Would you date a girl with bigger biceps than you?

would you date a girl with bigger biceps than you?

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I'm not into muscle girls.

Not if they look like that, that shit's unnatural.

No, muscle girls are gross.

No woman can get that big without roids and test.

Hope you like her "clit" bigger than your tongue.

Yes, but not if they do steroids like your webm's roast.

kek she's obviously on fucking roids and i'm a natty with bigger arms

No, shit is unattractive.
An athletic girl is okay, but bicep-bitches are gay as hell.

only if she could best me with grappling and technical prowess, not bruth stregnth.


I wouldn't date a druggie of any kind, even if their drugs are supposed to make them stronger.

girls can't get big without steroids tho

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Absolutely,but i dont care about looking muscular,i care about them being strong.
Stronk girls are my top tier waifus,i want them to be stronger than me and find me amusing,i want them to wrestle me and put me in my place,to have them hold my pathetic neck and make me squeal for them.I want to be hugged thight by her,i want her to playfully say she can beat my ass whenever she wants.I want to have rough,sado-masochistic sex with a girl stronger than me.

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a man of culture desu

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Why don't fembots take anavar?

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That means she's on juice her pheromones will be beyond gross!

I don't see what reason any woman would have to date me, so yeah, I guess.

I -only- date girls with bigger biceps than me.

>implying huge clits aren't way easier and way more fun to go down on

My gf is on var and she's getting pretty big.

Would girls date a guy who was small and weak

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I never knew who would date girls with biceps
Asked all my non-chad and chad friends if they would and noone said yes

Sure. Muscle girls are always my thing.

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would you date a girl whose clit was bigger than your penis

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Nah, women can get pretty big when they are fat. Women need more fat to regulate hormones, which is why weightlifting and other strength sports involving women have huge strong women who are a little chubby.

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yes even better if she's taller than me too.

I'd be curious to see an 8" clit.

you sure you can handle it, small fry?

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This bullshit "theory" is covered in this article.


Women actually have an advantage in muscle recovery due to high estrogen levels.

I would like to try. It must be many times more sensitive than a penis.

already have, and despite what would people think, she was very submissive and i'd dominate her in bed and hit her hard everywhere. she could take a good spanking. miss that one, sometimes...

All of the girls posted in this thread mog me, and I'm muscular.

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Why does she have stretch marks all over her right arm?

You just have to train harder.

I'm 154 lbs and 5'9, I don't wanna bulk cause I'm fine with where I'm at. And besides, I'd be fine with them dominating me.

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Yeah, I would like to get cut, but getting huge would probably be burdensome. I'm about 240 but skinnyfat. I wish I had a gymchad bod to attract the women in which I am interested.

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More girls someone's great grandpappy probably jerked it to.

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Non muscle girls have biceps that are at least equal to mine so yeah

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For me, I need a girl with at least 15" guns.

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Most Chads aren't 6'5 240 lb gigabeasts anyway. Depending on your height, loose a hundred or so pounds and do calisthenics (pushups, lunges, crunches/situps, and some bicep/tricep exercises if you have weighted dumbells lying around) and you'll become relatively muscular if you maintain you weight. Just make sure to track your calories lad.

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I'm 6'7". I look like auschwitz if I starve under 200. I look skinny as is. People think I'm 195 or something because I hide the fat areas.

>pick one

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Oh shit, you're really tall. Lose like 30 pounds then, cause you'll have a 23 bmi instead of a 27, then do what I said. I assume eating won't be a huge problem for you like it is for me considering you're overweight.

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Did you miss the part where I said I was 5'9

I can bike for 15 miles at my weight, and run 3-4. I'm pretty in shape. Just my gut and butt like to store fat.

um what anime is that gif from?

yes but women also take steroids to gain mass

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Whoever wrote this article is either bad at math or being purposefully misleading and I'd take whatever they say with a grain of salt.

It's not required for a decent amount of muscle mass. Like men, there are walls that can only be breached with gas.

Not if they're ugly.

skinny twink spotted

The key point is women need to train differently due to their hormones, but most of the lack of jacked women can be attributed to "don't lift heavy" culture.

