What you up to tonight druggies?
/Drugfeels/ Manic Monday Edition
got fucking groovied out on some lsd some days ago
now smoking ciggies until i get weed
I have dreams every night now about taking various drugs. I have dreamt about taking dmt, lsd, codeine, and marijuana.
me too but if i smoke weed and dont actually have any at home i wake up because i realize it cant be real.
Get offered free drugs but say NO.
It's not like I'll fit in doing drugs with you guys.
Guys... should i get a gram and half of coke, and lock myself away? I already did 2.5 grams and started sneezing blood on saturday
the government is watching me
Not doing drugs tonight, buckaroo!
>manic Monday edition
Geeze, you're telling me. Any other bipolar anons go a lil manic from being upset today? I held it together, but it's just so draining. What do you guys self medicate your mental issues with? Booze and DUDE for me.
Those dreams are always fun, but waking up and realizing you didn't actually trip is a little disappointing haha.
Erb& methadone. Daily for yrs. Caffeine & nicotine, daily for yrs. Bout it for now, boring.
Doing dabs and playing vidya with the lads. What are y'all up to
on the fence about taking a dose of lsd, probably shouldn't do it if i've been unsure for hours now.
What's some good music for tripping?
>has lsd
>doesn't take it immediately
fuck you
Do it. I am.
take it easy to avoid psychosis
yeah man, nothings good ever come from taking lsd while bored
Found a good poppy seed plug on ebay in the middle of the Sincerely Nuts drought, came in today and they're fire. So relieved. I was going way too hard on booze and klonopin to deal with the acute opiate wds when I ran out of poppy seeds.
Good vibes to yall, stay safe
yall ever just let the sunshine in
how much per lb?
I've stopped taking my depression meds again so I can take LSD...
kratom m8
if all goes well it will be more effective than any meds could ever be.
side effects might include looking like pic rel
I took about 3 grams of shrooms last night and it kinda freaked me out. It was a strange sense of terror though I felt really good. That must be the impending doom I hear people talking about. I also felt pretty cold through the trip but mainly because it's cold outside, even though I still was when I got home.
The method I used was to put the ground up mushroom into lemon juice and take it like a shot. I know that this method is supposed to increase the effects a lot so I used it on purpose because I had taken over an eighth about 5 days ago and shroom chocolates for the first time 3+ weeks ago.
I took the shot and ate a couple full mushrooms I soaked in there right before my friend picked me up to go out to the Indian Rez to buy cigarettes, gas, and a new bowl then smoke. We got to the Indian truck stop anout 40 minutes later and I went in to buy a tea and cigs. I still didn't feel anything just a little out of place and shakey because the chills were starting. After our shopping trip, we drove down some country roads to get to the "party road" where you can pull off and smoke. It was a lot of fun driving back there (I was in the back seat alone, my buddies brother was shotgun) even though some trucks would ride our ass and that made me feel like we were being chased. We got to the smoking road and parked in a spot then we got out to pee and smoke cigs even though it was pretty cold out. When we got back in the car my friend put on smoke music, a band called Ween, and we smoked weed and just shot the shit.
I was feeling really good at this point like my other two shroom trips but still wasn't tripping that hard, but right after smoking it really hit me. I was trying to figure out the name of another song when my mind went crazy realizing something about how I repeat instantly in my head everything I hear and started to get that doom feeling. I just got out of the car and tried to smoke but could not find my lighter. I started to pace around
Are they a bad mix?
took some LSD a few days ago now just chilling with weed, benzo wds are going smoothly for once
SSRIs are a bad mix with most drugs
nice diary entry, fag
so im so fucking god
SSRIs affect the same area of the brain affected by LSD, so you get no visuals and barely any feelings even at heroic doses.
i love how many people are trying lsd out
Gonna be my first time tonight.
Will keep y'all updated.
You can still trip on an SSRI, that's not the issue. The issue is that you may get serotonin syndrome which can even be deadly.
im really bored and emotionless when i'm not on heroin or alcohol or any other drug
it's not 2004. stop listening to korn
please do
me too
>tfw ywn be a greasy high schooler who listens to korn with his sleezeball friends while smoking shitty weed and drinking beer your friend stole from his dad.
No druggies for me tonight lads.
In rehab for IV heroin/coke-crack/meth
Fried my brain from ages 13-16 using hallucinagens daily like ketamine, acid, shrooms, dxm, dph, 2cb,2ci etc...
