Hello frens, why BPD girls are so cute and enchanting?

hello frens, why BPD girls are so cute and enchanting?

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Because you too are mentally fucked up and you find it romantic that there are girls out there who've suffered through something similar to you, and in a way you've been alone together for a while.

wew. this is a really good answer.
a part of them is emotionally stunted, and a part of me is also. so there's a sort of bond there. their clinginess is really comfy too desu.

they'll ruin your life, trust me

I lost a friend I've had since 5th grade because I dated one of these crazy controlling girls

Yeah it's very on the nose because I have something similar and I'm projecting hard.

Clarification for you:
*why are physically attractive young women that are smart but unstable so alluring for heterosexual men?
>looks good
I can haz waifu
you never know when she fucks you so it's a thrill
That's it, like gambling or some drugs or whatever else that's retarded but gives you a big buzz that was built up by yearning.
You ain't broken to have it, most of us are like this.

because crazy girls are the best at sex. It gets boring fast though, never date longer than 2 months with one.

That was fucking awful like what an old catlady on reddit would write you after she took her xanax to forget she'll never be young again.

I did for 5 with the last crazy bitch, ended up with a kid. I bailed she aborted it, that's it. No HIV. End of story.

>It gets boring fast though,
user NO! first of all it never gets boring. second of all stop doing harm to my future waifu. third, i try to make it last as long as possible, preferably a lifetime, but i've managed a couple years before.

mine always wanted to have sex without a condom. Never gave her a chance because i don't need a sabotage-baby in my life. Condoms are underrated.

It gets pretty boring once they keep complaining about the same shit 10 times a week.
>You listen, it isnt enough
>You give her advice, it isnt enough
>You take her out to take her mind off of it, it isnt enough

fuck that noise

They'll cheat on you while you're on vacation with one of your best friends because you didn't propose to them before you left and they felt 'abandoned' even though you're only gone for 20 days. And then they'll blame it on you once they find out and say 'I was just getting from him what I wasn't from you' and accuse you of being emotionally neglectful even though you spend more time with them than literally every single other person in your life COMBINED. And they'll call you abusive for getting mad at them for cheating, but YOU'RE the emotionally neglectful one.

I spent 4 years of my life trying to keep this girl happy, I gave her everything but a house and a ring, and none of it mattered. She filed a restraining order on me the day after she moved out and promptly moved across t

he state with the guy she cheated on me with. He lost all his friends, who are all our mutual friends, and doesn't have a relationship with his family. He has literally no one but her in his life now, not a single person. But thats what it'll take to keep a girl like this happy long term, because they'll view any attention given to anyone else, even your own family, as a grave betrayal.

When you're in a relationship with a BPD girl long term you're signing up to be all of her friends, her entire emotional support network, boyfriend, husband, and father, all at once. And it still wont be enough

I'm in my 30's I literally dgaf I want a kid but she was too psycho. Told me shit she was raped by some dude as a kid and her mother abused her now she was dead but it was a normie fat lady a kindergarten teacher still alive, her father was okay too. She wasn't raped by anyone but she did occasional prostitution since 17 just for the money. She was 23 when I met her.

>When you're in a relationship with a BPD girl long term you're signing up to be all of her friends, her entire emotional support network, boyfriend, husband, and father, all at once. And it still wont be enough
goddamnit man. i didn't want these feels today. i miss her so fucking much.

>tfw crazy girl and bad at sex

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All that shit in my post only happened 3 months ago, and she was my first kiss too. I don't know how I haven't killed myself yet, I think if my family wasn't so great I might've actually done it.

desu even bad sex is still good, as long as no one goes to the hospital afterwards. are you skinny?

>only happened 3 months ago
user i hate to break this to you, but it takes years to recover.