Thats true
Having like 1% body fat and constant training makes you look like a freak but some of the women posted in this thread were 100% on juice

A natty woman who stacks the bar and eats will get gains. She will probably need a higher fat level though.

Nope it's not healthy for motherhood all these juiced up bitches will have trouble conceiving or worse later on in life

I'm not skinny by any means of the definition, also I'd probably smash your fat ass into the floor with minimal effort.

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If they keep their fat over 12% it's not a problem. Besides, population control is a good thing.

I have 10 inch biceps, do you know what the average for girls is?

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Let's see
> less fertility (not fully proven but I'll give you that)
> more sex drive and bigger clits

I think I'll choose the latter. Most robots just want sex not autismo spawns running around.

Not for white women it isn't a good idea those idiots already don't have kids and pop too many pills and contraception

Besides, nothing's stopping a woman from having kids and THEN getting jacked.

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>not posting pics
post her desu

Menopause would help gains.

Another of the Rock's ex.

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Countering the gay in this thread/board
Yeah Nah gross
All these idiotic women go for upper body when they should be going for leg day ass and core

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Literally looks like a man
God this board is shit in done with this place

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That's the Brazilian route. Muscle is really mainstream there.

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16 weeks progress at 10mg.

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Well she isn't a great example of feminity, but the girl next to her is her offspring.

Good job user. Another conversion.

She wasn't much of a looker before.

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>he doesn't want a beefy wheyfu with pumpkin delts and meaty pectiddies

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Getting loads from Rock's high test cum would probably make any woman manly.

This is the only good one ITT. This should be the peak for muscles on women, anything past this is just a man.

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It was her idea. She saw a var thread on Jow Forums and asked me about it. I was happy to get her some.

Well, either way, good job. My dream is to convert a normie girl into a freak. I'll settle for moderate mass.

Not enough anime trap threads?

As long as she had a vagina..

Yeah, I'd much rather have a woman with muscles all over than a man with tit implants and makeup.

Good luck user. It's easier than it seems.

I wonder if I should get her more if she asks. I'm enjoying this but her delts are bigger than mine now and it's hot but also weird. I'm skelly like her before pic and we're the same height.

The thing with female bodybuilders is that they're basically men, it's more gay than wanting to fuck a trap. They usually only take anavar and that's OK in my book, for like 2-3 mild cycles. Anything above that and you're basically fucking a dude with long hair.

>its not gay to fuck a trap because they've taken female hormones and they look just like a girl

>its gay to like a female bodybuilder with 10x the amount of natural testosteron than a man with nothing but male features with an enlarged clit

They're basically female to male transgenders but they won't take the final step of doing surgery. They even get that male tren voice after a while and their frame is fucked forever and they can never become "normal" again and they just end up looking like a dried rag that used to be a man.

Mirin gains


Source user, gotta have the source

wheyfus like smol guys because they can bully them

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senpai hunting

>tfw no wheyfu to bully me

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>senpai hunting
Thanks user

Have fun with a girl who is constantly gonna be on gear because she won't like how flat and weak she's gonna be after the cycle

Real talk though, why the fuck even bother taking steroids or any other PED if you're not competing proffesionally? Today every fucker who goes to the gym can consider taking steroids, why? to look big and strong to fit their own standards which will never be reached because almost everyone in the gym taking steroids have body dysmorphia to a certain extent. All you're doing is fucking up your body to get some quick and easy gains.

anavar girl ruined

She's getting bigger and I like it.

Nah, I'd prefer a girl who puts more time into being a decent wife versus a gym monkey.

A true man of culture. I'm jelly user.

They are fucking disgusting. They loook just horrible. Imagine them in their late 40s.

>Imagine them in their late 40s.
Still fit and tight. user you just made it better. Imagine wanting a saggy 40 year old.

no because that's fucking weird

I would date a women who is taller then me toh [/spoiler]im 6'2

powermilfs are hot af

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Don't be jelly. Show your gf some var transformations and convert her.

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>Show your gf
We already have a problem right here.

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Hows her clit