't "upfront" with you. He thought you were just being friendly and didn't feel like getting rejected.
>do I just say I have a bf anytime someone talks to me?
it's a good line to use if they are hitting on you, but it's sperg tier if you say it when they're just making conversation. i'll never understand this concept of males and females being platonic friends.
Dudes want pussies. You're not special.
okay, but I don't want to lead ppl on I just want friends.... good news is I'm not attractive enough for people to ever got in me. so I guess just do nothing?
>I don't want to lead ppl on I just want friends...
don't be nice to guys then. especially if you think he might be a robot. we are so attention starved that if a girl is nice to us, we honestly think it's because she likes us as more than a friend. i don't know what it's like to be a girl, so my advice will be severely limited. don't compliment me or be nice to me. just neutral, like you don't give a fuck.
shit is there anything I can say if someone starts talking to me instead of being mean? I don't really have much control over how I speak when I'm nervous and I'm nervous anytime someone at my job talks to me..
i had a oneitis for 5 years and she never said anything, but the moment I started dating someone else she turned into a marxist heroin junkie. bulletdodged/10
Because you're supposed to make a move now. It's 2018. Get with the times, roastie
You and your feminist ideology wanted males to abandon their gender roles (taking the initiative/asking you out) deal with the consequences you fucking retard
how the fuck should i know? i just told you i can't give you good advice about it. just pretend he doesn't exist. i dunno.
being nice will immediately put me into the mode of thinking "does she like me?"
Why aren't you?
Originally ofc
>Why aren't guys upfront anymore??
Because, as a rule, you get bored with us once you know we want you as more than some quick fuck.
And the not overtly slutty ones of you get upset when we DO want a quick fuck.
During the time we try to figure out some sane way between those extremes, you move on and friendzone us.
you should've told him how you felt you retard
>secret crush
>keep feelings to yourself
>annoyed that he doesn't make a move