Im trapped and I live in a cursed life in a small town...

im trapped and I live in a cursed life in a small town. its miserable here everyones mean and there's no one to hang out with or anything everyones just grumpy mean and pissed off and theres nothing to do

every time I try to leave. no matter what I do im stuck here living the same shit life no matter what. I find a job something goes wrong. I find a way to save up money something goes wrong. I find people to stay with something goes wrong. I save up thousands of dollars and something still goes wrong. no matter how I find a way out something always goes wrong like its just written in the stars for me to be here and be sad. my life is literally the same day over and over again on repeat

I dont ask for much

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There is always something to do. If cant find anything to do in small towm you wont find anything to do in large city

shut the fuck up its 2 empty roads and a railroad tracks how the FUCK is this not more boring then nyc. are you retarded

Being bored is a natural state for a human being, there is nothing wrong with being bored.

I want to kill myself every day for not just getting on a bus and going to be homeless

I've lived in SF and Portland and felt for years that every day was basically a repeat, with a few special days mixed in. That's just life. It's tough, but it's worth it for the rare moments.

there's literally n o fun out here or anything fun or good

Just walk out of town and don't come back, retard. The only reason you are still there is because you want to be.

im in legal trouble its because no matter what i do life finds a way to trap me here

Then wait for the legal trouble to end and move. Stop acting like such a special snowflake, you are far too insignificant for the world to specially fuck over.

Just deal with it, its normal

no it really does there was literally nothing that could have stopped me from leaving except for that and it happened

no way its pure coincidence. no fucking way. there's something evil following me around or some shit

Yeah, but like he said, wait for it to end and then move if you want to move. Even if you're on parole for 20 years or some crazy shit, you can at least request to move.

t r a n s f e r

There's this other user in another thread who wants to switch places with you, and make a movie about it

This is what? The 60th thread you've made?

You fucked up.

Kill yourself.


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I wish I could just trade places but my life sucks. even if there was a way to do that life would just come down and ruin it somehow it always finds a way

That's "magical thinking". You might very well get shit on by life more than the average person. Half of all people get shit on by life more than the average, after all. But life won't

oops, continued:
always find a way to ruin it somehow. The universe doesn't care about you any more than anyone else, it's all just a pattern of physical laws rippling into the future, creating reality as it goes. But you're a pattern to. Currently, as you say, you're trapped in a loop, you hate your own pattern. Well the only thing you can do is try your best to change it.

literally every time I find a solution it just gets sealed up from every angle possible and I get kicked in the face. I have no rational way to explain it anymore

Ignore him. He got histrionic personality disorder. He's made a hundred threads about the same shit looking for a pity party where he only talks about how destiny is out to get him and cant take any blame himself.

He got behind the wheels of a car while high as shit, a week before he was supposed to move from his town and got busted. Now he cant go anywhere for 6 months or something and all he does is sit around sulking and blaming everything beside his own stupid white trash ass.

If you try to give him advice on how he can improve the situation, he will brush it off and blame fate.

Dont even bother.

>6 months
>implying god and the universe isn't going to find a way to keep me here forever

if leaving was even a potential possibility soon I wouldn't be here. I was destined to be sad

Well I don't have much moral support to offer, but I can maybe offer specific advice if you explain your situation, what you don't like about it and want to change, what you do like and want to maintain, what you've tried before, why and how it failed, etc. etc.

There's only so much you can otherwise say to someone who says "I'm trapped in my boring life and everything I've tried to change it fails".

I live in the middle of the woods with no resources whatsoever and im trying to transfer my shit to the bigger city in my state so my life isn't hopeless anymore

What exactly is "no resources whatsoever". You're homeless, have no money or job to your name, no car, no skills or talents, etc? How old are you? Do you have clean enough clothes to appear in a job interview? Do you have any friends or even acquaintances in any other city or even larger town?

Housing is going to be your biggest challenge moving to a big city. If you have no savings, and you are unable to line up a job before you move, you're at high risk of becoming homeless. Research shelters and hostels beforehand and know full well that's a scary and dangerous world to enter, filled with drug addiction, mental illness, and people looking down on you for your very presence. You'll need to be careful to maintain your appearance (at least one clean, presentable set of clothes and basic hygiene for yourself), otherwise you'll have almost no chance of getting a job. Research food banks and other low income and homeless resources beforehand too.

And also, you shouldn't think of moving as something that will make your life not "hopeless anymore". It's easy to be depressed and hopeless in a city too. What you need to do is have specific goals, build a vision for your future. You need to look at what's realistically possible, create a plan to achieve your goals, then execute it, being resilient and adjusting at every step of the way as best you can.

I also suggest looking simultaneously at your "large scale" life and your "small scale" life. Your day-to-day habits (brushing teeth, exercise, drug use & addiction, cleanliness, cooking and diet, etc) and just as important to your mental well-being as your long term trajectory (moving plans, career, acquiring and practicing new skills, love life, etc).

no I have money and a good way to make money but no resources outside that and im in legal trouble thats literally raping my ass hole into a wide gap

I know the city isn't a magic cure but I just want to go do stuff once in awhile not need to drive 3 hours whenever I need something and be able to have friends and shit. I know the city sucks but I just want something anything and normal people

If you have money and a good way to make money (and it sounds like a car and license?), then you're not at all in a bad position. Violent crime is a much bigger stain on your record than a DUI / drug charge.

And cities certainly do have more opportunities, activities, and people in closer proximity, but I'd suggest you try to make than an even more concrete goal. "I want to meet more people and make friends" will only happen, even in a city, if you take tangible steps to make it happen. Go to hobby meetups, concerts, bars, parks, etc and try to make friends. Talk to X new people each week and try to get to something deeper than small talk. Pick up your own hobbies, skills, and habits that help make you a fun person to be around. Etc, etc. It's easy to feel isolated in a city - people are used to ignoring each other because if everyone acknowledged or interacted with everyone they met it would consume all their time and energy. You have to take the initiative to pierce through that.

no I lost my license when I got arrested im completely fucked now. if I move to the city I can ride a train and shit here and there's nothing and we have some of the coldest winters in the world so there's nothing I can do.

I dont just want to move to meet friends im just so god damn lonely and I want to be able to say I did something with my life besides walked around shitty small towns with nothing in them but gas stations and pizza huts and everyone here all acts the same. they're all argumentive, constantly bragging about whatever they can, they have a lack of empathy bordering on mental insanity and everyone is your typical poor person there's no chill normal people here and its a worse small town environment then most small towns. its so small and isolated I cant describe it

Well, I don't have a license either and am 26 years old, lived in cities most of my life. It'll be annoying and a pain in the ass not to be able to drive sometimes, but many, many people deal with exclusively using public transit. And if you're making enough money you can use Uber or whatever too.

You can still move to a city; money and ability to earn money are the two most important things for not ending up homeless.

yeah theres no uber here theres a honkey tonk bus that comes to my twice a day but the times are set in stone there's no way to really use it to work a job or anything and there's definetely no uber out here or anything. looks like its rides from my parents everywhere I go as an adult until I kill myself

No, I meant there will be Uber if you move to a big city. Small town with no license is legitimately shitty.

yeah I know im fucked. idk if ill be able to move. I have to work around this legal bull shit and there's just so many chances for the word "no" to come up that based on my previous luck I already know is very probable to happen

They only thing you can do is try your best. If you decide you're going to fail no matter what, you are deluding yourself and are way more likely to sabotage yourself.