Tfw you guys gave me a deep feeling of shame because of my height

>tfw you guys gave me a deep feeling of shame because of my height
>feel insecure everywhere I go and compare my height to others
>you made someone’s life worse just to feel a bit better

I hope you’re happy Jow Forums
I thought this place was made to motivate eachother and improve our lives...

Attached: 56E787C7-F535-4331-98B7-FAC29EFB19DA.png (400x388, 137K)

Just move to South Texas, USA.
You'll be taller than 40% of the males.

>t. 5' 7 1/2"

Attached: jumparound.png (465x324, 94K)

I live in the Netherlands user.
t. 5’7

oei that's bad

As a board of supposed self improvement I think it's fucked up what Jow Forums does to shorter people. I'm 6'4 so this isn't a cope post

Just become a girl.

back to the pit manlet

Attached: tenor.gif (498x332, 473K)

Its made to motivate adults kiddo,

No one cares about your height user, just fucking deal with it. And live your best life, when you realize no one gives a fuck you can be happy

Dubs gf
Trips kms
Quads get sucked off by a dude