Look at all these 20 and 30 something year old rape seeking shit skins with cocks on them just waiting to come to America and rape white women and white children. It's fortunate to know that Trump will use the military to secure the border from these savages and women in America won't get that rape dick they want and our kids will be more secured.
This caravan is nothing short of a pederast and rapist caravan attempting to invade my country with the help of Mexico and the Jew soros.
it's just a fraction of what's coming once climate change devastates their farm yields
Chase Sanchez
All I see are future engineers, doctors and people just trying to make a living
Kayden Allen
>Trump will use the military to secure the border Lul? That isn't what the military is for..
Leo Watson
Now wait a second, OP, why are these Messicans savages?
Why do you think that they want to rape Americans?
They do not. Mexico is a respectable nation, albeit one with great poverty, and for that reason there is great immigration to the US.
Generally, poorer areas have higher rape and crime rates, I believe.
Now, I am not saying that America should open its borders, it does not interest me, a fine Canadian. However, I do ask that you become a more considerate person, user, and lose your "they must be beaten down" attitude.
Thank you.
Camden Cruz
Very very based & redpilled
Jose Lopez
Why are they waving the Honduran flag? Isn't that where they're fleeing from? If it's such a shitty place, why wave the flag?
Nathaniel King
Says literally who? Then what is the military for if not to protect the country?
Jonathan Scott
A flag represents more than a government or a place. They likely have it as it is their culture. They will tell their grandchildren that they are Honduran. It is probably not because they are vicious creatures who want to leave their own home which they destroyed to destroy yours.
Benjamin Gray
Probably stole it along the way
Gabriel Lee
That's what Border Patrol & CBP Officers are for...
Easton Gutierrez
>Mexico is a respectable nation, albeit one with great poverty I can never wrap my head around this. All the shitty places on the planet are overpopulated. If your country is a shithole, then maybe stop having kids because that land can't support more people.
Bentley Rivera
Oh well, too bad the US has the biggest and strongest military in the world, too bad they can't use it to protect their own border. #RefugeesWelcome then I guess, there is no choice but to let them in.
Blake Mitchell
Trump technically can, but it would have to go through Congress.
Nicholas Green
>america white women and children Let's be real for a moment These people are as white as the average American This isn't the same as Europe
I guess that it is easy to say that when you have a relatively good hand of cards in a relatively good nation, but think of how things might be if you were one of those people in Mexico. >no/very little education >u have 10 siblings
Why not have 10 kids? What if one does well?
I believe it to be foolish to look upon the citizens of overpopulated countries as guilty and those of developed ones innocent. I know that SJWs say this a lot, but I think that it is all circumstance.
David Hernandez
The militarues use is to secure assets and resources.
Jack Lewis
Just so you know those people in the caravan are central americans not mexicans
Evan Edwards
Women instinctively yearn for dominance and rape. That's why they are rabid in importing the shitskins, they can't help themselves. They just want to be dominated and raped.
This post reeks of slav who was called nonwhite in Jow Forums or Jow Forums by chad american
Hudson Evans
>implying there's a difference Pablo pls
Leo Murphy
Sorry, flag looked like Nicaragua or something, not Mexico, but OP said mexico so I just went along with that. I was arguing based on OP's beliefs, not my observations.
Zachary Richardson
This post reeks of McDonald's and bean burritos
Grayson Brown
Notice that Canada has a really low rape rate, but we are a pretty immigranti nation. Every other female I see is wearing a hijab. In many neighbourhoods, no towns, it is a slight surprise to see a white person.
Ayden Harris
>look upon the citizens of overpopulated countries as guilty I'm not looking at them in any way, being a poor country with very limited resources but still being overpopulated is their choice, it's they're way of life. But then they're migrating and then shitting up other, richer and safer countries and that's when I say fuck them and shoot them. In just a few decades they're going to convert Europe into a muslim shithole (if it isn't already) because they bring their shitty culture and way of life here, even though that was the thing that shit up their own countries to begin with. And now the Hispanic refugees are turning the southern parts of the US into Latin America.
Brayden Price
Im not saying we are different, we have the similar culture and genetics but I still think its important to know that not all latin american immigrants are mexicans
Kevin Rodriguez
That's primarily because the bulk of your immigrants are chinks.
Jayden Torres
I have always believed that all races are equal, respect others, you know the rest.
I cannot reply to this post.
You have convinced me. I don't want to believe it, I feel guilty for acknowledging that you are right, yet I know that it is true.
Who says that you can't convince people through internet debates?
Noah Martin
this has to be falseflagging larp. no Jow Forumstard could be this unhinged, could he?
Retardedly misleading. Sweden has expansive offense count so if I got a wife and I rape her every day for a month, that'd be counted as thirty instances of rape.
>Who says that you can't convince people through internet debates? I'm not sure if you're trolling, but another thing I always find strange is how people (more specificly leftists) try to legitimatize migration by pointing out how America was built by immigrants, yet they forget how well that worked out for the Indians. I mean let's say you're a Native American in the year 1700 and someone tells you in 300 years the white people are going to build an enormous society, the strongest economy in the world with the strongest military power and that they're going to genocide most of your people and a fraction of the survivors' descendants can somewhat keep their culture and way of life on a reservation, but they leave them with not much resources. Would you then say migration is great from the native American's perspective? If anything, the late fate of the Indians should be a warning and a lesson to us all that if we don't protect ourselves and our culture it can all be gone one day and don't take anything for granted.
any other non-white anons just sitting back and kekking at these endless refugee ships and migrant caravans and what not?
just lel
Juan King
Not really. I might not be white but I'm not a muzzie so I'm pretty sure they don't like me any better than whitey.
Charles Scott
Not even memeing but those motherfuckers will build the shit out of some houses. 5 new illegal amigos = 1 new American subdivision and 3 new restaurants. I sell paint so I work with these guys. I admire their work ethic. I've seen them building houses with a tornado nearby. Granted, I was also working, but what other construction workers will work on a building that's at risk of being torn down by a tornado?
Aiden Wright
Kys kike you just want more cheap labor
Luis Reyes
> rape white women and white children To be fair most of them are super manlets, they even make the guy wearing a mexican hat look somewhat tall, but in reality he's probably under 5'8. I don't think they have a chance in raping any adults, maybe children tho.