Why is it that you can't get a girlfriend user?
Why is it that you can't get a girlfriend user?
I never wanted one. I dont really like the idea of someone being close to me.
i'm cold, distant, unavailable, unapproachable and my interests are all basic as fuck
i only tried once 8 years ago and got turned down. assuming i can't now, it's because i have little social experience, zero flirting experience, and nothing in common with a typical woman that we could talk about.
I've never really tried. I know I have nothing to offer. Had a crush but she seemed so out of my league I decided I never want to fall in love again and distanced myself from all females.
I have very high standards and i have a hard time talking to em aswell as the fact that i cant ever imagine myself being "romantic" or whatever.
bump for responses
no hope if you dont look like pic related
I'm done trying. I'm fat, ugly, my dick is little, and I have no confidence. I also don't know how to be a disinterested asshole.
I actually found an aryan kl hg virgin who was willing to spend time with me but I told myself I shouldn't because I'm not white enough for her. I was feeling to guilty. I hate myself and my dad for giving me shit genes. She was the girl who actually made me feel like life is worth living. For the first time in years I felt like there's a reason to fix myself and to become the best human I can possibly become. I felt like this was finally my chance to get out of this hell hole but I just couldn't do it. Jow Forums has rotten my brain away. They made me hate whatever's not purely white and therefore they made me hate myself. Do you know how much this hurts? This feeling hunts me every day. But at least I know I did right. She's better of without me. Even if it wasn't for my shit skin I would probably waste her time anyway.
>Do you know how much this hurts? This feeling hunts me every day. But at least I know I did right. She's better of without me. Even if it wasn't for my shit skin I would probably waste her time anyway.
user you dont know that
Actually had several but got completely fed up with it. I stopped playing the game for a couple years until recently.
I want back in, but it's more nervousness than anything holding me back. None of the ones I had before went well, nor did they end pleasantly.
This user's post
But I feel strong need to not be alone since about 2 years now. I'm 29
i would rather kill myself, than accepting someone near me. i have went through all this shit alone, i don't need someone to leech on me.
woah, that's almost... inhuman...
I over think every social interaction I have
I grew up with an emotionally abusive mother, and watched every single woman in my family cheat on their husband.
I don't trust women, see them mostly as sex objects as they're vapid, empty headed and have no real hobbies or intelligence. They cannot entertain themselves or achieve anything without men and spend their life complaining that things are unfair for them when they're cruising through life on easy mode.
At the same time, I was raised on stories talking about true love and soul-mates and cannot divorce the idea that that is waiting for me out there somewhere, so I'm constantly pulled to want to find someone like that, while believing that it doesn't exist and that women are whores.
The other thing, women are so fucking boring. They don't know shit about anything interesting. They don't DO anything interesting. All women talk about is their hobbies are binge watching TV shows and travelling, both of which are no hobbies in any way, shape or form. They lie and the connive to insert themselves into anything they can, just to get attention and to feel special. Their very belief systems are complete hypocrisy and they act like because men are interested in them and they have to deal with unwanted advances that their lives are awful.
Women were a fucking mistake.
i'm just unlucky. i don't fall in love often, less than once a year, whenever i do the girl doesn't care about me. if i ever do get a date that i like, i'm probably gonna have my heart broken too, only people who have a lot of partners ever get a good one. i'm 20 too, starting to get the shivers from 25+ virgin threads
im just not attractive
Still into my ex
actually i've a girl that likes me but i don't feel anything right now
I don't really talk to people or have any friends.
I don't know any women my age who are single.
I don't meet the minimum requirements for Tinder.
I don't have any social hobbies or interests.
I don't care about my life and I think women can tell.
I actually thought of that question
>High School
>Saw how 16 year old women behave by being betafag in the male group
>Backstabbing and petty
They never meant to do that but those teenage girls redpilled me.
All I do is go to class/study, lift weights, and watch anime/sports. I dont talk to anyone but my parents. I should try more but I'm putting a lot of focus on my last year of college.
I'm not entirely sure. I had a date this weekend with this nice girl, we went to watch that Venom movie. We talked, and had a nice time. But I just couldn't get even to base one: I couldn't even get to hold her fucking hand. I honestly think if I tried it she would deflect me and the whole mood would go sour.
Nigga, have you seen normies out in the wild?
They talk to eachother all the time. They are touchy feely.
It's a big deal for me if i talk with someone, its a notable event in my day, even though i usually stutter and mess up words.
How am i supposed to get so close to someone when i'm miles away from how they treat everyday people?
