I just can't. I torment myself and think about them all the time. Every night I try to at least dream about them, that I have sex with beautiful Asian waifu, and care about her. However I live in Poland, a small town. The prospect of me meeting a beautiful Asian girl is rather null, we only have shitty Vietnamese women here.
Help. I can't stop thinking about Asian girls
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nice trips but sad dream and reality op. ill be sure to fuck my fair share of asian girls for you
I will try conscious dreaming tonight, I will dream about fucking my waifu. Wish me luck anons.
stop with the racemixing, we both know it's wrong.
im not as hot as this one
but i can beat this one
very hmm
>Live in a city with tons of Asians
>They all only stick with their own people and date Asian men
What do you mean user?
its ok to racemix with Asian girls.
dude wtf even is that, at least pine after non-trolls
Asian girls love white men.
>tfw I legit see more BM/WF couples than WM/AF couples in my area
im just trying to figure out how i rank in looks lol
your op picture is stunning and makes me jealous
Not it's not you filthy degenerate, it might be better then fucking a literal she-boon but that doesn't make it right.
What's good about asian women? They're ugly and too childish, and look like NPC. I don't even think they're have personality
They are not ugly. They have no Body odour, and are perfect, obedient, tactful waifus.
Yes it IS okay you faggot. Asian women are superior in every way to roasties.
tfw ill never have bf who values me for just existing
Our woman have become degenerate because of our weakness. Never forget that.
You and all the other race mixing filth will soon all be tree decoration.
Are you an Asian femanon?
yeah i'm asian
Fuck you, I simply love Asian women. I want to meet one, and spend rest of my life with her.
Viet girls are top tier, you fucking white boi.
You said you can beat this girl in looks? Then you must be really cute!
Not the ones I've seen tho.
thanks! I think I am cute
no fuck you you filthy Mongloid fucking retard
No, fuck you fucktard. And you just insulted Asian people, you cancerous retard.
You most certenialy are.
Of course I just insulted Asians you low iq vodka nigger. Now listen up Vladimir, go to the nearest train station (if that shithole you call Poland even has one) and jump in front of the first one you see. That should cure your yellow fever.
How about you shut the fuck up, you dumb fucktarded autist, and get off the thread?
How about you make me fucking vodka nigger.
O wait you can't? Good. NOW FUCKING KILL YOURSELF
I can fucking destroy you, nigger. Now shut the fuck up.
I'm sure you can, now don't you have some Western toilet to clean Vlad? Isn't that all you Poles do? Besides being degenerate Mongloid fucking retards that is?
I have yellow fever. I'm just gonna let you know any guy who strongly favors asians is beta as fuck.
This is because asians are cutest. If you only get turned on by the highest quality your test levels are low. A high test guy will fuck everything.
Why don't you shut your nigger face, you fucktarded piece of shit? get off my thread.
Dumb cocksucker POS. Back yo Pol/
Well I am not beta.
Racemixing is future anyway, you fucktards.
i don't care about beta or alpha i just like nice guys who respect me and treat me well ;-;
and maybe wants to watch me play vidya
I already told you. Make me racemixing filth
don't get triggered now Asian fucking retard
If whites wake up in time racemxing will be tree decoration, now the future
Its ok op i do too. Azn girls are the pinnacle of beauty but they will never love me because im black
yes, but you don't want a guy who will submit do you?
mmmmm, I suggest killing yourself
Save up 2 or 3k and go over for a month.
No, racemixing is future you fucktard. Gtfo trash.
hmm i don't care as long as he's nice but i'm usually the sub. preferably he lets me call him dad.
I'll repeat myself, make me. And no it isn't you inferior subhuman
>Stares at you in Asian
Yes it is. And I am not sub-human you piece of shit fucktard. Racemixing is fine. You are a low iq fucktard.
*eats ur dog* *gives u the wrong order for ur takeout* *drives badly and kills u on the road* *talks about naruto yaoi shipping* *gets an A on the test that you tried to cheat off of me but failed* *becomes a doctor and lawyer at the same time but still cant speak english* *is ur professor with a thick accent pretending to know what im teaching* *lowers the crime rate*
racemixing isn't fine you fucking faggot. It creates ugly shit colored mongloid babies with no sense of belonging or home, neck yourself
>not having an Asian mistress and white wife
Racemixing with asians is the future you mean. Don't go acting like all racemixing is equal.
>"may i see your doggo, oppa?"
I am scared she will eat my doggo.
It creates beautiful people, you moron.
Oh yes, those moulat colored monstors are very cute, check on the right for your beautiful example
We are talking about Asian & whites you fucktard.
not nearly as good looking as a regular white or Asian, still freaks of nature that shouldn't exist
They are just as good looking, you Pol/tarded retard.
>"Oppa, how are Hapas created?"
