What the fuck is living at home doing to my mental health?

What the fuck is living at home doing to my mental health?
>be me, 20
>just left uni of my own accord
>sick of being surrounded by faggots and dumb bitches
>starting trade school in February
>living at home until then
Ever since I moved back in about a month ago I've progressively been getting more depressed and blackpilled at the state of the world with each passing day, although I had already started down that road before coming home. My aging boomer parents have also really been grinding my gears. Leaving the nest for a while and then coming back is making my brain go crazy.
>tfw 3 months is too short to get a part-time wagekek and my own place
>but it feels like an eternity to live with clueless, eternally angry old parents

Anyone ever been in a similar situation? How did you keep some semblance of sanity? I've been trying to self-improve, as well as driving for Uber and Favor but some days the blackpill is too heavy to even get out of bed. My big long-term goal right now is to become self-sufficient but goddamn everything is fucking expensive and most people are infuriating to be around. I hate this kike'd up world, lads.

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yeah man, I get it. i'm 20, never went to college, just worked for a couple years, now I'm neet again. I sort of ride a rollercoaster of "I'VE GOT TO FUCKING GET OUT OF HERE" to complete apathy. I want independence without ruining my life with work, which is impossible

I quit my old job and planed to move but was stuck with my flat for another 3 months.

don't underestimate 3 months.
this was pure hell.
I've never been in a worse mental state in my whole life.

I dunno man, I don't see much different between wageslaving and neet as far as mindset. working 8+ hrs and coming home to sleep is just worse than waking up late and unironically working on hobbies and stuff (no, not video games). problem is, savings only lasts so long

It's your parents, not living at home that's hurting you. I love my parents, they're literally my only friends. I would have no one to talk to if they weren't around, which is one of the reasons I'm not rushing to move out. Only downside is I can't do drugs whenever I want, but that's a fair price to pay for a room, meals, and friendship.

Change the age to 23 and we are kindred spirits, yo. I honestly plan on hanging myself because I can't take the pressure of working my wakecuck job and living with my meme-tier boomer grandparents. I've already been accepted into the Job Corps for computer technician training and I am scheduled to start just next month.

Problem is that the old farts want me out soon and I am cracking under the strain of keeping up normie appearances and figuring out what the absolute fuck I'm going to do (besides kms).

btw I graduated from uni. So that's something.

Thanks for the responses lads, it's comforting that others have known this same feel. So how do you fight the blackpill in situations like this? I've been lifting, reading books (fiction & nonfiction), eating right, meditating, practicing piano and limiting vidya use. Despite this I feel I can't fully enjoy anything because of the simple fact that I'm leeching off someone else and I can't do much about it, even if money is fucking stupid. I'm not even a huge financial burden, I use driving money to pay for most of my own shit. Me and my parents both want me gone, and I have a plan but I can't make time pass any faster.

>I feel I can't fully enjoy anything because of the simple fact that I'm leeching off someone else

I felt this way for a while. What helped me come to terms with it is that it's what my parents signed up for. Creating a human being is incredibly selfish, all the suffering in my life is my parents fault because they made me. I'll gladly accept anything they can offer to make the experience of life better.

Not OP, but that's a sound mentality. Thanks, user.

I'm 19 and my stepmother has basically stolen my father, it's impossible to talk because I'm so afraid of setting her off so I've become a bedroom dweller.

I have fits of "i want to fucking jump out of the window" and "i want to move out right fucking now" buy I always return to total apathy. It doesn't help that my job doesn't even pay over 12k a year.

Oh stfu. You are a fucking kid.

as much as i feel your feel user you're still at the age where its societally acceptable to live at home
i hope you're in a position to move out by the time you're 24. i hope you make it

8 hours is nothing, you still have most of day to do wtf ever.

Living with parents is not nearly as bad as living alone. It's terrible in all aspects of it.

>never have free time due to job
>bills are due fucking constatly. Rent takes up over 50% of your weekly paycheck
>Constantly thinking of suicide.
>Nobody would notice until my landlord came in my apartment because I haven't paid my rent if I did an hero
>Don't have enough money to eat well. Eat cheap off-brand campbell soup, ramen, eggs, and tap water

This wagecuckery fucking sucks man. I plan on an hero by age thirty.

thats my plan too, i really just don't see a future past 30

you mean eat and sleep? fuck off wagey

What the fuck is even your problem? "waah wahh colleage is full of faggots, and bitches am gonna leave!" Do your parents fucking molest you or something, so you despise them? You sound like an Emo faggot.