Don't leave my house except for work
>be me
>kissless virgin
>kind of chubby but lost lots of weight over year
>finally get gf
>looks shockingly like a young Mia khalifa
>first date is a dance
>she doesnt like to dance
>we end up talking from 7 to 12pm
>great time
>another date
>we go to mall across from school
>have to go though romantic forest to get there and back
>great time and could have probably gotten kiss but chickened out
>last date
>we saw mama Mia 2
>we share popcorn
>she is giving me signals to rap my arm around her
>definitely would have gotten kiss
>too chicken
>ask her on another date for dinner
>she sais she has no time for relationship and needs to work on school
>same day she is posting photos with her friends over
>realize she dumped me because I was in TURBO BETA MODE
>I loved and still love her
>cry myself to sleep sometimes
>just want another chance
>can't get a gf
I'm not interested in relationships currently, maybe if they wanna be friends then work our way up from there then sure
A few reasons
>i don't give my self many opportunities to meet new women
>i refuse to date a women a view as clearly lesser than me (looks and intellect are both considered)
>10 years of branding myself as the edgy kid who shits on anything he doesn't like rather than actively finding things he does like and being positive has made me a bland boring person and recovering schadenfreude addict.
On the last point i think that a lot of those teenagers that really like those commentary youtube channels are going to end up like me. I guess i was just scared of being interested in anything since people could bully me about it. If i had no interests there was nothing to target.
Same here. Was in one relationship few months ago but it ended because I lost interest in her. Besides we weren't getting along so sonner or later that should have happened. After a month I realized my loss, started regretting my decision and trying to come back to her. So it happened but it wasn't that sweet like the first time, probably tension from our eariler relation caused this. Now I'm still thinking of her a lot sometimes, regretting my decisions but on the other hand I know it wouldn't lead us to being happy couple because we weren't meant for each other. I'm still trying to move on end don't think about the past, so I gave up on idea of having girlfriend. If any girl that I would like will appear in my life maybe I'm gonna try but for now don't feel like I have to.
Shy and I'm guessing a bad personality to go with that.
Is anyone else terrified of having sex for the first time? I just know I'm going to be bad at it (same with kissing). I watched myself in the mirror "fuck" a fleslight and it was pathetic, I can barely move my hips like the guys do in pornos. I'm not a good "fucker" if you know what I mean. I have no rhythm .I will probably last about 5 mins.
I tried it once, I found that I'm an incredibly jealous person, but also that I can't stand having another person that involved in my day-to-day life.
Also, I haven't even got time to sleep, let alone commit to a relationship.
I know exactly what you mean. I'd probably just get made fun of.
The movements of sex is like dancing and I can't fucking dance and am embarrassed to do so
I don't want a gf in the traditional sense. I want to be loved.. I want a person, who worships, like I was her personal god, she would do anything for me. So whenever I meet a real girl, it's they don't fit my ideas and I chase them away.
here are some reasons:
>also tried to get to talk to oneitis, realized it was over to begin with, and she was absolutely repulsed with me
>I just know I'm going to be bad at it (same with kissing).
Kissing may take technique, but sex does not. It's just humping.
>I watched myself in the mirror "fuck" a fleslight and it was pathetic
Because you were fucking a fleshlight and not another human being with weight and places to grab.
>I can barely move my hips like the guys do in pornos.
ffs... porn is meant to be a show for the camera you idiot! That's why do weird positions and fuck with a lot of speed and force. You will freak a girl out if you try to fuck like a pornstar.
>I'm not a good "fucker" if you know what I mean. I have no rhythm
Again, you aren't fucking with a partner so of course you have no rhythm. That's like dancing by yourself with no music and claiming that you can't dance.
>I will probably last about 5 mins.
If you got Death Grip Syndrome then you probably won't cum at all your first time, there are things to prevent premature cumming anyway.
Used to b popular cuz I did drugs and girls dig that kinda stuff, had a few hot gfs but then I got old and now no1 gives a fuck if u do drugs so I have no redeeming qualities and I'm stuck with my ridiculously high standards for girls set by the chicks I dated way back
girls seem interested occasionally but my brother is chad so i can never bring a girl home anyway plus i only have one friend
First, for some context this is an idea I had before the whole NPC shit meme
I am so incapable of talking to someone that it genuinely seems unreal for other people to talk to each other. Because of this it feels like any relationship around me is fake because I can even imagine how it could be real if I was in his shoes. Kind of like everyone around me is faking being together to not be alone and not go extinct.
>I am so far away from a relationship that it does seem like relationships actually exists
Despicable personality. I act as if I hate everyone.
I can express my feels in different ways, I just don't.