Sad thing is I'm only 21 n I been shooting dope since I was 17
Don't do drugs kiddies
Is it wise to offer a normie girl some drugs as a dating opportunity?
I did this in high school before and it worked, but in this age of "rape culture" I feel like a girl would just freak out if I said "you wanna come to my place and trip?"
How the fuck do you "fry your brain" on psychedelics? There's no evidence they do anything of ths sort
he couldnt handle it
he fried himself
why are "gotten clean" posters always such assholes?
I mean if he was also doing ketamine, dxm, and meth daily it was probably those desu. People just like to blame psychedelics because it fits the narrative they've been fed by pop culture and government propaganda.
Weed and vodka im not very original I know
presentation situation
>when you peak on acid you dropped at 1am just as the sun is rising
Nada, I can still function normally but I have a completely altered state of reality (not the type you want from hallucinagens) where it's made me very distant and not really identifying with my "self" as most people do. And obviously neither of you have gone on a 8 month dxm run, everyday use of that shit along with other dissociatives like K and dph, is not like taking acid or shrooms daily. Those things are not "psychodelics" they are dissociative and delerients. Not healthy for your brain. I'm not attributing any of this too acid or mushrooms as I believe they are a completely fine to use in moderate usage.
Say I want to hang out with a girl, and I needed a reason to spend a lot of time with her in the privacy of my apartment or here. Would it be wise to offer an acid trip to her?
There's this part in my mind telling me that it sound rapey... like the purpose of the "date" is literally us getting drugged up.
meant to respond to maybe weed would be the better option, but weed shows up on drug tests while acid won't show up on most
You left out the 8 hours of falling through infinite blackness afterwards when you try to get to sleep.
I love lsd but christ do you need to schedule around it.
I'm not saying don't use drugs responsibly, I wish I could do that my man. I'm not trying to be an asshole about it at all, this isn't my first rehab or the first time I "got clean" and trust me it probably won't last that long. All I'm saying is when you use drugs as an escape from reality, and have the disease of addiction, it can royally fuck your life up. All I'm saying is be careful.
im 23 and i still do that except for the stealing patt or the dad part
>not really identifying with my "self" as most people do
you should attribute this to acid and shrooms. as i said, you couldnt handle what they thought you
And I never once said I fried my brain on psychodelics. Most of the drugs I listed fall under dissociatives and delerients, or just research chemicals. maybe using acid and shrooms in conjunction with those did something but I doubt it, as I still frequently use shrooms, lsd and lsa.
Copped a half oz of weed off the deep web without even tumbling my bitcoins. I just transferred them from coinbase to an offline wallet.
Kinda worried about it. Waiting for it to show up now I guess.
>do molly with roommates
>we all open up and tell how much we love and respect each other
>come down the next day
>been feeling like I was too high, that I was making a fool of myself being too touchy, that they aren't gonna want to do molly with me again
Why am I so insecure? Why can't I just enjoy a good thing when it happens to me?
if she ever took lsd before she will be in instantly my dude. also people are degenerate these days.still its all about presentation. if you are a kind of laid back hippie dude it wont sound rapey but more romantic
I took 600ug a few days ago, It was crazy the light on my cleaning was god, and he made me name a kid he was going to have with me, even though I was a dude. tfw turns out the name I made for the kid was me all along, and I was god. alone in the universe forever erasing my memory and living out another life only remembering I was god when I die forever. then I got stuck on discord and assumed everyone talking on it was just me, in my mind. it was a wild night lads. I'll never forget the name "Ever white" and how god pretty much raped me.
My guy they can teach you whatever they want, they can completely crack the ego, or they can inflate it exponentially as it seems happened to you. "You just couldn't handle it" you sound like an egomaniac, you don't know me at all beyond a wall of text. My original post was just meant to be a warning to kids who think "le acid will make me enlightened" meme. If you do no spiritual work or have any understanding of what's going on in such an elevated state of consciousness it won't do shit for you, except put you in a hole as it did for me at such a young age. What I do now and how I experience my drugs is entirely different from when I was 13 my guy, and the fact you think "you just couldn't handle it" is a substitute to kids facing actual psychiatric consequences (I've seen it many times) your more delusional than I am.
also was naked on the floor in my bathroom at my peak for a few hours anyone could of found me
The whole trip in general was kind of gay desu
Korn is awesome. Whoever says otherwise is a fag.
we all know that feelio
Let the journey begin. You guys are my trip sitters for the night.
