Explain this Fembots

Explain this Fembots

Attached: shamex.jpg (1123x897, 423K)

OP is a loser who makes threads about girls that don't give a fuck about him and never would/will

t. vagina who is now anxiously looking at her snacks and checking her scales

t. butthurt OP
lol @ your life

>3 posters

she turned from a 10/10 to a 9.98/10, so what? would still smell her farts all day

Is this supposed to be a femcel meme?

I don't get it, I like her hair in the first picture, though.

I really don't see what's supposed to be happening here?

>got fat, but her face still looks thin
Fucking, hell, I hate my genetics

Dude it's obvious. I know op wants to hear from fem anons but it's really fucking obvious. She's starting to get fat. She's not suppose to get fat like that till you breed her. They're suppose to plump up when you keep them as a breeder. If they're already fat when you start they can get medical problems from child birth and can get WAY fatter. You get them when they're skinnier and expect them to go up in weight either way. If they're already up there you can only assume they're going to hit sumo tier without the athletic ability. Then instead of breeding kids you can take care of you gotta take care of her like she's one of the kids and teach her to wash herself with a sponge on a stick because she can't reach anything.

I know that first pic is old as fuck and she still looks good in the second one so whats the problem here? Maybe a few extra pounds but like 5-10 at most which is nothing, still has cheek dimples. Would still make her my wife.

WTF, I think she is prettier in the second pic. What is wrong with you people?

You need psychiatric help, you're a loony toon

she looks the same except she has her arms crossed so she looks thiner

It kinda is fucking retarded though.
I understand that this is Jow Forums, but people who orbit/care like this I would say are 8 levels under robots.

What do you mean? You can have a symbiotic relationship with a female, but biologically she has to be the breeder slut. If she doesn't want to be a breeder you still have to treat her like one and you waste resources you'd use for breeding on stuff that makes her unhappy, even though she thinks it makes her happy, and then either of you die eventually. You're suppose to have a good bond with your breeder slut. If you get one that's unhealthy it means the offspring can be unhealthy too. You don't want to beat up your breeder or be too mean to it, so if you get a skinny one they're probably better at doing stuff you can't get a fat one to do. Fat is just a bunch of extra stored calories energy so the amount they do vs what they consume is obviously way not in balance. That means if you don't want things to be that way you don't really have many options to deal with it. Breeders are suppose to be a little plump to start with but if they were skinny and can't stay skinny you're probably getting them past their prime and you're more likely to run into complications with their behavior and offspring they could produce.
If you had a video game and humans were your pet, you like your pets you might want them to breed and stuff. You're not going to want some gender ambiguous thing or super unfit physically unhealthy stock to play around with. If the purpose of the game was you get humans as long as you can make more humans you're not going to go for breeders that are not good for breeding.

She's still really cute

100% not original

I was fat since I was a child. I don't understand how girls who are thin get fat when they know what it's like to be desirable.

>that wall of text in response to someone calling him crazy
Get. Therapy. Now.

Therapy can be okay. I've done some stuff like that before. They try to give you tips to help you try to breed some sluts. It's not like overt where they tell you to do this to do that but more like if you do this you got better chances of doing that. Overall though it's kind of like they either either trying to help program you to breed or not breed. The thing is it's just entirely out of their hands. I guess it's kind of nice getting someones input about it and all. Maybe I'll try that again sometime.

Who is she? Anyone know? Would like to know.

I was twig like when I was 16 and started gaining weight from there. You don't believe you're desirable, just normal. In fact, you don't think about your body at all - I only started getting obsessed with weight and comparing myself to other girls when I put on weight.

You also have this perception that you can eat anything. I didn't know a thing about protein, calories, healthy fats, carbohydrates when I was stick thin.

user we will suffer together. i have this problem too. i store fat on my lower cheeks very easily, i put on weight and it goes straight to my cheeks. it really sucks. i look like a hamster

She looks literally the same besides the hairstyle, and the first picture is like a decade old, are you serious?