Not sure I understand. My mum has BPD and the only thrill I get is wondering if she's going to try to kill herself tomorrow or not. Such fun.

lel. BPD girls don't kill themselves, user. they make other people want to kill themselves. (and lots of them do this on purpose)

>be in a relationship with mental ill woman
>complain about mental illness and women

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I'm starting to realize that. I've been going to therapy and its helped to a degree with all of my self blame. She did all that crazy shit and I just kept beating myself up about not proposing to her, any little time a snapped at her, anything to explain why she cheated and left. It felt like I was required to be absolutely perfect and she could pout and insult me all she wanted with no consequences. Even now I still get huge waves of self blame where I tell myself I should've done absolutely ridiculous things, like spend thousands of dollars to bring her on the trip, just so she doesn't cheat on me?

Intellectually I understand I was subjected to huge amounts of emotional manipulation and abuse without my knowledge, but even now I'm still in love with her for some fucking reason. It feels like I'll never connect to anyone the way I did with her, and that I lost the perfect partner who shared all of my interests. But how could that be true if she could drop me from her life on a whim? Lots of cognitive dissonance. And all the constant overthinking and rumination of the events is exhausting me.

I'm not sure I understand tbqh.

because you ARE bipoler girl trying to make yourself look desired.

you won't ever get my time of day, crazy bitch.

BPD girls are never suicidal. they are only "suicidal" for attention. they fuck with other people's heads so much that the people involved with them consider suicide.

robots and bpd girls are the perfect match and you cant change my mind

Why is it that these threads are always filled with a couple buttblasted retards who took a BPD person too seriously and got btfo? Everyone knows that BPD people are insane and unstable, thats the fucking point

I'm BPD and my boyfriend can't dump me. He's posted on /b/ before saying even after things I've done he can't leave me and we have an inate connection.

Well in my case I had no idea about personality disorders until I did a ton of research once my ex left. I thought she just had shitty parents, and that time spent with me and being away from them would over time help her become more stable and happy. So I was taken completely off guard when I had to face the fact that nothing I had ever done for her really stuck with her.

how can i not take them seriously, user? i fall for them so hard. so so hard.

Do BPD girls know theyre messed up? I mean, do they know what they are doing is wrong but dont care or something? Im intrigued because there is a girl I like and people are saying shes BPD but I do not want to believe that. I mean, I will look for the signs and hopefully wont get hurt again.

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The problem is you guys are betas that take everything super seriously but when shit goes down you are reduced to a crying puddle. Relax a bit, stop taking everything seriously, be more flexible and learn to go with the flow.

You dont deserve having that shit happen to you but you need to know if you dont fix this you will keep having similar things happen to you in the future.

100% truth.

I know your pain is real user. Im there right now. Robots, screenshot this guys post, listen, heed his advice. You know nothing of the hell matrix that awaits you.

What did u do? or7gil

Shit advice, you have little life experience

Nah. We just feel emotions really strongly, so extremely that we feel justified doing something retaliatory.

If You get diagnosed, you're able to admit what you do is unorthodox and better control those emotions. But most BPD people don't know what BPD even is - I was diagnosed with social anxiety, depression, even aspergers before BPD.

you mistake their chaotic nature for charisma.

But thats kind of the opposite of what happened, she always took everything so seriously and catastrophized, and I was the laid back go with the flow guy. Actually upon examination that contributed to it because sometimes I wouldn't take her non-existent problems seriously. Shit like her getting super upset that I didn't text her on my lunch break, or getting sad that she always texted me first in the morning, even though she always woke up earlier.

I guess I just couldn't provide the hyper-stable environment people with this disorder need to feel secure

I'm still with him. I shouldn't be and he shouldn't be either. People on the thread were saying he should leave because I'm insane but he said he was too, but worse.

Not sure what he sees in me and that "connection". The relationship is really intense, that might be why he thinks it's special.

>learn to go with the flow
going with the flow if your gf has BPD is basically willfully being a cuck. not in a meme or metaphor kind of way, but in a "i was lonely and horny because you were working so i went and fucked my ex" kind of way.

Oh, so it is not all that bad, right? So hopefully this girl wont hurt me then. Thank you kind user.

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Wouldn't say that user.