Not even good looking enough to counter-balance it.
Also, pic related.
too much hentai. why would i expend energy trying to get someone else to pleasure me when i can do it much more effectively?
if this a joke, good one; if is a serious post you should probably become an hero.
This is literally me, except for the basic part.
I don't know how to interact with women
>Awkward around women
>Afraid of women my age, especially if they are single
>Hate being hugged
>Have weird interests
>Have strange obsessions.
>Hate crowds
>Quiet and shy
Having someone interested in me enough to go that far while being genuine about it is something that is unironically incomprehensible to me, and if some are to be believed I am not even that bad looking. Just too paranoid I guess.
All I do is work and go home, I have no outlet to meet women. And even if I did I don't have a very good chance, I'm short and hairy. I just want one person I can actually be comfortable around, someone who I can trust and open up to
I had a "girlfriend" at one point for a week but it turned out that she did that to make someone else jealous
I would spend an hour every day infront of the mirror and borderline cry because is was so happy that someone was interested in me
But than when she broke up I felt more undesirable than ever
>I was 19 when that happened
>I am now 28
>Never kissed
>Never held hands
BUT I DON'T HATE WOMEN like the rest of yall
I feel the same way user, I know people on here joke about "practice gfs", but I wouldn't want to lose my virginity to a girl I love or really like cause I'd probably fuck it up and embarrass myself in front of her
I tries and she turned me down. Plus she is also fucking Chad so theres that.
There is a virgin escort service in the Netherlands where you can take her out to a date beforehand and then have sex with her.
I am going to book this in a few months if I don't get any results out of internet dating
I got close, was gonna ask her out when friend tould me that she had a boyfriend, bf is a bum also. Everyone else in uni is a basic bitch or 2/10
I'm too scared to try and get one, so I'm waiting for her to stumble into my life
No luck so far
What did you originally think of the original movie?
Fucked sense of humour (audibly laughing at tard on skates)6/10 and unless a female has the same sort of interests and humor she's not worth my time
>too much competition to be noticed
Because I'm a self hating closet homosexual who's deathly afraid of coming out
I guess it's relieving having found the reason, even if the reason's so shit. A whole human experience, teen love, was ripped away from me by shit beyond my control.
You might be an aspie, user
I'm fat, ugly, and poor. Pretty simple desu.
You are not telling me anything I did not already know user.
Maybe if I knew I would be able to get one but im stuck
I think I did have one, but it was one-sided. I got asked out on a date but I turned them down, I think I'll die a virgin since I assume I used up my pairbonds.
no gf because my pair-bond was used up on someone who left me, nothing to do but cope
>be me
>have oneitis
>get rejected
I always get cheated on. So I'm pretty much done trying.
Your only hope is to become some kind of celebrity or musician. Only those niggas get worshipped.
>Respond to nearly every f4m post on reddit in my area
>After a few thousand tries (very big city) to a girl responds with interest
>Talk back and forth over winter break
>Agree to meet up when we return to campus
>She parks near my place
>Meet her at her car and start to walk to dinner
>She wears new shoes and the heel falls off
>It's okay cause she has back up shoes in the car
>Shoes no longer match outfit, disgusting and not fa anymore
>She uses the word "normie"
>Walk back to my place
>Play cuphead
>She goes home
>Texts me next day "Had a great time user, can we hang out again"
>Respond, "not really, you suck at cuphead"
>She didn't text back
Too scared of commitment
Despite everything that I've worked for in these past couple years, including my fitness and how far I've gotten into my career, I'm not around enough women to half a chance to be with someone that would be willing to love me back. I live in the middle of nowhere. The gym I go to has no one that as young as I am, I work in a trade where 99% of my co workers are men, and the place I live in is so fucked that there is nowhere to drink or party. Fuck this dark and cruel world. Death is my only escape.
Never really have had the ambition to go out and meet one yet. I'm committed to my job and making money at this time.
I tried to get one for the first time in 4 years and she just fucked some other dude after a few dates with me and said she doesn't want to see me anymore. I guess I'm that boring.
is the wrong word. I have been asked out twice and turned them down. I actively dislike the feeling of social obligation that comes with having a romantic relationship.
5 incher aint workin properly. Also a painfully inexperienced virgin at 25, hard to keep a girl interested
I don't wanna talk about it. I rather not even think about it
i have hpv, i'm not even trying until i get rid of that shit on my dick, i'm glad i'm still a virgin
I have deep seated insecurities and spend most of my time working on myself out of fear of rejection
maybe when i'm perfect I'll get a cute womanfriend and we can have adventures together
I'm a turbo aspie with a negative history when it comes to being around girls and I'd rather not bother anymore.
