>Africans were sitting on so many natural resources and they did nothing with them
This argument always bothered me because it's obviously from a european perspective, which was irrelevant to ancient Africans. The faulty part of the logic is the assumption that the Africans thought these resources were valuable. But these resources have no real, actual value. If you're from a place where there are just a ton of diamonds lying around, you're not gonna think diamonds are valuable. They're just pretty-looking dirt. "Value" comes down to "we don't have this in Europe, therefore it's important."
Africans were sitting on so many natural resources and they did nothing with them
Other urls found in this thread:
they arent living like that anymore though arent they. but they are still not using the resources because of corrupt politicians
Shouldn't this be on Jow Forums ? Obviously they would appreciate the bukakke girl too.
diamonds aren't valuable. they have almost no commercial use.
The resources they were talking about were metals, minerals, mines and w/e else. Oxford university is older than the aztec temples.
To think some one would not see value in something when they have so much of it is dumb.
No one is talking about diamonds and shit when they say that you absolute retard.
>To think some one would not see value in something when they have so much of it is dumb.
op is only strengthening that argument. only Europeans knew the value of all those minerals, because some of them are god.
>This argument always bothered me because it's obviously from a european perspective, which was irrelevant to ancient Africans.
And some how the Egyptians knew all about natural resources which they put to use kind of fucks your argument up about it just being a European thing considering Egypt is part of the Aftican continent.
ya, White Egyptians knew the value of mineral rich Africa ofc.
>no commercial use.
Are you fucking stupid diamonds all kinds of commercial and industrial uses take for instance the diamond drill head in the pic used for drilling oil wells. They are used in everything from blades for cutting stone and concrete to grinding wheels and drill bits. They are ground in to powder and made in to paste for polishing. worldwide demand for industrial diamonds greatly exceeds the supply obtained through mining
Necessity is the mother of invention. If the enviroment is stable and bountiful you won't be hard pressed to invent anything beyond basic agriculture and better spears, and if you think this argument doesn't hold and the answer is just hurr durr niggers then ask yourself why we haven't colonized space despite having the resources and technology to do so (if clumsily) for a while. We have no immediate need to do it so there's no reason to invest heavily into it beyond token efforts and purely practical things like satellites.
Their societies might have been primitive but by no means unsophisticated, it's worth noting Bantus even developed iron working before most peoples but just forgot about it.
At least the Africans were lucky that they didn't have any Jews.
>White Egyptians
LoL calling a sand nigger white
in other words africans are retarded for not seeing the utility of these resources.
Literal fucking NPCs itt. Except this guy
>But these resources have no real, actual value.
Food, coal, timber, iron, copper, tin, stone, and animals have no value now?
>diamonds have no value
oh....you're actually retarded
>diamonds aren't valuable. they have almost no commercial use.
Absolute manchild. Diamonds are used commercially in almost every single industry as a cutting tool
>implying the Ptolemaic dynstaty wasn't greek
They quarried stone mined ore and gems and traded their goods
>If the enviroment is stable and bountiful you won't be hard pressed to invent anything beyond basic agriculture and better spears
lol. more like no ambition to improve. stable environments of that kinds still suck.
>If the enviroment is stable and bountiful you won't be hard pressed to invent anything beyond basic agriculture and better spears
They didn't even have basic agriculture though. They didn't domesticate a single animal.
We're laughing at how primitive niggers are and you're explaining why niggers are so primitive. Even if your argument held (it doesn't) you're still only saying "yeah, well, niggers are only primitive because...." which doesn't really counter anyone pointing out how primitive they are
>ask yourself why we haven't colonized space despite having the resources and technology to do so
Actually we don't the extreme radiation is a very serious problem in space that we still haven't overcome. astronauts on interplanetary missions or any missions that venture through the Van-Allen Belts or outside the Earth's magnetosphere. They are one of the greatest barriers standing in the way of plans for interplanetary travel by crewed spacecraft, but space radiation health risks also occur for missions in low Earth orbit such as the International Space Station
relevant video baka tbqh
The fertile crescent was the most bountiful place in the world and the natufians still invented agriculture and built the first cities.
Educate your self faggot
Not him, but guinea fowls are the direct ancestors of modern chickens and they were domesticated, same for the huge ass cows the Masai depended on so much to the point they're the only african ethnicity able to digest lactose even better than europeans.
actual retard alert
To your credit though the western European hunter gatherers were primitive for a very long time until the brown Mediterranean looking farmers came along.
>We're laughing at how primitive niggers are
No you are also implying that the only right way of living is the way you and your ancestors has lived.
You are the way you are because of violence. Violence and necessity to be violent.
Modern Chickens were domesticated from jungle fowl from Asia. Nice try
>these letters are not the letters I usually prefer
>you are also implying that the only right way of living is the way you and your ancestors has lived.