I've done some really regretful things in the heat of my emotions. Things my boyfriend doesn't know about.

And in my mind our relationship can one moment perfect, wouldn't sacrifice it. The next I hate him and I fantasize about leaving him.

>We just feel emotions really strongly
empath here. this is half the reason i love you girls so much. it's like a drug to me. the trouble is in trying to keep you feeling good emotions instead of bad ones.

The correct way to go with that specific flow is to realize that she is shit and to just move on. If someone is literally insane to the point they cant stop cheating, its best to just forget her. You cant fix people, you are not a therapist. Sure, you shouldnt just give up at the smallest sign of trouble but after a certain point you have to realize things are just not going to work so its better to move on.

Be adaptable my friends.

Used to date a BPD girl, was pretty whack. I tolerated her at first because Im lax but it just wore on me. Sex was great but repetitive and her sex drive was way higher than mine so she would pressure me until I turned aggressive. We would play elaborate mind games with each other in front of friends and family always leading to some huge fight before having sex. Sometimes she would beg me to hit her or ask me to rape her to win an argument. Id be called daddy from time to time and she would regularly refer to herself as princess. First time I met her dad she gave me a blowjob in her parents bathroom and then gave her dad a kiss on the mouth. After I finally escaped she went to MY mother in tears with self-inflicted bruises and said that I abused her. Would not recommend to say the least
TLDR my blog

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>her sex drive was way higher than mine
fuck! i want her!

>First time I met her dad she gave me a blowjob in her parents bathroom and then gave her dad a kiss on the mouth.
Honestly if dad took out the ol' shotgun and put an end to both of you i wouldnt blame him.

I am a diagnosed anorexic lol

but i gained 10kg because i can't stop fucking binging. so if i don't get my shit together i will be fat again soon

No you dont. It gets mental after youve both busted four nuts and shes still trying to suck your dick
It was kind of hot in the moment, but bizaare looking back. Not my best moment, makes me uncomfortable thinking about it

well shit. you stated weight in kg. if you measured in freedom units i would have tried to solicit you. try not to be fat ok?

user i express love primarily through sex. that's not mental. that's fucking heaven.

i'm trying but it's hard

it's like all my willpower is gone
i was at a 16.5 bmi not even three months ago and now i'm sitting at like a 21 or something disgusting like that and i literally look like i cow. can't leave the fucking house, none of my clothes fit. i can easily fast for a couple of days, but i always end up binging and ruining it all again. i used to be to disciplined, i don't know what happened ;_;

>i used to be to disciplined, i don't know what happened ;_;
i'm sorry to hear of your struggles. have you tried something in the vegan family? even if you gorge yourself you should still avoid ballooning up with a vegan diet.

>I was at an unhealthy bmi before and now that I'm at the healthy standard, I feel like shit

>vegan diet
Oh you mean bread, crisps, chips, hummus, peanut butter, potatoes, rice?

the binging literally started after i went vegan

i had a protein deficiency and gained 6kg of water weight despite eating under 1000 cals per day (which went away after i fixed the protein deficiency thing) which lead to me freaking the fuck out and i've been off track ever since. i lost down to my low weight after this happened but in the last two months i've gained so much weight back i want to kill myself

i have a mental illness user
a bmi of 21 looks like actual obesity to me and it makes me feel like my body is covered in disgusting, rotten flesh that isn't supposed to be there. i can literally feel every centimetre of skin stretching and touching other parts of my body and it disgusts me. i can feel the food rotting in my stomach. so yes i feel like shit at a "healthy" bmi and i am sure as fuck more mentally unwell now than i was at an unhealthy bmi

idk what vegans eat, man. i just know most of the girls who go vegan end up looking sickly, which i think is kinda hot

bad suggestion then. sorry. just throw some pork, beef, or lamb into the mix. get your protein from animal sources since it's more bioavailable than the protein from veggies.

Oh... to be honest it is starting to make me second guess this now. Like what exactly is regretful for you? How often do you fantasize leaving him? I am really worried right now. Do you find your relationship perfect? Does he do anything wrong? Also, I had to walk my dog real quick. Sorry about that.

