>tfw actually bipolar
There isn't anything awesome about being bipolar. The manic highs are shit when you realize what's going on.
Tfw actually bipolar
what are the manic highs actually like?
Overconfidence, overzealousness, overtly self assured. It's basically a good mood x1000. It's overwhelming.
at least you got that going for you, chronic depression is way worse
i have bipolar and chronic depression, the highs just make the crashes more devastating and drive me closer to suicide
sometimes i think i could be bipolar but i really dont feel any euphoric highs or anything, mostly just devastating lows and mind numbing emptiness
The glorification of mental disease in the United States is disgusting. Not only does it undermine the seriousness of its prevalence, but it sets a poor example of what to aspire to in the next generation.
t. bipolar fag
"overzealous" is a good word. I have Bipolar type 2 and I get EXTREMELY religious and preachy when manic. I fucking hate it.
Any experience with this?
Believing it's real. System is so crooked oh you feel good sometimes then you are crazy. Here take these pills that make you perma depressed.
you're manic user, take your xanax
>ftw never get manic highs only extreme depression
I really hope I get another manic episode, I've only had a couple shorter ones before a few days a piece
literally better than meth
3 hours of sleep to be fully rested, constant pleasure, coolest in the world, happy, everything is interesting and wonderful and beautiful
I've been manic before and its not better than meth lulz
>chronic depression is way worse
lmao user, you don't know the depths that is coming off the mountain than into the abyss, much farther fall
See a psychiatrist to get diagnosed
Yeah it's like you're on coke, you talk way too much about everything
it was for me senpai, the constant pleasure of the highest high at the peak the entire time, no side effects of using either, maybe you were hypomanic, it varies in severity user
Taking a contrarian viewpoint doesn't make you right or smart. Back up your claims with facts.
I'm diagnosed bipolar one and mania is nto comparable to coke or other drugs. I hate when people say that
If the manic episodes would last longer I would be ok with it. But they never last longer than an hour for me.
it's more than good user, good can't describe it
it was honestly better than doing .2g of amps in a day
I'm bipolar one too, I've never done coke I just imagine that's what it would be like sorry
w/e you can try andpretend being manic is fun and makes you happy and feel as good as meth or coke, but you know it doesn't. most people while manic are just out of their fucking minds and ready to cry and break down at any moment.
I only got pure euphoria on it user, I've done a lot of stims and I still think mania was better
also coke is a shit drug for boomers
fuck I want stims now :(
Me too man, all I got is weed.
I got nothing, I miss blasting off on 50mg of addy and redosing all day