Remember: IT always could be worse

Remember: IT always could be worse

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This shit society fucking needs another world war

It could always be better too

yea like having a war

Bullshit, stop making excuses to keep the status quo

these pictures make me so sad
what could have been...

>feeling like you have a purpose in life
>feeling of comradery with your brothers in arms
>get to see the country for free
>fire weapons at live targets as your job
>probably die young before the world gets shittier
feels like it could be better desu

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My grandparents are from that generation and even that country and it always seems like they are happier than me despite losing family members, getting bombed and having to live with trauma. Maybe one reason our lives seem so hard is that we were never forced to endure those kinds of hardships but rather suffer in nothingness

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did you mean to post this pic?
killing dirty soviets sounds more fun than my current situation

Yes... The Germany and every single German should have been completely annihilated. The Soviets were too kind.

It only ever get worse. If you make life a graph, the high points are just flat lines before the next drop downwards

soviets are/were subhuman.
commies arent people

Subhumans still managed the beat the "ubermensch".

war is for men like motherhood for women

3 to 1 to take down the ubermenschen.
3 dogs could easily overwhelm a human, no matter how superior a human truly is to a dog

Yeah, because it's cool and good to die while defending the rights of the rich elite.

There ain't no KDA score in real world. If you lose, then you lose.

1v1 NSDAP could easily fuck the entire world. The fatal mistake was letting (((American leaders))) and get involved

Jow Forums fuck off
/leftypol/ fuck off

This board is about feels not about politics you fuckers

my feels are that im sad NSDAP was defeated and how much better life would have been under a united traditionalist Europa

The thing about the Nazi regime was that it was inevitably going to fail - economically, their theories were a mess and they were going to pay the Keynesian toll sooner or later - but that even their failure would have been a good outcome.

They would have liquidated the Jews, naturally. And they would have run the French colonial empire by proxy, and that means they would have liquidated a large portion of the African and Middle Eastern population also.

The most likely path to Nazi victory also would have left Great Britain battered but standing, and Great Britain would have had no choice but to hold on for dear life to their colonial empire (probably with American support) to strategically counter the German / Vichy empire. None of this "de-colonization" bullshit.

Frankly by 1975 the world is probably in a good enough place demographically that it's OK if the Nazi regime goes all perestroika and takes its foot off the gas a little. World population is probably under 2 billion, most of it white (or mestizo) and east Asian.

Cringe europoor

Is this a nazi feels thread?

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>1.) NSDAP was a political party, not a country
>2.) While nazism had it traditionalist aspects it also had its progressive and socialist side (subordinating the church for example)
>3.) They did not want to unite Europe. They wanted permanent "Lebensraum" in the east (not caring about the population) invading France and so on was only planned as a temporary matter. Also it would kind of suck for everyone not Aryan in Europe
>5.) Life would not be better

NSDAP is the party running the country you queer, stop arguing over semantics.
Also Lebensraum wouldve been based, you just sound like a untermensch slav/shitskin/jew

>Also it would kind of suck for everyone not Aryan in Europe
I don't see the issue here.

It sounds better if your Aryan. I have Icelandic and German heritage so I would be fine.

That's dry. It's a magnitude worse in November in the freezing rain when you get bombarded and have no antibiotics anymore. Better shoot yourself in the head than to go through it.

who cares as long as you yourself have a great time?

Their ideals would've spread naturally to all of Europe; It was already spreading, hence why the Jew and its peons had to throw them into a onesided war ASAP. Your life would've sucked complete ass if you were a Zionist though.

America would've fit perfectly into the Aryan ideal then. All of Europe would have. It would've been another Rome.

It would have been glorious..

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I am German though

>I have Icelandic and German heritage
Pic related

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NeoGermans arent real Germans. They're shitskin racemixers or jewish cucks.

>They're shitskin racemixers or jewish cucks.
Sounds more like los estados le muttistan to me

Damn, what a sad thought

The real tragedy is that they didn't kill enough commies/slavs.

>The people in this thread unironically hoping for war because they're misanthropes and school shooter candidates

You fat retards would probably die of an asthma attack on the battlefield, lmfao.

War is horrible but its rare to find a soldier who would trade his youth in those hard times with the empty youth of a computer bound NEET.

The kids who couldn't join up and go often killed themselves. These men suffered more than we ever will and only to lose and see things only get worse but comfort and emptiness is a terrible curse on a young man.

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Robots are military material tbhwyf.
t. Future Marine

>Pass huge amounts of time without water or food
>Conditions are shit, everything smells, because lack of good logistics.
>See friends die horrific deaths
>Either super boring or at complete panic and killing.
>No good hopes for the future
>Country is devastated by either war or crisis
>Every girl in your village or town either moved or spreaded her legs open to your enemy at free will. Many men's wife's probably cheated on their back.
>Chances of ending up with a total mutilated body and face.
>After the war, all you will do is work as slave at repairing the shit the war caused.
>Your whole family might be dead and raped aswell.
>It will take decades just for your country to get back at what it once was.

Yeah, sound like a whole lot of fun.
The cucking part is the cherry on top for me.

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I like that analogie

>It was already spreading, hence why the Jew and its peons had to throw them into a onesided war ASAP
As if it wasnt germany wanting danzig that started the war.
As if it wasnt hitler and the whole goverment that wanted to invade the USSR and get even more blast fucked

>traditionalist Europa
Kek, Hitler only wanted families as a means to increase population. He would adore to see young teens being whores in those boyscout camps and having kids at young age.
If anything, hitler saw promiscuity as a good thing, and he only wanted it with the best, top dog chads he could find. If that is not a robot distupia to you then idk what you stand for.

If the things with women being whores are bad today, then it would even be worse under nazi influence.

>everyone I disagree with is from /*pol/
Wow this intelligent discussion is expanding my brain.

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>it could be worse so your not allowed to feel negative emotions
ok then
>it could always be better so your not allowed to feel positive emotions

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