This thread is all one big false flag made by Tenda.To spook asian girls from dating outside thier race
are u gonna accuse me of being tenda again?
are you a mutt yourself by any chance? Freak of nature
there are a lot of hapas that become models, movie stars, and stuff like that
Henry Golding is a hapa and was the star of his own movie for a western audience and it sold well. A lot of the times they're much more attractive than their parents. If they're ugly it's because the parents were very ugly and that's not intrinsically related to being a mixed kid but just having ugly genes. When I was younger, way before the Elliot thing people on the internet said eurasians were the most beautiful women. Pic rel is Emiru, a hapa dating another hapa.
I want to be dominated by that woman in your picture
this is the guy she's dating, what he used to look like in highschool
he's a famous retired league player, he got fat and neckbeard looking after being addicted to games but he was born attractive and tall, as a hapa. they're usually more handsome than their parents.
why are we arguing in this thread as if there are asian girls here. this accomplished nothing besides redpilling us on cute girls
Him, the hapa, amongst other full asians. Who do you think got the lucky deal when it comes to genes? His mom did the responsible thing by gene climbing to get white genes to flush out his bad ones
At least you have a broad taste in women. My taste in women is one person. I only like Adele
>shows evidence he's wrong
>never replies again
Just another day on Jow Forums, Jow Forums retards btfo once again
literal perfection
Is this supposed to mean something? I could give you tons of famous and succesful niggers, would that make them any less subhuman on average? NO ofcourse not.
>muh whte gurls
I mean it outright proves your initial argument wrong. eurasians are seen as beautiful and are usually better looking than their parents. that's a lot better of an alternative, to max out your genes than tell people to not procreate at all. Hapas would be worse off if they looked like full asian men.
>tons of famous and succesful niggers, would that make them any less subhuman on average
What does being average have to do with anything? We're not collectives, we're individuals. If you're ugly, be mindful of procreating. If you're tall, produce those tall good looking hapa sons. This has to do with ugliness and spreading poor genes more than race mixing.
>Town is full of Cambodia and Laotian refugees
>Still can't find an Asian gf
whites carry the faustian spirit, this might be lost if we start race mixing with Asians.
That doesn't mean Asians are subhumans, but it still isn't a good idea to mix with them.
I am not you sub human nigger. Asian girls are there to breed with them.
Nah, I don't believe that you should actively try to racemix intentionally. Rather, fall in love with who you want to fall in love with and let it be. Autistically staying in the thread and getting mad about race mixing, I feel like you lack empathy and that comes from having minimal connections to people. You sound like a dude who doesn't go out much, and that's why you have a self centered view and don't recognize free will in any way. You can't fathom other perspectives. Not to project, that's what I get from your attitude. I just think you shouldn't be narrow minded over things you didn't try to understand. What makes you happy doesn't apply to everyone.
ofcourse a low iq impulsive swine like you would think with it's cock like that
holy shit dude did I really trigger you to the point you decided to write all that?
O wait, you're serious?
You're entire post is nothing but pathetic assumptions that show you have no actual argument. Happa's are subhumans that should never have bin born. They're freaks of nature you're only defending because you are one, or made one. Now kill yourself
whats wrong with hapas? beats full asian men. the women are up for debate.
>You're entire post is nothing but pathetic assumptions that show you have no actual argument.
Not really dude, everything I said comes from conventional thinking. Most people who have extreme views don't socialize much, aren't apart of society, and hang out in fringe communities (Jow Forums), that applies to majority of cases. If you feel personally attacked that I spoke unfairly, I'm free to hear you out and for you to prove me wrong. What's your story man, you asian, white, hapa? Are you happy in life, good social life and relationships? Why do you feel personally attacked by interracial relationships and want to stay in this thread?
If there are any asians here can I marry you?
hes asian. he mad
I think so too. I've talked to him before, he sounds like some ugly autistic asian dude who gets mad every day, but I'm wondering if I can get him to speak without shitting himself angrily.
you have? anyways, elf ears Sohee
Every time I try to be 100% civil with him he shits himself and refuses to argue lmao then says everyone else but him is mad and screeches in all caps. I think he's from asianmasculinity and he's mad in every single thread he's in. Probably going to be on the news soon for a murder-suicide.
To przeprowadz sie do kraju gdzie jest wincyj azjatek desu.
quint 5's bro
Wynos sie stad stalkerze
i was -forced- to namefag. r9k gave me no choice in the matter.
Thats a nice number
>cute asian girl in my friend group shows strong signs of interest.
>My friends tell me to ask her out
>white dude asks her out before me.
Being white is literally ez mode but I was too pussy to take a chance fuck.
Stfu you fucktarded retard. Hapas are master race.
goddess tier
Are you literately me? anonowi zawsze wiatr w oczy pamietaj
They are so incredibly boring. They have the personality of empty USB drives and will just lay on their back in bed.
Asians are soulless. They are ants basically. Smell gross and have terrible hygene too.
What is hapa? Half chink half white?
That sucks, you shoulda been full white or full chink. I will never racemix, i would feel bad for the child
>smell gross
Asians have no body odor, you absolute retard. You ever been outside before?
Most East Asians lack the gene to make BO, almost all koreans lack it. Only 2% of europeans have this gene.