Can't find anybody on these parts. My town is boring. People suck in general. Friend of mine aren't interested either. I can't even hang around the normalfags in general. I cannot relate to them. I'm too fucked up and "weird" for this class of people.
Everything I do and like put off people away.
im literally the size of a child at 25
wish i could be mistaken for a shota by a pedo milf with mommy gf fetish or something
I've desperately wanted one ever since grade school, but I gave up back in highschool, after so much rejection I realized that never knowing if they liked me and at least feeling that comfy feeling from enjoying being around someone I cared about was the only way i could get close to being loved or in a relationship.
I genuinely don't know.
I mean, that's maybe a bit of an exaggeration. I'm an introvert subjected to a lot of extroverts at work, I don't drink, I don't sports, I don't church, and although I have a lot of hobbies, none of them are particularly social. So clearly my opportunities are limited. But I'm in pretty good shape, I make pretty good money at a moderately prestigious job, I have a lot of friends and the majority of them are women, I do actually leave the house and do stuff on a regular basis, and enough people have told me I'm pretty attractive that I am forced to presume they cannot possibly ALL be lying. I'm no Chad, but I'm no Golem, either, and I see plenty of guys uglier than myself with girlfriends I'd consider attractive.
And yet, if I had a dollar for every time someone told me I'd make a great boyfriend for someone else, or expressed surprise that I don't have a girlfriend, I'd... well, strictly speaking have enough for a couple of grocery trips, but still, it's a lot. Generally from people who have absolutely no reason to lie, and a lot of them people I feel can safely be relied on not to. And it's not like I'm looking for supermodels -- although to be fair, I am looking for more or less my own body-type, which is increasingly uncommon the older I get.
The objective evidence would suggest that I've got a pretty good personality but am just plain not that attractive, but I can't just disregard the entirety of the people who say otherwise. I guess I'm going to go with "probably a gypsy curse."
Why do I bother being alive? The rope calls every day.
>out of shape
>below average looks
>autistic introvert who doesn't particularly enjoy talking to most people
>come off as rude, strange, angry or sad to everyone
>pretty sure even the 2 people I can connect with on a decent level can tell I'm a broken person just from the look in my eyes
There are girls like this too mate, just need to find them.
My ex just told me that I can't recognize social cues at all, so maybe that's why?
I choose to be mostly silent and not engage people because I either fail to keep a conversation going or fail to even make sense to the other person. I really want to talk to people though. It sucks seeing fucking neet manlets with gfs because I am 6'4, lean, and have a job. I think girls can also tell I want to tie them up and watch them piss themselves. They can tell Im a creep.
>5 inch dick
>friendless loser
I've never even tried to approach a woman because I know that no woman could ever be attracted to me. I look at myself logically and critically. There is objectively no reason for a woman to choose me over any other guy she's surrounded by both in real life and online. There are always better men that she can be with, why be with me? So I never even bothered and still won't. I know my worth and women can do better than me.
>questionable penis length
Pretty much this
i woke up with a girl naked in a couch with me and her BF in the other room, she blew me and rode me for like 20 mins, never came from sex until maybe 6 times with that same girl
never socialize and won't try hard enough to use tinder/genuinely try to meet people.
>nice body
>nice face
>nice hair
>nice fashion sense
>decent sense of humor
>broad knowledge base and interests
but none of it matters when the only girl you were ever interested in decided she wasn't that into you after a month and a half of dating. kind of a confidence killer.
because i don't love myself
I'm an INTP that cannot understand nor convey emotion properly. I always come off as estranged and vague towards others when they bring up their problems and for some reason they dislike it when I try to find resolution.
I start to loose my interrest in her, as soon as she starts having feelings for me. After that my feelings are turning ito disgust and repulsion. I swear she could be a flawless 10/10 it's the same every time
Because I am ugly and I have an extremely unique personality. I am an INFP male and I have an intense passion for music that is often blunted by crippling depression. I am also slightly autistic. I am the last man on this entire planet that women would be willing to date.
I watch porn and insert myself as the woman and I am too ashamed to tell anyone irl. I also have pretty bad ED and can only get turned on to big dick anal porn, but truthfully none of this matters more than the fact that I'm just generally depressed and don't have any interests, so when it comes to talking and keeping someone else interested I fall short by a long shot.
I only care about work. I tried dating but I always felt like I was wasting time. Spending time doing things besides work makes me feel like a shit person.
I don't leave my house, Love isn't real and sex is always a dissappointment also I like cock.
small dick
broken body
mild autism