You have no idea how hard it is to be an MBTI-let. You'll never experience the loneliness of being an INFJ
You have no idea how hard it is to be an MBTI-let. You'll never experience the loneliness of being an INFJ
>You'll never experience the loneliness of being an INFJ
actually, i will, because i am.
the only actually lonely people are INTJs and some INTPs
There's nothing lonelier than an ESFJ in an empty room. They can have mental breakdowns.
>implying extroverts can feel things
Confirmed INFJ here, I'm basically immune to loneliness since wizardmode has just become an intuitive thing to me.
When nobody talks to me for a month, I feel GOOD. I can't live around other people unless they're intp or infp silent houseplants. If I feel social, I just go to a bar and entertain myself drinking in a corner by watching social dynamics.
Being INTP is the worst.
Breaking the mind of an extrovert NPC is about as hard as making scrambled eggs, but they feel it just like human beings do.
Are you sure you're not mistyped?
INFJs are somewhat outgoing because of secondary Fe
Brother, this is narcissism outlet for INFJs, not a thread, leave them alone.
>ESTP and ENTJ, the types of 99% of world leaders are NPC
>ENTP, einsteins type, is NPC
INTP buttblast is always comedy gold
I'm sorry but how is always having the right answer narcissistic? I'm an outside observer and I listen, I know what's best for you.
They really are not, they are hyperaware of other peoples emotions but they are even less social than INTPs because of that. They literally fear awkward or uncomfortable social situations BECAUSE they are so sensitive to other peoples emotions. INFJ is the type you can make cry by hurting their feelings
Boy is it. Hell, I'll start to cry if you hurt someone else's feelings
>how is always having the right answer narcissistic?
But saying that you have the right answer is narcissistic. Keep it to yourself
That sounds more Fi
It is narcissism but its a necessary evil. INFJ Great Leader is necessary to keep all the retarded spergs under control. The problem with "smart" types like INTPeepee is that they think they know but really they dont know shit. This causes them to take action in the real world thinking they are doing the right thing, but really they have no fucking clue what they're doing.
Keep on doing Gods work, INFJ friend
Not at all. Fi doesnt care about your feelings, Fi only cares about how they feel. ISFPs for example will frequently create social shitstorms if you offend them because they dont care about awkward social situations.
> Fi only cares about how they feel
Yes and many people may feel that it's best too leave a situation alone to not give a bad impression of themselves
Yeah, but not Fi. Thats Fe.
I feel like youre an INTP projecting everything you dislike on Fi. I noticed a lot of INTPs do this
You don't consider politicians and world leaders NPCs? They're practically the perfect examples.
At this point you have to be joking or you're literally retarded. I mean this in the most sincere way possible. If you geniunely believe in this, you are actually a retard.
What a fascinating opinion, thanks for your support~
those are exceptions, just like i believe some ENFJ/ENFPs are not always NPCs, but they tend to be them. There are NPC introverts too, like ISTJ.
I know ENTPs and ENTJs and they're humans. Sensors are the only NPCs. I'm INFJ max insight btw.
True up to the point where you make me cry, the way to make me cry doesn't involve being an aggressive retard, that gets you smacked by these hands.
Only Sensors can be NPCs.
My Ti and Fi is almost balanced. But anyway, Wouldn't a decision based how it makes the decision maker feel be Fi? Such as how they represent themselves and to avoid further conflict? What would an example of Fi be? To be honest, I sometimes have trouble distinguishing both
>Yes and many people may feel that it's best too leave a situation alone to not give a bad impression of themselves
Thats Ti. Its not Fi. Its an analysis of the risk and reward, and deciding that its not worth it because of a negative Fe response (bad impression). Thats textbook Fe.
You probably confuse inferior Fe for Fi. Fi is what you'd call the "muh feelings" function. INTPs usually hate it and project everything they dislike on it.
Se is not NPC at all. Se is strategic and aware of the balance of powers. Se seizes up opportunities and acts accordingly. Se and Te are the succes functions.
Loneliness is the path to greatness, user. You'll
cultivate resiliency.
INTP fag
Can you elaborate on the "muh feelings" part.
Also, I just can't imagine an Fe user deciding to leave a wounded situation alone (in case of worsening the situation) if they're Fe goes noticed.If Fe is about caring for others, they would need to make people aware of that
My friend, take this from a fellow recluse, the "resilience" you build from loneliness is fragile and rigid. Everything that is rigid and fixed breaks, but that which is flexible yet strong, can bend with the wind, flex right back and remain unharmed in the process.
Cultivate your Fe
no retard, i have Se and i'm infj.
i mean xSxx
Basically when you see people discussing something, lets say a criminal incident or politics, and some people keep yelling at others that they're argueing from muh feels, they're talking about Fi. INTPs (and ISTPs too) hate it because Fi is their demonic function. They hate Fi because they have no personal feelings of their own, their feelings are guided by the herd so when they see someone who rejects the feelings of the herd but values their own feelings over the feelings of others, they get buttmad out of jealousy.
> Also, I just can't imagine an Fe user deciding to leave a wounded situation alone (in case of worsening the situation) if they're Fe goes noticed.If Fe is about caring for others, they would need to make people aware of that
Well first of all, i never said anything about that. But to answer your question, people dont only use one function. People are also not functions they, are still people. So if a situation goes downhill and the pressure gets too high, they might just back out. Or they might not. Idk, depends on the person. In case of INFJ theyd probably just try to save face and then back out as soon as possible because Inferior Se doesnt deal well with high stress situations where you have to think on your feet.
So you mean only SJs?
So, arguing from muh feels, What would be an example of an argument using Fi?
Not necessarily just argueing with feels, thats just one way it MANIFESTS. Its much much more than that. I just gave that example so you could understand it easily.