I've never tumbled. You'll be fine. Especially with something like weed.
if anyone is interested in CGMC invite codes, respond with an email address (a new one, obviously)
it's the best DMN for weed and it has some shroom stuff too
i got 49 invite codes, so don't be shy. they don't care about how shitty my invited users are unlike private trackers.
You a longtime buyer? What markets do you cop from?
Is it worth jerking off whilst on LSD is it just a waste of time?
i love getting high and headbanging so hard you get a headache
worth it shit is hype
I can never do it, I end up going to slow and end up too high to even cum, it becomes impossible on highdoses
>had a cold for 2 weeks
>Try to smoke weed
>Cough up a fucking storm
I just want this to end.
Well worth it, like a cum from the soul.
Boy have you made a mistake
It is fucking amazing. Blows joing on alcohol and weed out of the water. You can last forever and the feeling is like you are constantly about to cum but don't, for literal hours, when you do cum the orgasm is next level. I recommend jerking off to hentai or doujinshi. Though I've only done it on a tab, seems like it would be a lot more difficult on a higher dose.
Currently waiting for more 1p and my first onahip to arrive, then I am going to break this nofap streak (currently 2 weeks) and cum through multiple dimensions.
I got 5 lbs for $80 free shipping
I wish my opiod tolerance was still low enough that it would do it for me :(
i miss 3-meo-pcp. i have no self control so i'll probably never touch the stuff again. just take kratom now to keep myself occupied
I've been considering making cannabis tea recently but I don't know if it's worth the effort compared to just smoking it. Anyone here tried it? What's it like?
bought some 1P-LSD online. It came this last thursday and I had to try it immediately. Tripped from 9pm to 6am. The first half of the trip was fantastic, helped me realize my place in the great scheme of things. The last half or so starting around 2am I just wanted to sleep but I was too connected lol.
Where can I buy shit like valium or better without leaving the house
doesn't really work unless you're mixing in a potent tincture. better off just smoking it especially if you don't have a lot extra to spare
drinking tonight, sorry drug bots. I think I have a serious weed addiction so sunday night I smoked a bowl and I'm resolved not to smoke again until 4/20 2019. I miss having dreams. I miss having lung capacity. I'm worried about the effects of isolating myself to smoke has done to my life.
how much ug? is that shit any different from regular lsd and such?
Everything feels amazing.
My shower curtain was rippling like the ocean.
Has anyone ever done lean just want to know I won't take some just to know what it is like
lmao >lean underage out desu
Only smoking weed, been doin about an oz a month, now that my country legalized it, I gotta slow down, it cost more now.
>Ill stick to the black market as long as I can :cCCCCCCCCCCCC
How long does cannabis oil high last under the tongue?
Pic related
Man, my tolerance is like nothing.
Can take a tiny hit from the bong and get thoroughly chonged.
happy days
Why do we rape the earth?
because she dresses like a whore
The site I had it from was about 100ug per tab, which I beleive converts to about 85ug per tab of LSD in your disgestion. I took 150ug which converted to probably 120.
I noticed no discernible difference between 1p and real LSD though I understand the 1p can make acid buldup in your stomach for some people causing slight discomfort to nausia, but a tums should fix that right up desu
Anyone have experience with mdma and alchohol mixed? Should i just pop the tab by itself or get piss drunk as well throughout the night
Everything is so beautiful.
I'm gonna do it senpaitachi.
>one fat bowl of cheap sativa
>1 pill of 5mg zyprexa
>one whole chug of black coffee
>fap twice for an hour each sesh
I haven't done it in weeks
For those who have consumed psychotropic substances excluding weed, how do you calm yourself if you begin having an unpleasant experience?
I've done some devils lettuce and I've had some pretty bad panic attacks but if I manage to calm down it's Bliss. Usually I wash down a joint with vodka and I get the same serenity? I imagine if you've done stronger stuff you'd have it down to a science. I really want to stick to weed since it's safe and I won't get anything I don't want.
all you gotta do...is not be a lil bitch brah
you're not a lil bitch... are you, user?
I tear up when people yell at me. I guess I'd say i'm a little sensitive.
Get some saline nasal spray and start using it afterwards
desu mdma does make a person pretty cringy in terms of how much they turn lovey dovey with others but if the other people were on it as well i dont think they care and they understand