

Attached: 1545742257492.jpg (452x678, 44K)

where's the Jow Forums edit with Chad in the other room?

Very nice on topic post
I bet a lot of people would miss you if you suddenly got hit by a car because clearly your life isn’t so pathetic you need to spread your blackpill shit on other boards
During Christmas no less

>unironically thinking in terms of "-pills"
You've already failed.

Attached: right one doesn't have to try with chad.jpg (1200x1800, 139K)

>being such a newfag
Back you go

>virgin posture

The best thing about the Chad meme is how it's all incel cope haha they can't find a decent woman because they're pathetic, so they generalize all women as sluts who only go for Chad. Incel cope and delicious butthurt from bottom-dwelling faggots who don't even try to better themselves.
>b-but I lift!
Congrats, you have a hobby.

>someone disagreeing with you means they're a newfag

>unironically using the term newfag
You have already failed.