An example would be, are you aware of that immigrant caravan? Fi would say let them all die and use some Te reason of "they're harming the country" to justify it, but the reason they're saying that is because they dont personally value those people, but they do personally value their country. Its reasoning based on what you personally value.
I am a CHAD. I fuck your mother and sister too.
Which is the most SEETHING type of them all? I vote ENFP. These guys are consistently butthurt and seething at literally everythig to the point that i dont know how they even have the energy to keep it up on a daily basis.
>If you geniunely believe in this, you are actually a retard.
>This nigger believes (((politicians and leaders of industry))) aren't peak NPC soulless pieces of shit.
>i am smarter than world leaders
comedy gold
Unironically, I am, that wasn't the point which was made though.
A-are there any ESTP femanons here? All i want in life is a cute ESTP femanon gf
Clearly you are not because you didnt even get that the NPC meme is about intelligence. You cant be a smart NPC.
I'm not the same user you were talking with about that.
>still doesnt get it
Not that smart now are you?
The point is that world leaders are not NPCs, because to be a world leader you by definition need to be smarter than the average person. Are world leaders malicious? Thats debatable, but lets say its true. That still doesnt make them NPCs.
INTP here.
Life is hell.
Good response. Really makes me think.
Because you are in a Ti-Si loop, my good friend
>defensive loop tendencies: unimaginative (despite believing oneself imaginative), mentally inflexible, unable to visualize positive potential even when wanting to; stubborn and fussy about doing things a particular (known) way; unnecessarily confines oneself to routines or comfort zones and then feels stuck; cannot see that one's bad state of life is due to excessively narrow judgment; trusts in preexisting knowledge even when it leads to negative results; cannot help but define oneself by past behavior/events even when trying to break free from old patterns; uncompromising about cherished beliefs/values, suspicious of advice, resistant to new ideas, shoots down good ideas from others; abnormal relationship to physical health; feels misunderstood and isolated from the world; dislikes status quo but resigned to it; only notices details that confirm negative worldview; obsesses about past events or missteps; broods about insignificant details or overindulges fantasy with the unconscious intent to repress the need for growth and improvement
>Ti-Si loop dynamics: dwells in past knowledge and experiences in order to obtain intellectual security and/or justification of bad judgments -> but fails to make any progress because of mistakenly assuming that the past has already written the future, resulting in paralysis that stokes inferior Fe fears about being completely inept and/or incapable of feeling strongly about anything
On the off chance you arent being sarcastic, i have to commend you for not trying to worm your way out the argument and accepting you were wrong. The first step to gaining intellect is to know when you are right and when you are wrong.
If you are being sarcastic, then see this as advice for what to work towards.
I haven't read a single one of your posts, I've just been replying to you with canned phrases.
Come on now, my good friend. You and i both know you have been reading them over and over again looking for something wrong, a flaw, that you can reply to, but you cant find it. Dont fret over it, its not that you're too stupid to see it, its just that there is nothing wrong to reply to. Its not you baby, its me.
At best I've scanned them and done nothing to respond to tone. You're expending plenty of effort on my shitposts though. Very commendable of you.
>I haven't read a single one of your posts,
>At best I've scanned them
Come on bro, you dont need to resort to the "i was just pretending" sequence after losing, that would be too NPC like for a free thinker like yourself.
And dont worry about me, it comes naturally. I dont have to expend any effort.
seething, but originally.
Yes, yes i know you are.
Unironically though, thanks for your time m8 I needed the chuckle. Seeing you have a based frog saved is enough for me.
Imagine being such a brainlet that you given the MemeBTI ANY fucking credence whatsoever in the current year.
Its ok lad, you dont need to save face on anonymous imageboard. We laugh and you forget about this the next day, so we're all good.
this but unironically, but also extremely originally
Imagine being such a brainlet that anything abstract and not spelled out for you by (((science))) is too hard for your brain to grasp
Can you goys answer?
The arguments against discussion on MBTI have less substance than MBTI. Which is to say both have no fucking substance whatsoever. Based on what I can see, people attacking the credentials never bring anything to the table on it. Post your reasoning, or we may as well just assume the topic jilted you because you didn't like what it revealed about you to yourself.
Not the user your replied to but you kind of hit the nail on the head there. How do I get out without killing myself?
Develop your Fe and Ne. Stop being so concerned with Ti all the time. Logic is not the answer to everything. Forget about having rules or a system for everything. Just be, live, be free. Be more in touch with your emotions and the feelings of others. Look at others with kindness and a desire for harmony, even if you cant have it with everyone STRIVE for it. Look at the world in a free and unrestrained way. You are a human, you are not a machine. Live like a human, not a machine.
I just feel like no one has I meet irl has the similar interests to me or thinks they do but they arn't passionate about it. I have no problem meeting people online and talking to them for hours. I try to be open to everyone but I think I scare them away. I'm almost strandling the I / E line here according to the last 10 tests I did over the years.
Well in your case it seems to be a mix of circumstances and social anxiety. So dont worry honestly, there is nothing wrong with you. You're just a bit different than other people, unique if you will. Keep living life and look for opportunities to experience new things, broaden your horizon and to connect with people. Dont worry, just live your life basically.
God i hate these threads, how do you retards manage to keep track of what all this shit means?
>mild autism
>literally not good at anything
now what?
Learn a skill/system and apply it in real life
>always get intj on stupid meme test
>want relationships and intimacy but no idea how to go from wanting it to having it
sounds like you're the retard motherfucker
do you want any kind of gf? like, what is the least you would settle for? i rejected some girls and totally ruined my relationships with others due to being a brainlet when it comes to relationships
>*F* types
If you think INFJ's bad to be then what on earth counts as good to you?
cars you cyborg fuck
are intps true robots
they are ironic robots