No, to do other things. You are a fucking autist if you do not know hiw to pass time productively.

Then learn how to manage your budget properly or ask for a raise.

And stop being a faggot.

All the normies in this thread make me fucking sick. don't you guys have something better to do?

I cant even fucking comprehend OPs problem really. Why is he screeching, if he already is going to leave his hated house by febuary?

And another thing: This board is usually 28-30ish people with no job and own place, and really shitty prospects in life. Not literall fucking kidis, going through their edgelord phase, and no real problems.

That's because you're a grown adult male and you're still living with mommy and daddy like a child. There is zero reason why a 20+ year old adult male should be living with mommy. A man needs independence. If you cannot afford rent, get a roommate. That is reality. And to you guys that are 25+ and still living at home, you seriously might not ever have what it takes to live at home. You're like an adult that has been breastfed his entire life. Once mommy takes her tit away, you don't know how to get the milky on your own. So just kill yourself.

I feel the same. Working morr than 8 hours a day for the redt of my life and beimg in a constant state of debt just to own a home sounds like hell. In my case is even worse because I'm from Spain and we never left the Great Depression of 2008. Shits fucked man.

Who the fuck are you talking to? And wtf

>And to you guys that are 25+ and still living at home, you seriously might not ever have what it takes to live at home

Wut? Also, fuck off nigger I am 25 and still live with my parrents and have never worked a day in my life.

But I will get a job and move out, its a matter of time.

>have internships and short jobs during bachelors
>a little tired and stressed out, but I could deal with it
>now stay at home and work on masters
>depressed and growing crazier by the day
I genuinely hope to be done soon. Call me a wagecuck, normie, or whatever the fuck. I don't know how neets can do this everyday.

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>said someone that does not and never lived on his own in his life.

For all I know, you have never lived on your own either youfaglotd. And not every counyry is muhrica, when even literal 60 Iq niggers get foodstamps and welfare. In US even a fucking retard can live on his own.

I meant what it takes to live alone

>But I will get a job and move out, its a matter of time.

No, you won't. You most likely never will. Also good luck getting a job that pays enough to move out when you have zero work experience at 25. You're going to have to work low end jobs, and they do not pay enough for even a studio apartment. I was 22 and making 2x min wage in my state and I still needed a roommate.

Yes I will you nigger, 25 is still early age to get a job. You are full of shit anyway. I will work a high paying job. Dumb fucktard.

Also, life in US is easy you dumb fucktard, out here in Spain, its much harder. You probably get by thanks to foodstamps and welfare like niggers and dont have a job.

No, fuck off. There are so many people who bitch about being broke yet they only work three days a week at mcdonalds and are so braindead they went to college for no reason so they have tons of debt. And they have to get a new iphone every year and will never give up their alcohol and nice car. You cant work minimum wage and expect to afford to live alone. Get a better job and budget you dumb cunt. Grow up.

Are you fucking kidding me most people get their first jobs at 16 - 18 and stay working, building experience, learning skills, getting more education. You're starting at the BOTTOM at 25, its over man. You're going to end up as a janitor or construction worker.

Nothing wrong with trade jobs, user. All the boomers are dying and every zoomer thinks they're gonna be game devs or some shit.

By 16 - 18 people are at high school you dumb cunt, and are not working for shit. 25 is still good year to enter workforce. You dont know shit, I swear you 56% mutts are like children. You apply logic of your country to rest of the world. Doesent work that way.

I swear, this board should have fucking flags, and every country should have its own thread.

Being a janitor or working low end construction are not trades. Trade jobs do pay once you get some years into them, but they have the social status of a garbage man. So if you care about attracting women, do not fall for the trade meme.

Boomers should fucking burn in hell for what they did.

Trade job is not a meme you dumb fucktard. And right now it has much better status and pay than sub-human corporats. You are not going to be game dev, you onions filled shitstain.