No I'm not. I'm calling niggers primitive savages and pointing out how primitive they are compared to the rest of the world. I make no moral statements of "right" way of living. Continue you noble savage fantasy though
Bruh you are literally implying stuff. Stop implying.
There is a deeper meaning to this. Why didnt they know about those minerals and resources, why didnt they understand their value? Because they lived in mud huts and still do to this day. They did not progress at all, everything you see in africa is the legacy of whitey because all africans are capable of is mud huts
I actually didn't know that, so thanks I guess.
Reminds me of that scene in apocalypse now:
"They train men to rain fire down on people from above but they won't let them write 'fuck' on their plane because it's obscene".
Civility is human domestication. And domestication breeds weakness and passivity. It's all a matter of will to power. Whether you are using sticks or stones or napalm is irrelevant.
>Civility is human domestication. And domestication breeds weakness
>throws spear at tank
so strong
I'm talking about weakness of the mind.
>"They train men to rain fire down on people from above but they won't let them write 'fuck' on their plane because it's obscene".
a literal complaint about warriors practicing honour/chivalry
>Civility is human domestication. And domestication breeds weakness and passivity.
followed by glorifying being a warrior
noble savage fallacy pls go
cant tell if youre the average frogposting retard or a samefag retard
Weakness of mind and body. Are you dumb?
Reminder that most African countries are under 60 years old and are just coming out of colonial rule and white supremacist governments.
>If the enviroment is stable and bountiful you won't be hard pressed to invent anything beyond basic agriculture and better spears
Bullshit when the environment is stable and bountiful is when people had time to invent. This is what gave rise to great civilizations around the world. When there was drought or famine people's only concern was finding food and basic survival. Look at how many civilizations experience this at their height of achievement hit by drought and famine they left their cities and retreated back in to the forests and jungles leaving those cities and the knowledge behind.
>white supremacist governments.
Actual fucking kek
I said ALMOST and they mostly only use extremely small diamond dust or synthetic diamonds. for those not natural resources.
god you fucking mongoloid know it alls are the worst.
>Diamonds are so commercially useful and in such high demand that we've had to synthesize them to meet our needs
>This means diamonds are not commercially useful because we use synthetic diamonds
ACTUAL retard
>natural resources == synthetic
>diamond dust == valuable
>diamond dust being mixed with metals to create machinery drill and grinding bits makes diamond dust have more commercial uses than metal
ACTUAL retards
>natural resource in such high demand that we don't have enough to meet demand
>forced to synthesize it
>this means it's a useless natural resource.
I know you're trolling, but you're actually an idiot. Diamonds are so useful as tools that we HAD to synthesize them because we needed more than we have, and you're not claiming its a useless natural resource based on the fact we use the synthetic version in tools.
>synthetic diamonds. for those not natural resources.
According to geology.com The worldwide demand for industrial diamonds greatly exceeds the supply obtained through mining. So apparently they are using natural resource Mr fucking know it all. They are using synthetic diamonds as well because they can't meet demand with just natural ones
>synthetic diamonds. for those not natural resources.
Last I checked synthetic diamonds were made from natural resources. Mainly methane because it contains hydrogen and carbon. They use a chemical vapour deposition machine which passes methane gas (made of hydrogen and carbon) through a plasma of hydrogen gas, depositing the carbon on a surface, slowly forming a diamond in the process.
come back when you actually know what you are talking about ok fren
stop samefagging you fucking retard. nobody here agrees with you.
>this thread
>pretending it wasn't going to be anything else
Greek inhabitants of Egypt, aka Ancient Egyptians you fucktard.
Top is modern reproduction of an ancient Viking village
Bottom modern rural African village
If I'm from Brazil and I move to China does that make me Chinese
If we had been living the way native Africans did, the planet would ecologically be way better off and people wouldnt be so depressed.
Oh shut up faggots, obviously we're discussing resources valuable in the beginning and early stages of civilization, not stuff used in advanced technology
*drops chemicals on your jungle with the intent to destroy the ecosystem*
hey, at least we still have honor in civility :)
Go move in with some tribe in the middle of Africa and let us know how much happier it makes you.
White people really have to stop pretending white supremacy never existed.
What about the Nubian inhabitants of Egypt? Greeks got to Egypt fucking late. What you're saying is comparable to a Spanish person calling themselves an Aztec.
Nonwhites need to stop pretending whites aren't superior.
Literally what's wrong with the bottom though? It's rural Africa. Why do people living in the middle of nowhere need anything else but what's in that picture? And the only thing that looks primitive about those homes are the fact that they're circular and have straw roofs.
Nice bullshit. It has been proved to be harmless at least for the Van Allen Belt. It all comes down to the fact that no one wants to invest so much money only to allow several thousands people (max) to live on Mars when there are no valuable resources there.
