>on biz
>post weekly expenses, someone asks why food is so low, reply I don't eat meat
>hurr durr 2 fruit a day you must be malnourished
>hurr durr 6 slices of toast isn't a lot for breakfast I can eat a whole loaf easy
>multiple replies saying my diet was boring then no replies when I asked what there is
>all the while I'm 6'4" and can cycle 100 miles (i know this isn't exceptional but vast majority of people can't do it)
Why do people on Jow Forums hate vegans so much?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because we don't like gay people.
fuck off poltard virgin
i don't hate vegans at all. in fact, if they are girls, i love them because they usually get that underweight/heroin chic look about them. i just think veganism is a 1st world problem and i don't take mentality to that extreme. i don't mind eating meat, but i don't hold it against anyone who won't.
>Why do people on Jow Forums hate vegans so much?
Because they constantly try to shove their way of life down other people's throat.
I don't hate vegans, just preachy people
literally just mentioned why my food was so cheap and the autistic screeching started
Honestly half those people are just LARPing as bodybuilders, the others actually are bodybuilders. I don't know which is worse.
Jow Forums is an open anonymous platform with temporary posts and no upvote/downvote system. While still not immune to group think, this is probably the most candid and open platform for argument you can have. This means bad or unliked ideas are universally shot down, and people with bad easily counter-able arguments will be instantly called out. Vegans are part of this group. You think its some kind of group bias against you, but in reality you just have a shitty ideology which the majority of people can easily identify as being retarded.
You're diet hinges on a moral argument, and you're unable to make a moral argument of any weight. People making baseless moral arguments are insufferable faggots. There you go.
>you're unable to make a moral argument of any weight.
you mind expanding on this for the sake of someone who has never read through a debate on this topic?
maybe give some of the usual talking points and their rebuttals, in brief?
>you mind expanding on this for the sake of someone who has never read through a debate on this topic?
You could go toe to toe with people on Jow Forums or /ck/ but most people here have either already read those threads hundreds of times or simply don't have the capacity to debate this issue.
An example of one of their talking points is "it's immoral to kill animals for food outside of necessity" and the rebuttal is "you have no authority to dictate what is moral or immoral"
hell, even mirroring them and saying "it's immoral to NOT kill animals for food outside of necessity" is a rebuttal considering they're both baseless moral assertions.
You can't use morality as an argument unless you're going to make an argument for an objective morality a long with it which 99% of people aren't philosophically capable of
fucking cringe
Not even a vegan but "I don't want to kill things" is clearly a valid reason
t. valedictorian at ivy league college
>literally "I don't like that" as an argument for something being immoral
What are you even on about? It's not impressing anyone it's just cringey. No ones debating whether somethings immoral or not. "I don't want to kill things" is clearly a valid view, get a grip.
>No ones debating whether somethings immoral or not
I was literally asked to give an example of the usual moral debate on the topic. Go ahead and keep posting non-arguments though, larper
>i'd rather slowly starve to death despite vital sustenance being readily available through the natural process of another creature's death
how could you not use that argument for justyfing any action that people deem immoral like murder or rape? or are you a total nihilist?
see the point about moral relativism in the post you tagged. also
>what are laws and why doesnt the humane slaughtering of animals for food production break any
If given the option, OP would rather kill vegetables than plants. It makes sense and if anything it makes food more readily available for you, so why would you argue against your own best interest?
>how could you not use that argument for justyfing any action that people deem immoral like murder or rape?
Because that's a false equivalency. Pls no fallacies
>or are you a total nihilist?
I'm the exact opposite of a nihilist. I believe in an objective morality. I don't assert it onto other people's diets though because I understand I can't make an argument on why my morals are objective
they can push the smug moral superiority faggotry people here love to 11, and do it all while being agender gynoid calorically-optimized freaks whose brains don't receive proper nutrition.