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thats what I thought, but it seriously gets old. Its like cigarettes, smoke 5 in succession and you dont feel anything by the fifth, but space them out and they feel great. I have a high sex drive myself and even she was too much

I fantasize leaving him at least once a week. He's very good to me, talks to me every day, takes me out, doesn't have friends so spends all his time with me.

Sometimes I just see red, over something he does which didn't bother me before. When I'm walking back home I imagine breaking his heart and leaving him. But when he tried to leave me, I beg him to stay.

We work somewhat well because he doesn't have friends, so we're both each others world. But I'm younger than him and can't control my emotions sometimes.

Lots of things which are typical for BPD people, some things I'm too embarrassed to post.
Self harm, alcohol, drugs, risky behaviour.

We have a very good sexual relationship. I do whatever he wants, whenever he wants.

>he doesn't have friends, so we're both each others world
god fucking damnit. why can't i find one like this?

Honestly need to keep him, user. My BPD is messing up this relationship.

He has no friends, which is great because I get jealous and needy all the time.
Also, he's incredibly good looking (more than me), has had 10/10 gfs, and body-builder tier.

His looks make me jealous desu. It aggravates my BPD tendencies. But him being a recluse is ideal.

no, i mean i'm a reclusive clingy possessive codependent guy, and i wish i could find a girl who snuggled into it so hard like you're describing. this is suicide fuel.

not enuf bpd qt pics in this thread imo desu hbu

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bpd waifus are the reason for my laifu

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dont you just want her to hurt you

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the last girl kind of looked like eliza but no one can replace the queen

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Wow, that is crazy stuff. Thank you for sharing that. Yeah, I dont think I want to talk to this girl then tbq. I mean, the friends thing might be a positive but I dont want to deal with all that drama. Thanks again. I appreciate you telling me that and it is making me rethink about this girl.

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As a Skitzotypol I firmly believe I would run for the hills the second I find out a chick had BPD. Cluster B personality people aren't human.
Cluster A master race!

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Remember even BPD thots only want Chad.

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Not surprising how so many other these ASMR girls are BPD. youtu.be/7qznVh7lFTg

this pretty much covers it.
knowing you are not alone on it self is soothing, which allows you to concentrate on other things, your goals for example.

I think I've only dated BPD girls. They're always so on and off with me and will go from loving me one day to being really cold towards me the next. I'd like a normal girl but I think I am only attracted to eccentric types which usually leads to bpd girls. Doesn't help that I have a mental illness myself (bipolar)

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This literally doesn't mean anything moron.

well he does kinda have a point about the cheating, I have never been in a relationship with a BPD so I have never been cheated on by one of them, but they do tend to cheat on their partners at least in my experience emotional cheating with other men is rampant for them while in a relationship, unfair to the guy they are currently dating.

I've always been self-aware that my reactions to situations were out of proportion. Cognitive behavioral therapy has helped a lot or maybe it's just me maturing as I grow older and learn to accept things that I have no control over.

You're a guy though right?

I'm not.
fucking originally

Then you're one in a million I guess. Wanna get married?

Yeah sure let's go

no. fucking no. it can't be this easy.

Alright, a/s/l? Would be nice if you're late 20s/early 30s.

Oh. I'm not that old yet.

do you have a daddy kink?
probs not original

Not particularly. Sorry, user.

Where do I find these kind of women?

strip clubs mostly

Then you'll do just fine in life anyway, so good luck and thanks for being self-aware enough to strive to fix yourself instead of ruining other people's shit like the majority.

I thought they were more art hoe, liberal arts college type chicks?

if you see a girl keying some dude's car or slashing his tires, she's BPD. she's also sometimes the girl who is bisexual and gets drunk at the bar so she can grope all her friends. look for "brats" and you'll probably find a BPD girl.

BPD stands for borderline personality disorder, not bipolar.

There's a very good possibility that you will be stabbed to death and put out of your misery?