If the fact that your longer term goals seem impossibly far away are depressing you, set achievable short term goals and maybe find something that will both keep your parents happy but reduce your time together if they're really wearing you down

>16-18 people are at high school

yeah during the day perhaps, but if you're not a varsity athlete after school you'd better be busting your ass working because I promise you if you leave HS with no distinguishable accomlishments you may as well neck yourself or get real comfortable with working at McDicks because those are basically your options.

Buddy, I work in finance. Its not the highest paying job in the world but I wear a suit and tie to work. The status I have from this job makes women throw themselves at me.

No, you dumb fuck. You also have colleage. And no, I mean free colleage, unlike in muttland.

Ok, now you are a fucking larping. So you are so 'succesful' that you post on a board notoriously full of 'losers' and NEETs? Can you fuck off?

I don't care about 3dpg, nigger

He is larping, no need to bother.

Iktf. Literally sold my soul the the government to get a military wagie and my mom's still on my ass about getting a job at mcdonalds until i leave.

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Why the fuck are American boomer parents such monsters? I mean, wtf is she going to do if you dont get that mcd job? Throw you out?

>Living at home with hoarders

Get on my level

They grew up in a world where everyone moved out at 15-19. To them this is all abnormal. A lot of them also failed to gain critical thinking skills, rendering them incapable of realizing the times they grew up in are gone. What they did as young adults is now impossible, destroyed by their own hands in adulthood. They call us "entitled" but in truth, they were the most entitled generation there ever was.

Why the fuck are American boomers either literal manchildren, or soulles monsters?

Yea they call you a lazy pos even when you show them the hundreds of applications youve sent online.

Sad thing is my mom isnt even a boomer and should know how hard it is.

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If I could have a penny every time boomercuck calls me entitled I would have enough money to buy a house on a market that they crashed.

Gen X are just the same meatbag NPC drones as boomers.

There is still no reason to be in your 20's living with your parents.

Yes there fucking is. Recession you dumb fucktard.

The economy in the US is booming, jobs everywhere. Get a roommate or 2, stop being a pussy dude no girl wants a guy that still lives with mama.

I am not from US tho. Live here is impossibly hard, and you have people living with parents until 30.

That is just pathetic I'm sorry, my origins are latin as well but I just cannot respect that. Grown ass middle age adults living at home. Reminds me of mamas boy italians.

This is not muhrica you tard.

>There is still no reason to be in your 20's living with your parents.

Bruh, I can sit here and type out 10 different reasons why. Just because you left before or at 20 doesn't mean everyone else can. Use your head and think for once, rather than kneejerk a dickhead answer out of your shriveled cock.

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>all this bitching because capitalism
eh, you'll all figure it out someday....

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Anyone that is not retarded or useless can get an entry level $10/hr job and move in a house with 2 other guys and rent a room out. Or get a roommate in a 2bdrm apartment. Stop being a pussy.

But not in Europe you utter retard. Except swedistan mabye.

Just because they can does not mean it makes sense to do so. I didn't leave the house until I was 22 because I was finishing up Uni. My parents lived right around the corner from it so it made far more sense to live with them than to pay out my ass for an apartment or on campus housing. They felt it was reasonable so long as I made good grades. Doesn't that sound reasonable user? DOESN'T IT???????

And guess what? It made plenty of sense at the time and it still does. This is just one example of many that can be made that makes your whole "Man up" thing just stupid. I'm no pussy, I did what made sense. Maybe you should do what makes sense and think about others situations before calling them pussies.

youre fucking 20 years old

>25 still at home

Should I just fucking kill myself or what? There's not much hope, is there?

agree with this user

unironically (especially if you have moved out before) living with ur parents during uni is the "manly" option

living at youre own place where you can get high all day and do nothing with no one to keep u accountable while you make

live on the streets

user, you know its too late for most of them

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I am 25yo too, and am currently going to uni but living with parents.

I left college and came back home for a while and was depressed as well. You will get over it in a few years, why not get a part time job at subway or something then quit in 3 months? It will be way better than sitting at home wallowing in your mood.

I have a useless degree. I'm having a harder and harder time of seeing why I should exist. I see people out there living and it makes me miserable knowing I'll never have that happiness