you don't have to kill plants to extract foodstuffs from them, idjit
im not equating rape and murder to killing animals im just using the type of argumentation that you used. person a says : its immoral to rape! i say : well who are you to dictate my morality
>its immoral to rape! i say : well who are you to dictate my morality
I'd give you an argument on why its immoral to rape, one humanity in general has accepted based on the fact we almost universally agree rape is bad. The idea that eating animals is bad is about as modern as it gets though and there still hasn't been an argument why I shouldn't
>The idea that eating animals is bad is about as modern as it gets though
dude. the human race exists at all because we eat animals. thank your ancestors for giving you the chance to commit a 30yr suicide
if universal agreement is a solid basis for making moral claims does this mean practises of the past or in third world countries that we deem immoral now are moral as well? you always got to check if your type of moral justifications can be used to defend stuff you find abhorrent
>the word "dude" and a reaction image
I concede my argument has been defeated and I will leave in shame
also if universal agreement is a solid basis for moral claims, how do we move forward in any way ? doesnt any moral movement have to start as a minority challenging the moral status quo ?
>if universal agreement is a solid basis for making moral claims
It isn't, and I never claimed it is. I said the moral basis for rape being bad is so well argued that it's universally accepted. I did not say that it's immoral because it's universally accepted as immoral. Please keep up
Because Kristen Bell claims that vegan food is "fart food" and most people on Jow Forums wants Kristen Bell to fart in their face. The fact that she said it was "fart food" and her character saying "Do you have time to eat my farts?" in the show The Good Place with her butt facing the camera as she walks away after saying it in the show turned them on sooo bad it ended with them disliking vegans.
>meat is expensive
The only actual argument so far in this thread
!I'd give you an argument on why its immoral to rape, one humanity in general has accepted based on the fact we almost universally agree rape is bad" so either this doesnt mean what i claimed it means or you havent given argument for why rape is bad
I dont hate vegans as much as I hate people who think they are so much better than everyone else. I know, ironic here on Jow Forums, but at least the people here are as self depricating as they are negative towards society at large.
Vegans usually dont have that level of self-awareness and frankly, they come across as a bunch of evangelical bible humpers who think they need to save everyone from their sinfull ways.
just saying its "so well argued" isnt enough and doesnt give me the chance to extract moral principles that might be applicable to eating animals
but rape is based almost 100% on consent. must we seek the animal's consent before eating it?
or 3 you actually have a third grade reading comprehension because that sentence literally doesn't state it's immoral because its universally accepted, that sentence says the argument is so convincing that it's universally accepted
seriously man, take more time reading these posts because you're tripping up
so you havent given an argument for why rape is bad, sorry if i misunderstand sentences im not a native speaker
>so you havent given an argument for why rape is bad,
correct, because I don't engage in false equivalency
then you dont know what false equivalency means. if you are using the argument "you cant dictate my morality " to rebut veganism you have to accept the other outcomes that follow from this type of argumentation. Using the same type of argumentation for a different purpose doesnt equate the two different things you are arguing for
>visiting Jow Forums
>if you are using the argument "you cant dictate my morality "
I'm not. Never once did I say that. I said, and I quote "You can't use morality as an argument unless you're going to make an argument for an objective morality a long with it".
I'm actually done with responding to you because you apparently can't read English well enough to follow a conversation. Cheers friend, and good luck learning the language
have you tried to climb Mt. Everest yet? kek
okay then you can use morality as an argument to argue against rape either unless you make a case for objetive morality! thanks for conceding the debate friend!
naw that just seems like it'd be dangerous.
this vegan has though
>and the rebuttal is "you have no authority to dictate what is moral or immoral. sorry for slightly abbreviating your statement but it boils down to the same thing
Save your breath, dude.
There's just no way the average vegan is going to be able to respond to the proposition:
>The statement "we bear moral obligations to non-humans" only can be supported in the context of an overall moral system.
...because most people don't think in systems, and because they've been taught by the charlatans and hacks occupying our universities that systems are impossible and false.
The average vegan is much like the average liberal, to the extent in their overall moral and political outlook they believe dozens of things that by logical necessity end in nihilism - but they blithely ignore that, whenever they feel like making an indignant moral pronouncement.
every person who has a basic grasp of philosophy knows you have no clue what you are talking about
lol it was some other Himalayan mountain peak.
yea and this one tried to prove vegans can do anything independent.co.uk
rerolling with this article (still hasn't loaded but the title looks promising)
fuck you, little retard thinking I don't know about the vegan died climbing everest.
lmao shitstain the path to everest is littered with dead bodies
im not making the case for moral objectivism. i just think the vast majority of people believe in moral principles that ultimately lead to veganism
eh I made some typos
as always first response is best response
Because they make whiny threads on Jow Forums bitching about how they're being persecuted for their diet choices that no one would even know about if they didn't feel the need to bring up.
