Make jokes about socialists and insult them all the time

>make jokes about socialists and insult them all the time
>decide to take a political compass test thing
>apparently my political views mostly align with socialism
damn, should I take it back lads?

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You idiots don't even know what you stand for.

The world is fucked. I hope we all die in a nuclear holocaust.

There's a difference between being a socialist and a liberal.

So I can be socialist and be a homophobe? At the same time?

>impIying humanity was ever good

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Only if you want white people to have gimmiedats, but then you'll be a Nazi.

Otherwise no.

>be literal fascist
>compass tells me im libertarian liberal

the political compass is fucking stupid, user

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I just took the test. What does this make me?

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I'm not racist or misogynistic (maybe slightly sexist) but I don't like gays. Tolerating them is just enough right?

le epic centrist

>being involved/talking about politics.
you are probably a brain-dead NPC any course of action would be wrong.

It's due to the manipulative way that leftists try to claim a monopoly on ethics and morality
>I don't like ripping off workers
Wow LITERALLY socialism! You're one of us after all user ;)
Even though a nationalist wouldn't approve of his fellow countrymen being abused

I have extremely strong views on workers rights and am fairly left in terms of economics, but hate all the cultural political bullshit it is packaged with in the west. They cannot exist together

You cannot have a society that bands together to protect its rights and care for one another when nobody looks at each other and sees a neighbour. Think about why large corporations and their paid politicians push globalism so hard - to ensure a divided mass of endless slaves

>hey guys should this internet quiz change my entire life?

Where did he imply that? Was it the part where he mentioned nuclear weapons and genocide?

Nice! I luv it

>Wow LITERALLY socialism!
But it is user. But who cares the Robocop future is basically where we're headed anyway.

Why don't you just clean the toilet Janitor

>Not introspective enough to determine where his own opinions and thoughts lie
I hope God enacts his wrath on us soon.

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But it isn't you fucking retard
Advocates for workers rights existed prior to and seperately from socialism

Im far, far right, but that doesn't mean I think businesses in my ethnostate should be able to abuse my people

Anarchists and communists often talk about identity politics being a problem. There's talks constantly about how it's a government operated smoke screen to distract from workers rights.
I'm bottom left on that chart but I do wonder if collectivism can ever work on a larger scale. It's the reason lefties do a lot of communes
The site also has a pretty clear left bias so you have to take that into account

When I see threads like this I wonder: Are nerds/geeks dead?

Nazi literally means national-socialist, so no surprise.

> nerds/geeks
They've just ealised they live in a society and joined gang weed.

yes. Homosex was banned in eastern block.

socialism is money oriented

liberal is sjw bullshit

NazBol gang rise the FUCK up

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You are a based left wing nationalist

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