Onetitis ex just hit me up out of the blue

We’re both back in town for Christmas break.

She broke it off in a really rough way 4 months ago and I finally got over her...

and now she hits me up drunk last night and says we should see each other wtf...

I don’t know if I should just block her or go and see her. It’s just still so painful to think about...

Is going out to breakfast a good idea or what I don’t want to get hurt anymore I might just block her...

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No it isn't mate. Nothing good will come of this.
She hasn't fallen back in love with you. She's lonely and bored and thinks 'ah good old user he'll do until I can go back to my new great life' Sorry to say that mate, but it's probably true. If it makes you feel better you'll always have me, I believe in you and I love you.

Block her user, it’ll only get worse from here if you keep contact.


Bro stop playing games block the bitch

This man knows. Don't be her toy again.

dont block her. just dont respond.

As the other poster said, she’s bored and has no one else to talk to. She’s not getting any dick or was just broke up with someone else/got dumped.

Go see her. Maybe it's true love... why else would she come back? Go to her.

Does it again, call the police