Reminder that you are ugly

Just a friendly reminder that the reason you are still a virgin is because you are ugly. If you were handsome, women would have shown you affection in your school days, they would have approached you and would have wanted to spend their time with you. Because they didn't, you never learned to interact with them.

Handsome men get attention from women, because of this they feel more wanted and confident. Confidence comes from looks, not the other way around. No one wants a confident 3/10 manlet.

Looks matter. Status, money, fame etc. all of these are needless if you have the looks. Money is a way for ugly men to cope.

Swallow the redpill and realise that you are a virgin because of your looks.

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i realized this 10 years ago now what?

What anime is that. Is that Lain

It happens, but once we free ourselves from the expectation of comfort, then we can begin our soul searching in earnest.

Yeah, I already know. What a pill that was, huh.

>women would have shown you affection in your school days, they would have approached you and would have wanted to spend their time with you
They did, tho. I was an edgy retard and managed to push them away, but they tried. I at least got to grab some titties and asses unpunished, but my personality totally fucked me.

It only took me 20 years to realize woah....
Typical lain poster

>If you were handsome, women would have shown you affection in your school days
>all girls liked me and loved being near me
>homeschooled at 8th grade
>fast forward 7 years
>girls contact sister to send them a picture of myself
>sister tells them to fuck off

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>No one wants a confident 3/10 manlet
Not true
OPs just mad he developed a shitty personality

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When did you realize you were ugly, robots?

For me it was 7th grade
>sit next to good looking chad and a qt3.14
>have crush on qt
>act real nice and help her out when she has questions about the coursework
>one day she is absent
>chad asks "bro do you got a crush on that girl?"
>tell him yeah
>"you gotta stop being nice all the time, you gotta be kind of a bully, tease her, call her dumb, be sarcastic. act like you're doing her a favor just by talking to her. women love that shit"
>tell him alright ill act that way
>next day
>she asks me for help on a question, as usual
>"wow thats a real shocker you need more help haha you're useless"
>she goes "wtf"
>calls me a nerd and tells me to fuck off
>talk to chad later
>"idk man that usually works with me, i called a girl straight up retarded in my other class and got her number after"

How can we stop this mistreatment of ugly people bros?
This is the worst form of discrimination today. There isn't a more oppressed life than the one of an ugly male.
How do we get human rights?

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>ugly on the inside*
Fixed that for you.

I can assure you, it's not my looks, it's my personality

>They did, tho
Then clearly this thread isn't directed to you retard. Why respond when its very clearly meant for those of us who never received attention of any kind?

>go through middle school with no friends or attention from girls
>go through high school with no friends or attention from girls
>in college with no friends or attention from girls

Should've just fucked your sister

All the attention in the world wouldnt have stopped me from failing at getting laid. Looks is not all there is to it.

You have to make it a more gradual transition if it's fundamentally different from how you acted before, that wouldn't have worked for anyone but 10/10 Chads.

Reminder that you are ugly inside for making such a spiteful post. I'm pretty sure most people on Jow Forums aren't nearly as bad as they think they are, there's probably a lot of people who are just victims of circumstance, serially shy and introverted and lacking in confidence and social skills. The fact that you came here to kick people while they're down reveals far more about you than you could ever say about anyone else here.

>reminder that the reason you are still a virgin is because you are ugly
I know, my mom told me all my life that I was ugly.

If that's true why the average of all my scores given by females in my various /soc/ rate threads entries is rounded on 6/10 and yet I can't get laid?

That's where you have it all wrong , if you were attractive it would never matter

No shit. This isnt reddit, we know were ugly. Cant believe you took the time to write all that shit thinking it was profound. Fuck off.

>>girls contact sister to send them a picture of myself
>>sister tells them to fuck off
She wanted you for herself user. Go nut in your sister

>If that's true why the average of all my scores given by females in my various /soc/ rate threads entries is rounded on 6/10 and yet I can't get laid?

/soc/ adds two or three points. At least.

Since you're actually a 4, I can refer you back to OP's post.