>you are also implying that the only right way of living is the way you and your ancestors has lived.
And what's wrong with that? I'll remind you that it is because of his/my ancestors' thirst for progress that you can see these words on your screen. I absolutely hate it when people imply that primitive societies had some kind of merit or arcane knowledge of how to live. Their societies were filled with discomfort, famine, death, and disease yet idiots like you defend them. It is simply human nature to push the boundaries of what's possible and these societies were too "comfortable" () or had some kind of alternate yet equally valid take on the "right" way to live?
It was the Europeans, Middle Easterners and Asians who had superior technology, medicine, agriculture and science and not the Africans. This is why Africa was colonized and not the other way around. This is why all significant discovery and advancement in nearly all of history (yes, even the ones you're benefiting from right now like the clothes you're wearing and the insulated+heated house you're in) were developed everywhere else other than Africa. People even say that the first humans were in Africa which would imply they had more time to advance but didn't.
>Comparing ancient Vikings (790-1066) to Africans that lived like till around the slave trade (mid-17th century)
Wow great argument fagtron you sure convinced me with those hot opinions
so every other races have 6000 to 10 000 years of evelution but niggers have 60 ?
Europeans come to your land and stunt your progress significantly. It really fucks you up. This is why modern day Mayans live in mud huts and shanty towns rather than huge castle towns like they used to.
White people never stunt any progress, i think...
White people were constantly stunting their own progress in Europe. They'd get a new plague every month because they refused to wash themselves.
this user gets it orignalolo
>muh colonization
Reminder that the most powerful country in the world started out as European colonies.
yes, the mayans regressed techonologically because of THE WHITES WHO CONTIUNED TO DEVELOP ECONOMICALY AND SOCIALLY
or maybe its because the Mayans were backwards savages who sacrificed their own disabled children in the name of a god who doesn't exist. Smart.
>if you think this argument doesn't hold and the answer is just hurr durr niggers then ask yourself why we haven't colonized space despite having the resources and technology to do so (if clumsily) for a while
Because we spend all our money babysitting niggers.
Nubians were pushed out of Ehypt and only had like one dynasty, which was quickly rooted out. Vast majority of Egyptian royalty were meds.
Yes and what happened to the original inhabitants of the most powerful country in the world
No, they regressed because whites wouldn't allow them to progress. It's hard to progress when your whole race is sent to either be sex slaves or work in gold mines.
>implying Europeans didn't massacre, enslaved and rape millions in the name of a god who doesn't exist
>because we have no immediate need to colonise space
Because colonising space would be burning resources that have uses elsewhere. Cleaner more powerful energy, quantum stuff, ai, etc
If the probes find some new unknown material in space I can see a boom for it. Until then not much demand besides vanity
The same thing that will happen to whites if we keep allowing nonwhites into out countries like cucks.
That is not true, though. The assumption of some Eurocentrics that sub-Saharan Africa was only mud huts is wrong, but you are also wrong.
In truth, there were Sub-Saharan empires, such as the Mali and Songhay. The richest person on Earth (possibly) was Mansa Musa, who was rich in GOLD. Yes, Africans thought these resources were valuable.
That considered, Africans generally failed to progress past ancient technology unless they borrowed from Muslims. However, they did know the value of their land long before Europeans did.
its not even that
food literally grows on trees there all year
in the cold north we had to harvest, plan and look ahead for the future, this made us completely different
>implying the mayans had any progress coming to them
They seem to be better than niggers but much worse than asians
>Oxford university is older than the aztec temples.
really makes the noggin go joggin
I'm not OP, but it's not quite paradise in Africa. In sub-Saharan Afric,a it could have been very difficult to clear land because of the denseness of plants and trees (jungle). IT was possible, however. Sub-Saharan Africans, especially west Africans (Guinea, Nigeria, Ivory Coast regions, etc.) were dealt a decent hand compared to, say, Siberians. In general, if it is difficult to harvest food, people won't. This is the case in parts of the Americas (cold, they didn't develop the wheel), Africa (dense jungle), Arabia (too hot and sandy, nomadic). That said, it does not excuse the fact that Africans, Arabs, Indians, etc are incapable of development and creating technology, even when placed in similar environments to Europeans. That's intelligence, and the lifestyle that Europeans developed led to their self-selection for higher intelligence.
*largely incapable compared to Europeans. Arabs and Indians did create technology, but they were eventually dwarfed by Europeans.
>being this much of a brainlet making sheer postulations based on his extremely limited knowledge
>niggers aren't naturally stupid they just didn't need civilization and then forgot the science they developed
wew lad
Thanks for describing this whole board.
nah, I didn't
it's just the retard here and there, mostly the losers on this board have a lot of insight and wisdom
plus they are funny as fuck, much funnier than the normalos outside my door