>tfw my pajeet cock wildly never strike fear in the hearts of woman like big strong American willy
Tfw my pajeet cock wildly never strike fear in the hearts of woman like big strong American willy
That's exactly how mine looks. It's really quite beautiful
tickle her in her stomach to show her how big you are
Do women even like dick's this big?
I imagine at that point it's hard to have enjoyable sex, it's more of a trophy
post moar big diggs pls
fake take picture without your hand holding it
Just pimp your sisters out rajeesh
Not as much as men I bet. It's just a pride thing. Women may play along but you have to look at what dildo sizes they buy to see what they prefer.
This has got to be photoshopped. There's no way a dick can be that big. What is that, 14 inches? How do you even jerk off?
Why? That maximizes blood engorgement
Really? Next you will tell me that OP isn't really an Indian male.
No. The only women who like dicks this big are the kind of women who buy bad dragon dildos and have shit slide out of their asses from how loose they are.
I genuinely feel sorry for men with dicks like these. It is almost guaranteed their wives won't enjoy sex. I personally would never put something this big inside of me.
This. If women preferred this size, we'd all be hung like horses. Selection.
So I can see if it's fake.
Just do it, you like showing off your cock anyways it seems.
Post pajeet cock
My Penis is 5 inches, just. That's bad even if you account for the dubious "5.5 inch average". But we all know with the new generations posting their dicks all the time on here and other places that the average is more like 7 inches these days. And with more and more women today watching porn and what not, if they weren't fixated on size then they sure as hell are now.
Dicks that big can't stand up straight like that.
They're too big to stand straight up so they lean a little this is quite clearly a shop just by looking at the edges.
Nope. Then the thread will die.
It's just that only hung or average people post themselves in most of the times and a 5-3-2 of big-average-small instead of 3-4-3 or something like that over hundreds of thousands of people inflates the perception.
Dont feel bad bro, im pretty small too
I am a pajeet too. I will post my cock if you post yours. You first though
How big is the average pajeet cock?