>replying to your own post in all caps with reddit spacing saying you BTFO people
What a sad display
>"I don't want to kill things" is clearly a valid reason
When you uproot a plant to eat it it dies. You killed it.
Stop killing plants douchebag vegan.
Most people on Jow Forums don't think blacks should have any rights, it's gonna be hard to convince them to care about animals.
Post what you eat. I'm a fat fuck and need to know what a normal person eats. Lately I've been getting sick of meaty foods and been basically living off of sliced chicken breasts (plain) and rice. Clearly soda and the lack of movement is the reason I'm fat but I'm still curious of meals I could make to get some variety.
I don't give a shit about your diet, but my natural reaction to vegans is "go fuck yourself." It's because out of all of the people I interact with the only ones that I know are vegans are annoying little shits. I'm sure there are plenty of people I know that are vegans but don't bring it up every five seconds. The point is, it's not vegans that people hate, it's people that take one thing they do, make that their entire personality, and soapbox all day about it.
Because vegans spread disinformation that seeks to hurt humans by encouraging us to eat a slave diet. While acting smug and superior. Your ideology is evil, you want your fellow humans to go against our natural diet and be malnourished.
Clip of this? Asking for a friend
Food chain.
Learn it. Us humans are expected to eat cows, chickens, pigs and fish.
Vegans are usually smug, big city, lefty cucks. Fuck you, cuck.
Well, for one, given that a cup of beans gives you 15 g of protein, your food expenses should be much higher than average so you're also malnourished.
>I'm vegan, i don't fuck with no meat
>But i'll use a plethora of animal-derived products on a daily basis, including but not limited to: plywood, glue, condoms, fireworks, nail polish, candles, toothpaste, paint, perfume, crayons, skin conditioners, soap and fabric softener
>I just love animals that much
I have a larger penis you, sorry you're assmad about a different domain than the one we're currently post on
this fucktard doesn't know about bulk oats
You're some of the most delusional and retarded group of people on the planet.
help this thread is raping mE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao
I can't wait to get some freshly married vegan cunt after winning a bunch footraces at the olympics or some shit
gunna wife that underage virgin beautiful christian athletic nice tits probably running girl
just a giant bowl of vegetarian oatmeal and will continue contemplating how to manifest a sub 1200g wheelset for my upcoming bikeride with world champion road cycling I have scheduled two weeks from now
fuck I can't shutup how great my vegetarian lifestyle is fellow MEN of memes
oh shit dude I can't even type right anymore fuck I've been COMPLETELY OBLITERATED by WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY
some fucking NSA SCRUBLORD OR fucking angel somewhere is sitting on a cloud pondering how weak an individual can be to have sunk so low as to need to fish shit out of their anus with their finger cuz the fell for TS meme and still have hopes that anyone could ever love their sorry ass
and I want to be vegan to boot, once I have graduated from my dependency on DAIRY PRODUCTS loooooooool, I can't even afford raw milk because the fucking WINO ANTICHRISTS THAT I'M SURROUNDED BY LIVING IN SONOMA DISLIKE MILK THAT HASN'T BEEN BOILED
You're killing me
/n/ here
Cycling 100 miles is entry level for someone who isnt a lardass.
Improve yourself
yeah asshole vegans die after a few months of converting
Basically this. Talking about being vegan is like talking about how your sexual preferences, nobody cares and it's fucking annoying.
Also op, lift some weights.
>unironically riding a bicycle
we don't allow open faggots in my city
>bulk oats
enjoying your early onset diabetes?
Her butt isn't shown in the clip sadly (I don't watch the show and I only remembered the "eat my farts" line from the promo prior to the show premiering).
Also: getyarn.io
>blogposting in the third degree
>typing hurr durr multiple times in the same post
>being a vegan milennial ledditor in 2018
>trying to humble brag about his height and cycling
try being an inch taller and ripping fat ergs